Greek Life Organizations Sponsor Philanthropy Events on Campus
Photo Courtesy of Matthew Quill ’19
“Dog Days” hosted by fraternity Delta Sigma Phi took place last Sunday, April 2.
Each year, the different Greek life organizations on campus organize philanthropic events for their chapters. This past week, “Dog Days,” hosted by Delta Sigma Phi fraternity and “Pie a Pi Phi,” hosted by Pi Beta Phi sorority, took place to benefit Susquehanna Service Dogs and The Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation, respectively.
“Dog Days,” which took place on Sunday, April 2, garnered approximately 80 attendees and raised over 160 dollars. D Sig also hosted this event in November of last year.
“As philanthropy chair [of Delta Sigma Phi] last semester I decided to try and bring this event to Dickinson,” stated Matthew Quill ’19. “We were fortunate to be able to partner up with the Dog House who had some great ideas and not to mention the service dogs featured at the event.”
Delta Sigma Phi also hosted a blood drive last semester for the American Red Cross, and Polar Bear Plunge this semester to benefit the same organization.
“It was nice to be able to organize an event with the people in Carlisle,” stated Vinny Palladino ’17, alumni relations chair of Delta Sigma Phi. “Pairing with the Bosler Memorial Library was really beneficial for us and the American Red Cross because it allowed to not only pull in students from Dickinson College but also people of the town to help a great cause.”
“Pie a Pi Phi,” an April 4 event, attracted 100 people and raised over 400 dollars. This event is also held in the fall semester.
“This [Pie a Pi Phi] is one of our favorite events because everyone in Pi Phi as well as those outside of our sorority have a chance to get involved and raise money for a good cause,” shared Lana Feteiha ’19, vice president of philanthropy for Pi Beta Phi.
Fraternity Phi Delta Theta is hosting their annual golf tournament towards the end of the spring semester, held at Rich Valley golf course to benefit ALS research and efforts. In both semesters, Phi Delt hosts Ice-A-Phi, an ice bucket challenge, also benefiting ALS, according to Philanthropy Chair Billy Burger ’19.
Brother of Phi Delta Thet Graham Klimley ’19 stated, “The Golf Tournament is a day where our brothers come together and have a great time doing something for a great cause!” and Jake Walbert ’19 called it, “a fun and entertaining way to raise money.”
Pi Beta Phi and Phi Delta Theta will co-host “The Phi’s Give You Wings” on April 21, a wing eating competition. According to Feteiha, the event is open to anyone interested in entering.
Delta Nu sorority has hosted and participated in several philanthropic events so far this academic year, and has more coming towards the end of the semester as well.
In the fall, DNu hosted “Dishes for Delta Nu,” in which sisters bake dishes and collect donations from restaurants leading up to a dinner-style event for which students could purchase tickets. DNu raised over $2,000 for Safe Harbour. On April 20, Delta Nu will be hosting “Best of Dickinson,” a “pageant style event based on talent,” according to Sarah “Sally” Matlock ’18, president of Delta Nu. The proceeds for this event also go to Safe Harbour.
“Delta Nu’s are encouraged to attend the other sororities’ events like KKG’s [Kappa Kappa Gamma] “Lip-sync,” PBP’s [Pi Beta Phi] “Apollo Night,” and KAO’s [Kappa Alpha Theta] cupcake fundraiser,” Matlock continued.
Sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma has also held multiple charity events this semester, including Kappa Kisses, where the sisters packaged Valentine’s Day gifts to benefit YWCA and Reading is Key, in which over 400 books were donated to Letort Elementary school. According to Hallie Winkler ’19, philanthropy chair of KKG, the sorority hosted “Kappachino” on Wednesday, April 5, and will continue to host this event every Wednesday for the rest of the month of April.
Sorority Sigma Lambda Gamma has been hosting Gamma Week from April 3-9. The proceeds from all of the events, such as bake sales, are going to “TRiO” outreach programs. This program supports students from disadvantaged backgrounds, according to their website. Additionally, the Gammas will also be sponsoring the writing of letters that will be sent to breast cancer survivors.
Sigma Lambda Beta fraternity works with the “It’s On Us” campaign, hosting events that raise awareness and money for the sexual assault prevention organization, according to President Madainn “Jonah” Krall ’17.
Sorority Kappa Alpha Theta is hosting Cupcake Wars for CASA on April 27 during common hours on Britton, according to President Elizabeth Smith ’18.
More details about these events can be found on the Dickinson College website and by reaching out to the organizations directly.
Fraternities Kappa Sigma and Kappa Alpha Psi did not respond to inquiries by print time.