Fashion Column: Nadia Shahab Diaz ’21
Major: Intended Political Science
Hobbies: Horseback riding, writing in calligraphy, binge watching Netflix, singing and making friends
Fashion Inspirations: Zendaya and a senior, who went to her boarding school
Favorite Colors: Nadia’s favorite colors are dark reds like crimson and scarlet, but she usually wears neutral colors with a pop of color.
Favorite Pieces: Rompers and jumpsuits are Nadia’s favorite pieces of clothing. She also likes to wear long necklaces.
Favorite Stores: White House Black Market, Urban Outfitters and T.J. Maxx
Describing her fashion: Nadia would say her fashion varies. One day she could be dressed very elegantly and then the next day she could be dressed boho or comfortable.
Fashion Motto: “I’d rather be vain than hate myself again.”