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The Dickinsonian

The student news site of Dickinson College.

The Dickinsonian

The student news site of Dickinson College.

The Dickinsonian

Looking back on the year and looking forward

This past school year for me personally has been hectic to say the least. Despite that, The Dickinsonian has continued into this crazy year with what I see as great successes.


Over the past year, we printed 11 issues – five in fall, six in spring. Due to budget issues, we had to print less than we did before. In spite of this, I have felt very proud of the work that our team has done this year. The reactions I heard from across campus brought me so much joy and made me so thankful when someone said “That was such a good story” and I got to talk about one of our writers by saying “Right? They’re such a good writer and I can’t wait to see what else they write.”


Going into next year, there are some things I would love to see for the paper. I feel that we could always find new ways for people to get involved, whether that be comics, games, business or any other ideas people may have for the news world. If any of these ideas peak your interest, or you have any of your own ideas, come by our writers meeting next year!


I also want to thank our editors from this year who will be taking other positions in the paper or going abroad – Grace Morrison, Kimberly Tyson, Ben Warren, Evelyn Mullen Walsh and McKenna Anderson. Also, a special thank you to the Simon to my Garfunkel, the Woody to my Buzz Lightyear, the Mario to my Luigi – Lauren David – who will be graduating this semester. All of the contributions to the paper you all have made over the years have been amazing, and I can not wait to see what you all do going forward.


I’m also excited to welcome our new editors for next year – some returning to the editorial board, and some new. Eleanor Nolan is returning from abroad to be Co-Editor-in-Chief, as are Gwen Teeling and Adam Mast as Managing Editor and Opinion Editor respectively. Disma Ferrante and Ben Gurwitch will also continue as editors in News and Sports respectively. Finally, Aïssata Koné and Fatima Valseca Aldana will be joining the paper as Life & Style and Web editors. I can’t wait to see what we, and our new and returning writers, accomplish next year!


Again, thank you to all of our writers, readers and fans. We love hearing your thoughts on the paper, and would love if you want to contribute in the future!

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About the Contributor
Walker Kmetz ’25
Walker is a junior political science major from Shavertown, Pa. and is one of the 2023-24 Co-Editors-in-Chief. They previously served as Life & Style Editor in 2022-23, and have been writing with The Dickinsonian since freshman year. Some of their favorite stories they've written include a profile on John E. Jones when he became Dickinson's president, attempts to bring back a special interest house for the African diaspora, and when John Fetterman spoke in Carlisle. Outside of The Dickinsonian, they are also involved with WDCV, Random Acts of Kindness and Dickinson Votes. In their free time, they love reading, finding new music, photography, and playing video games.

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