Missing Seal Receives Repairs

In response to the college seal’s disappearance prior to winter break, students have noticed its absence and theorized different explanations, however the seal has been removed for repairs and will not return until the weather gets warmer.

Associate Vice President for Campus Operations Kristen Kostecky explained that the seal was removed because “it was warped and created a tripping hazard. It was sent out for repair and is now back at facilities.” 

Students have expressed that they think it is strange that there has not been any explanation from the college as to the whereabouts of the seal. 

Chris Harrison ’21 said that it was weird that the seal was missing, since he could not remember hearing anything official about it being removed. 

Sayahn Mudd ’21 had similar thoughts. “Honestly, when I first saw it, I thought it was stolen. And now that there hasn’t been an official response from the college, it feels a lot more plausible. That’s the symbol of the college. It’s weird not seeing it there” he said. 

Without an official answer, some students have tried to think of reasons and theories as to the seal’s disappearance. “I thought that it was far too risky for someone to have taken it,” said Anna Burke ’22. “Up until now, I thought that the school was cleaning it or something.” 

Arianne Lilley ’22 theorized, “Well, it was taken right before finals, so I thought beforehand that they took it out so no one could step on it by accident and fail.”