Club Spotlight: Swing Club

For students who enjoy dancing and still need to fulfill their gym requirements, Swing Dance Club is always looking for new members.

Every Monday and Wednesday, the Swing Dance Club meets from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the HUB dance studio. A local instructor gives a lesson at each of these meetings and the lessons focus on different types of swing dancing:

“It’s not just for the 1920’s Charleston and Jazz crowd, we learn different styles from that era to many modern moves,” said Emmy Weaver ’17, club president.

In addition to the lessons offered twice a week, the club also holds events that are not exclusively intended for club members. According to Weaver, these events include trips to dances in the surrounding area and on-campus Swing Dance Riots, which include a live band and free lesson. In addition to the three Swing Riots hosted by the club and funded by Student Senate, there are seven events yearly held off-campus.

“Swing dancing is a great and easy way to get involved on campus and meet new people,” said Weaver. “No experience or partner is necessary and it is a great way to keep active without going to the gym or an aerobic class.”

Although the reasons for joining vary from having danced previously to being encouraged by friends, members have agreed that Swing Dance Club is a great way to get active and meet new people.

“I enjoy it because I’ve had a small background in dance for most of my life and wanted to continue dancing in a new way. I do enjoy the Jazz culture of some of the styles, and I’ve met many of my closer friends through this club,” said Weaver.

“Swing club is a great way to relax for an hour, have fun and just take a break from your classes. You get to move around and meet some great people. You definitely don’t need to have any dance background of really any music background either to have a lot of fun,” said Katie Pollack ’17. “I joined swing club fall of my freshman year because a friend said I should try it once, and I’ve been going ever since. It was so much fun to just dance and learn new things and it quickly became something I looked forward to going to each week.”

For anyone who is interested in joining, the club will be holding their Spring Swing Riot on April 17 from 7 p.m. to midnight in the HUB Social Hall. Live music will be provided by the Boilermaker Jazz Band and a free lesson and refreshments will also be available. No partner or experience is necessary.