Caf Review: Rigatoni with Tomato Vodka Sauce



Although not my personal favorite pasta dish on campus, the Caf’s Rigatoni with Tomato Vodka Sauce always satisfies. The pasta was cooked well—not too soft but definitely not al dente—and the sauce tasted creamy but still flavorful. The addition of red peppers enhanced the tomato flavor, although I wish there were more of them overall.

Also, there was a bit of meat added to the pasta that was cold and dry, which did not fit with the rest of the dish. Even though it was meant to add a bit of flavor and texture to the meal, it ended up tasting extremely salty and throwing off the otherwise mild flavor of the dish. I think replacing the dry, salty meat with spicy sausage would give the pasta much better flavor without throwing off the texture of the dish.

Additionally, the sauce itself was tasty but also (in true Caf fashion) extremely oily. With the exception of the Caf Mac n’ Cheese, I am not a fan of noticeably oily sauces with my meals.

Despite having odd meat and a lot of excess oil, the Rigatoni with Tomato Vodka Sauce was satisfying, and I would consider eating it again the next time it is offered at the Caf, maybe even adding some protein of my own, such as the chicken or ham from the salad bar.