Red Hot Devil of the Week: Zach Peters ’19

Nicknames: Zach Attack, Peters

Favorite Color: Maroon

Major: Undeclared, considering Econ

Involved in on campus: Octals, ROTC, Part time job at the Snar.

From: Lynchburg, VA

Favorite Movie Genre: Comedy

Superpower: Not having to sleep

Perfect 1st date: Horseback Riding in the mountains.

Zach would like everyone to know that he slept with a stuffed hippo he got at a yard sale when he was 5 through high school. In his free time, Zach likes to go to the gym and listening to music, country when driving and classical for homework. Zach has lived in Europe for most of his life and loves to travel. Zach REALLY likes to chew gum, like, he chews an absurd amount. Zach is super friendly so make sure if you see him to give a smile and wave and make sure to ask for a piece of gum.