Environmental Clubs EnAct Changes

Dickinson students are well aware of how sustainability works across campus. There are Eco-Reps helping residents recycle, a water bottle tax in the Devil’s Den, a college farm where students can get their hands dirty and an entire center devoted to sustainability education. Dickinson’s Environmental Clubs, Earth-Now and SISA, aim to improve student interaction with both the environment and the campus community. However, the fate of these two student-run clubs is unknown as membership drops.

Normally it is involved first-years who manage to keep the clubs going. However, current club members suspect that specialized sustainability options across campus are drawing students away from these clubs. These clubs are worried that as Dickinson expands upon their sustainability efforts, there will be less involvement with the individual clubs, since students will likely have time-management concerns.

When involvement was low, Jackie Goodwin ‘17, president of Earth-Now, and Lexie Raczka ‘15, president of SISA, teamed up and created En-Act. Through the merging of these student-run clubs, there is the hope that more students will jump on the opportunity to become involved with sustainability on a personal level. Now called “EnAct,” this new club will provide the campus with a unified environmental club. EnAct will give students a chance to show their affinity for environmental activism and get involved with local food, thereby filling a niche that did not previously exist. EnAct provides students a chance to experience leadership roles and influence the community around them through environmental and social activism.

When asked why she got involved with Earth-Now, Eco-Rep Natalie Cassidy ’18 stated that she simply “wanted to dive straight into sustainability.” EnAct will still embody the beliefs of Earth-Now and SISA, allowing old members the chance to continue their work, and new members the opportunity to create something new.

On March 28,, En-act will host the Local Foods Dinner. EnAct will also host the previous club events such as harvest fest, weed ’n feed and service trips involved with sustainability. On top of all of these future events, EnAct will team up with a CSE Intern to coordinate the Energy Challenge, continuing Dickinson’s tradition of sustainability.

When asked who their club is ideal for, Goodwin stated, “We really need excited and passionate people.” Both Goodwin and Raczka hope that the group they formed will fit environmental efforts on campus, and that students will show interest in becoming involved.