Club Spothlight: Spectrum

Spectrum, Dickinson’s queer/straight student alliance was founded in the spring of 2000, and is a group “devoted to political activism, raising awareness and public education on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues” according to the Dickinson College website. 

One does not have to identify as LGBTQ+ to join the club, one only needs to be interested in issues concerning LGBTQ+ people and care about celebrating diversity across Dickinson’s campus.

“I chose to join this organization, because I did not know many LGBTQ+ people before college. Spectrum introduced me to more people in the community and has offered me the opportunity to learn about other LGBTQ+ people’s stories,” Shante Toledo ’21, the treasurer of Spectrum, said. 

Spectrum has allowed LGBTQ+ students to connect with one another and promote LBGTQ+ rights on campus and in the community.

Aidan Pidgeon ’20 said, “I decided to join the exec board because I wanted to help support the community that had helped me to come into my own identity and grow closer to the LGBTQ+ community on campus.” 

Toledo also added that she enjoys the community aspect of Spectrum.

“My favorite thing about the organization is that I am able to socialize with other LGBTQ+ identifying people who I don’t see often outside of meetings, and discuss topics or current events related to the LGBTQ+ community,” Toledo said.

According to Spectrum’s constitution, “Spectrum is devoted to creating a safe and accepting atmosphere for all students on the Dickinson College campus. This goal will be pursued by planning social and informative activities for all members of the college community regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” They have upheld this by hosting events with the Office of LGBTQ services such as Bisexuality Awareness Day, LGBTQ History Month, National Coming Out Day, and Transgender Day of Remembrance, all of which are annual events. 

“My favorite thing about Spectrum is that it provides an unique space for and by LGBTQ+ students and allies to form a community and enjoy each other’s company. I’ve had the chance through Spectrum to meet some incredible people whom I might not have met otherwise!” Pidgeon said. 

Once a week, Spectrum hosts a club lunch in HUB side room 201 from 11:30-1:30 and has club meetings on Mondays at 8:30 in Kaufman 178. If you are interested in joining, email the club at [email protected].