A Response to “Lacking a Compass”

Brendan Birth’s op-ed (Feb. 19 Lacking a Compass) called attention to the challenges faced when adopting a new content management system (CMS). Feedback during times of change is important and I appreciate that Brendan took the time to offer his thoughts.

Some of Brendan’s concerns were already being addressed. The changes should be apparent in this week’s table tent. The issue of missing events has been corrected. But as a gentle reminder, students should still allow plenty of time for the approval process so that their events appear on the table tent.

Timing for the table tent change was tied to the implementation of the new CMS in early February. Spring semester is very busy with events, as Brendan pointed out, so we made the decision to provide students with event information as best we could—rather than provide none at all—while we worked out the kinks.

I think this week’s table tent is vastly improved. I hope you think so too. Either way, I welcome your thoughts.