Movie Review: The Town

Ben Affleck has had quite the rollercoaster of a Hollywood career. Good Will Hunting was the first indication that the man had acting chops, not to mention fine writing ability. However, after a series of critically disastrous films (Pearl Harbor, Gigli, Daredevil, Jersey Girl, Surviving Christmas) in the mid-2000’s, Ben became somewhat of a laughingstock among the producers and directors of the day. In the words of one producer, “he was box office poison!” Running out of options, Affleck began to steer the quickly sinking ship that was his career by deciding that he would focus on directing, rather than starring, in films – and what a phenomenally prudent decision that turned out to be, as, surprising as it may seem, Affleck has an incredible aptitude for directing and a fine eye for storytelling. That’s right folks, the man now known for reinventing the iconic role of Batman also happens to be one of the best directors in the business today.
The Town is a brilliant crime-thriller that is based on the actual neighborhood of Charlestown in Boston, MA, an area notorious for its production of a specific type of criminal: bank robbers. With breakout performances from all characters – especially Jeremy Renner, who was nominated for his performance for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ – the film shows exactly how much can go right when car-chase scenes and action sequences are slickly cut, dialogue is taut and not wasteful, and the plot and pacing are fluid but not rushed. Ben Affleck really shows his Bostonian roots, with the screenplay and sets as gritty and quintessentially Irish as the performances themselves (not to mention the Bostonian accent, which is used to full effect here – thankfully, the result is an authentic and believable depiction of Boston and its inhabitants).
Affleck perfectly captures the conflict of a man who is struggling to shed his shady past and move on to a more fulfilling life, and protecting those he grew up with and loves very dearly. With enough action to satisfy the most die-hard action fanatics, as well as enough romance to keep the rom-com lovers from leaving the room, The Town is an incredibly well-made Boston-based suspense thriller that deserves a second looking from even the most skeptical rom-com lovers. I count myself as part of the latter, and am grateful I gave the film a shot. You should too.