Athletics Moves to Student Life Department

Dickinson Athletics moved to the Student Life Department this year to unify athletics with the student body though no program changes have yet been made to accommodate that, said Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students George Stroud. 

“Other than the way we think about things programmatically, meaning how do we get [students] more involved,” Stroud said, “nothing really changes” regarding the transition, including budgeting and staffing.

“The thinking behind [the change], was to help marry the experiences that student-athletes and non-athletes were having to make sure they were having one Dickinsonian experience,” said Stroud.

Athletics was previously a department under Enrollment Management, but Stroud said the move has not affected recruitment. “The emphasis on recruitment is still just as big,” said Stroud, but “we have to find the other balance.” 

Stroud confirmed that there are no specific programs that have been put into effect to bring together student-athletes and the general student body, but events to increase “school spirit and school pride” are in the works, he said. 

“Student life is more about student engagement” than Enrollment Management is, said Stroud. “It was about fit.” 

Joel Quattrone, the director of Athletics, said there is an emphasis on supporting both student-athletes and non-athletes and “supporting the hard work put in by all the students.” 

Several student-athletes agreed they would like to see more student fans at games. Their disappointment in the lack of student support has been shared with the faculty members, said Quattrone. “Increasing school spirit is also a goal of the merger, and by having everyone [athletics and student life] in the same department, steps can be made to achieve that,” he said.

Captain of the Women’s Squash Team, Alanis Perez ’19, said she previously “had no idea athletics was even considered being moved,” but is “very excited to see how it will change the culture surrounding school spirit.” 

Student-athletes were informed of the transition in management for their teams at an all student-athlete meeting at the beginning of September. Coaches were informed last spring about the possible merge. 

During the assembly, both President Margee Ensign and Stroud talked to the student-athletes about their hope to increase student participation in not only athletics but also different organizations throughout the campus. Student-athletes were encouraged to attend not only each other’s games but other non-athletic school events. 

This is unique for division three student-athletes because they have the chance “to become engaged and to become involved with the other things going on around campus,” Stroud said. “It’s just a tremendous opportunity,” he said.

According to the head coach of the Women’s Lacrosse Team, Kim Masimore, the department is “empowering [the coaches] to do things on our own accord to help bridge the gap” between students and student-athletes. “There have been some productive meetings,” she said. 

Perez said, “hopefully the integration of varsity sports into student life’s responsibilities will make a difference with support throughout the season because there is no way to describe how great it is to be playing a match and look out and see student fans.”