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The student news site of Dickinson College.

The Dickinsonian

The student news site of Dickinson College.

The Dickinsonian

Board of Trustees events face protesters

Dickinson President John E. Jones III ’77 entering the Stern Center during protests of the Board of Trustees meeting.

Roughly 50 student protesters affiliated with the Dickinson College Coalition for Mutual Liberation organized outside of the Stern Center to protest today’s Board of Trustees meeting early Friday morning. The protest comes as the Coalition continues an encampment on Britton Plaza that began April 25 and community tension around political commentator and 2024 Commencement speaker Michael Smerconish continue to grow.

The protesters’ signs branded messages such as “No honorary degree for Smerconish” and “We demand a new scholarship fund for Palestinians,” which match with the Coalition’s demands made in an April 27 Instagram post by the group. Interactions between trustees and students were limited, mostly contained to pleasantries and small talk.

This is a developing story. Check back for more as this story continues.


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Walker Kmetz
Walker Kmetz, Life & Style Editor

Walker is a sophomore and the Life & Style Editor for the 2022-23 year. He is from Shavertown, Pa. and is majoring in political science. His favorite articles he’s written are on when John E. Jones became Dickinson’s President, and on the opening of the Trout Gallery exhibit Queering the Muse. Outside of The Dickinsonian, he works as an editorial assistant with Professor Cotten Seiler for the journal Transfers, and is a member of WDCV, Random Acts of Kindness, and Dickinson Votes. In his free time, he enjoys photography, listening to new music, and playing video games.

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