Turning up the Heat at the Infernos Spring Concert

The Infernos, Dickinson’s “premier mixed voice a cappella group,” took the stage in the Anita Tuvin-Schlecter auditorium during a weekend of performances from music and dance groups on campus. The group put together a full-length concert after several shorter performances earlier in the semester.
The group sang “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac, “All For Us” by Labrinth and Zendaya, “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift, their alumni song, “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon and Garfunkel, and more. Arrangements of all of the songs were done by the talented Infernos members Christian Winter ’24, Matt Schaller ’22, Gabi Morichi ’25, Lexi Chroscinski ’22, and Katy Meta ’25.
The Infernos are always joyfully moving as they sing, but something different they incorporated during this performance was a bit of predetermined choreography. In “All For Us”, the group stood in several different formations, and the soloists Mai Le ’25 and Olivia DeStefano ’24 moved together along with the beat of the music. Evelyn Mace ’24 and Meta also danced around during their solos in “Telephone”, which added an element of lighthearted fun to the performance.
For senior solos, Hillel Finder ’22 sang part of a remix of “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Jackie Logstead ’22 sang “Happier Than Ever”, Lexi Chronscinski ’22 sang “Hammer”, and Matt Schaller ’22 sang “Enchanted”. Then, before the group’s last song, the senior Infernos members sang a rendition of “Hey There Delilah” thanking all of the underclassmen and saying how much they’d miss the group. The “Baby Ferns”, as the seniors called them, were all very tearful after that performance, which attests to the closeness of the group.
With four seniors leaving the Infernos after this year, the group is looking to recruit new members. At the back of their program the Infernos included this information about joining the group next semester: “Want to sing with us? We will be holding auditions for the Fall 2022 semester, and we want to hear from you! Stay tuned on our Instagram for more information, and keep an eye out for us at the activities fair, and feel free to reach out with any questions.”