Of every 21st century musical artist, I have an unmatched fondness for old Soulja Boy. If anything from the retrospectively-hilariously titled “iSouljaBoyTellem”emerges from my shuffled liked songs, you’ll hear it from my 2007 Toyota Highlande speakers within a 600-mile radius.
Naturally when I discovered TisaKorean a few years back, I fell in love. The Houston based artist puts an off-the-wall, experimental spin on a classic early late 2000’s sound, and it’s unbelievably fun.
Tisa’s newest album, “In Silly We Trust,” slams the exuberance and strangeness to the floor for a fascinating listen. The leadoff track, “gaGGin,” is just Tisa flipping out over a breakbeat for 37 seconds.
In classic TisaKorean fashion, it’s delightful. The highlight song on “In Silly We Trust” is “MiKeToMlln,” which features perennially underrated TiaCorine over a beat seemingly ripped from a Wii Sports Resort minigame. TisaKorean commands bouncy production on 1–2-minute bangers “sTrUt nAtIon,” “SiLlY SuRf,” “bEat uP dAt bOy” and “RoTaTe” through hysterical vocal range and room-filling adlibs.
The chopped vocals, catchy choruses and charming shock-value lyrics in “In Silly We Trust” produce a swagger that’s irreplaceable in contemporary rap music. I need this album played in the townhouses immediately! If “In Silly We Trust” doesn’t leave a goofy grin on your face, maybe see a doctor.