Staying Body Positive through Winter Blues

Now that the throws of winter are here, it is easy to let the gloomy weather affect our attitudes. We are outside less because it is cold and damp, just overall grey and dreary. We are cooped up indoors writing papers, assignments, and, in my case, the formidable English thesis.

With all of the stress around us, our bodies take a toll. And because we feel angsty about our deadlines, we also become anxious and critical about other aspects of life, too. What does this all mean? The way we see our bodies also takes a toll.

It can be really easy to negatively critique our bodies, particularly this time of year. We may not have enough time as we would like to go to the gym, and cold days feel like the ideal time to curl up with comfort food. Those things are not problematic until they start affecting our psyches. It can be hard to look in the mirror after the inevitable weight that is gained over the winter months and still feel positive.

Even though it can be hard, keeping a body positive mindset is crucial to overall well-being. Body positivity does not mean that you will wake up every morning and suddenly love your body no matter what. But it does mean focusing on what your individual body can accomplish. It is so easy to get caught up in finding flaws and spots for improvement that we forget to stop and think of what our bodies can do.

Aesthetics aside, the human body is amazing. Just think: whenever you exercise and feel like you could not possibly complete one more rep or run one more mile, your body will help you accomplish that task. Your body tells you when you need to sleep and when you should rehydrate. It is reliable and trustworthy – how incredible is that?! It is easy to forget, but the human body is capable and worthy of respect.

We should all do our best to respect our bodies, whatever that means for us individually. Instead of comparing your body to another person’s, think of what you can do to feel healthy and good about yourself. Take walks, play an instrument, relax with friends – your body will appreciate the effort.

And moreover, be body positive. All bodies have beauty and deserve respect. Every body takes up space, which means that all bodies are (and everybody is) important.

Winter can get you into a slump, but that just means you have to fight back even more. Take the time you need for yourself to take care of and appreciate your body. Your body, your mind, and your overall attitude will thank you for it.