First-Year Advice from a Local First-Year

 We all know the feeling, because we’re either living it or have lived through it; that feeling of being a freshman. Overwhelming anxiety, fear and excitement, combine and create a deadly cocktail of drugs. It’s so fun, yet so dangerous. It’s an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. 

But the good thing is, no one is alone. Every single freshman feels this way, we’re all just suppressing our emotions. It’s fine. Being a freshman means being confused, ecstatic, curious, tired, scared, hyped, homesick, hungover, the list goes on. It means feeling everything, taking it all in and experiencing it all. But the best advice out there, from one freshman to many more, is to roll with the punches, just go with it. Loiter outside of Goodyear until someone lets you in, sweat your eyebrows off dancing, shotgun — because it’s a good idea. Go to the Kline and start working out because college has changed you, and then give up on day two. Set off the fire alarms with your flat irons and your Juuls because it’s going to happen anyway. Use 10 swipes at the Snar and the Quarry because you deserve extra bacon on your grilled cheese. Hang your tapestries and your string lights high and let them be a symbol of rebellion before the eyes of your peers. Do your laundry on a Sunday because no one does laundry on Sundays. 

Just be a freshman, because it’s out of our control. I cannot control the Speed Queen app, the fire alarms, DPS, gym-intimidation, the abundance of Natty-Light, or the temperatures in those godd*mned lofts! But I can control how I handle it, and I’ve simply decided to roll with it, and let it all happen. Because this is what it means to be a freshman. 

As my good friend Evan says “Just don’t give an F about S!”