Club Spotlight: Rosh Hodesh
In Hebrew, Rosh Hodesh translates to ‘head of the month,’ which Jewish women traditionally celebrated by gathering in groups and doing activities or just spending time together. Dickinson’s Rosh Hodesh Club is “Asbell’s all-female identifying club,” said Co-President Abby Israel ’20. “We just chill once a Jewish month.”
The Asbell Center website describe the Rosh Hodesh Club’s goal as “engag[ing] more students in a more casual setting.” The club holds events as close to Rosh Hodesh, or the beginning of the Jewish month, as possible to “check-in, socialize, make new connections in the community that may or may not have been there before,” continued Israel. “And we do that through a variety of events, usually involving food.”
This month, the Rosh Hodesh Club hosted “Pizza Grille and Chill,” where “all-female identifying students [were] welcome” at Asbell House for food order from Pizza Grille and to spend time with other students. Co-President, Rose Lang-Zalph ’21, called this event, “a success. We ran out of [food] and had to order more,” since so many people showed up.
Although the club is “run through the Asbell Center and Hillel,” said Lang-Zalph, the events are “for all female-identifying students in the Dickinson community … regardless of religion.”
For the next Rosh Hodesh event, there will be posters around campus, for which Israel said to “keep your eyes out.” Lang-Zalph seconded this saying that “there are fun things to come and some good free food,” adding that “100% of [Rosh Hodesh] events have free food.”