Men’s Tennis Has a Successful Week in Centennial Conference Match Ups
The Dickinson College men’s tennis team started off with a difficult start to the season but have made an incredible turn around since then. The men have found success throughout many conference matches. The past three matches that occurred Wednesday, April 10 against Gettysburg, Saturday, April 13 against Ursinus, and Tuesday, April 16 against Muhlenberg have resulted in 9-0, 8-1, and 6-1 victories for the men of Dickinson.
Each of the matches against Gettysburg was an exciting win for the men. The men went undefeated in the area of doubles. Derek Chen ’19 and Justin Pace 22 won the top flight with an 8-6 victory. Sam Coan ’22 and Leonid Sorkin ’22 found victory in the second flight, and Joey Bolanos ’21 and Andrew Lai ’22 won the third flight. Both sets of doubles found 8-3 wins. The men found the same success in singles, sweeping the matches across the board.
Ursinus was the next match up that occurred in a similar fashion. Although the Red Devils did not have a complete sweep across the board, they only gave up one point which was an incredible success. The one point was lost in a doubles match by only one point. Chen and Pace again won the top flight and both won their set in terms of singles.
The most recent match against Ursinus was also a success for the men. Coan and Sorkin claimed a win in the second-place doubles flight and found victory in the top two singles flights. Chen and Pace also found victory in their singles flights and battled in the top place for doubles.
Many players have an optimistic look onto the rest of the season and the direction it is going in, “We are getting better and better after each match asserting dominance in conference once again. I’m confident that we’ll be on top in the near future” commented Bolanos in looking at how the season is progressing and how it is going to continue into the final matches.
This match brought the men to 6-8 on the season and 3-2 in the conference. We wish the men luck in a long weekend as they start the run of many matches against first Washington Colege this Thursday, April 25 for another Centennial Conference match up and the last home match of the season. The men will compete in their final match of the saeson against Johns Hopkins Saturday, April 27 where they will hope to finish the season with a strong victory from all players.