Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?
When you ask a question at a lecture, is it secretly just your opinion ending with the phrase “do you agree?” If so, your name is something like Jake, or Chad, or Alex, and you were taught that your voice is the most important in every room. Somewhere along your academic journey, you decided your search for intellectual validation was more important than the actual exchange of information. Now how do you expect to actually learn anything?
American society tells men, but especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable, but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced. In my time at Dickinson I have listened to probably hundreds of white boys talk. It feels incessant. From classes and lectures, to the news and politics, there is an endless line of white boys waiting to share their opinions on the state of feminism in America, whether the LGBTQ+ population finally has enough rights, the merits of capitalism, etc. The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless. Something very few of them seem to understand is that their (ill-informed, uncritical) opinions do not constitute truth. In fact, most often their opinions aren’t even original. White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.
I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys. I cannot describe to you how frustrating it is to be forced to listen to a white boy explain his take on the Black experience in the Obama-era. Hey Brian, I’m an actual Black woman alive right now with a brain. In what world would your understanding of my life carry more weight than my understanding? Unfortunately, it is this world, where white men debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights. The second thing most white boys seem not to understand is that they do not exist separate from the rest of the world. You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “broken English” as unintelligent. You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America.
So, should white boys still be allowed to share their “opinions”? Should we be forced to listen? In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no. Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice. To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.
Andrew • Feb 27, 2024 at 12:33 am
How was this hate speech even allowed to be published??! This is horrifying.
Manature • Dec 30, 2023 at 2:03 pm
I just read an article about how white female feminists are not stepping up to defended reproductive rights so black feminists have to. I have to admit, I don’t get involved anymore because I am a white woman and I feel like my voice is not wanted. I tend to tear up when I’m mad. I cannot control it anymore than any other bodily function. Anxiety or anger = tears. My past as a rape victim no longer gives me the right to speak about female safety because the USA has valued the safety of white women for too long. I do not feel welcome in progressive spaces any more. Even female spaces. This article pretty much says the same. White voices no longer welcome. Which is fine, but don’t get mad at me for not speaking up after being shut down.
Kat Astolf • Nov 11, 2023 at 12:04 pm
This is the biggest BS trash opinion piece I’ve ever read. I thank God every day that I’m not a brainwashed college grad moron.
Paula • Sep 12, 2023 at 10:33 am
Having worked in business and listened to powerful men discuss what to do about the world situation all my life, I couldn’t agree more. If white men want to keep talking about how to fix the world, they might try living in the world that others inhabit. Just for five minutes.
Muhammad Burhan • Sep 1, 2023 at 11:55 pm
It’s 2023, 4 years past when I remember this article was a subject of everyday discussion in classroom, gossip, and beyond. I knew the author from a trip we did. As an immigrant from Pakistani, I couldn’t fully comprehend it back then. But not as a trans non-binary person living in America, I couldn’t agree more with this. Today in this digital era, when white people have an unfair advantage due to algorithm bias and in the daily life, they already have representation and visibility everywhere, I feel suffocated by the white privileged around me. Thank you for this historic article in Dickinson’s archive!
dfens • May 5, 2024 at 5:59 am
There is no white privilege. You’re an anti-white racist as is the author of this ridiculous article.
Bombuwaya • Feb 25, 2023 at 8:13 am
As I was about to write a response I was warned by the community standards to adhere to “lively and respectful discussion”. I can see that given an article like this makes it’s way past such “standards” that this is simply an echo chamber for perverts and the confused to air their frustrations with the rest of society. In other words, “if you’re an angry fat lesbian, come on in! Conservatives not welcome”.
El Kel • Dec 3, 2022 at 8:29 pm
Respect your dioemna but represented weakly in many areas most noticibly feelings. Should I really be surprised in any way? Tell a story, relate experiences and make me feel something for you as an individual or as part of something – maybe I am worshipping your blackness too much when I assume that you are the leader of the black community, are they frowning? Remember when u assume things you make an ass of u & me. We who live in America must listen bc it is imperative we hear what the conversation is. Proper Education Always Corrects Errors
Ye • Nov 30, 2022 at 11:22 am
Early life checks out
John Dickinson • Nov 30, 2022 at 8:00 am
I wanted to come back to this to remind readers that the early life checks out
Rocky • Oct 6, 2022 at 2:39 pm
As a right-winger, I absolutely love articles like this. It will have no impact on the world other than driving more people away from the left. Keep it up 👍
Deborah G Jones-Desmarais • Jan 7, 2024 at 8:53 am
Speaking as a former Liberal, I can’t help but agree with you. I miss the days when Liberals respected free speech and didn’t require safe spaces to deal with reality. Sadly, this individual will probably never recognize her own hypocrisy.
Sarah • Apr 6, 2022 at 5:14 pm
I absolutely love this essay. It perfectly captures the frustration I’ve felt when white cis men debate policies that impact transgender folks. The takes are ill-informed and deeply unoriginal, and it’s both infuriating and hilarious that they feel entitled to treat marginalized groups’ rights as shitty epistemological experiments.
To all the angry people in the comments — you are missing the point of this article completely. Your perspectives dominate any dialogue, yet are also often the least informed. This should prompt self reflection on your part. Truly, why do you feel entitled to share your opinions on issues of race or gender identity? Do you want to challenge yourself by considering someone else’s perspective and learning from them, or do you want to hear yourself speak?
Bombuwaya • Feb 25, 2023 at 8:21 am
I just love it when people lament about the things that other people are doing when they themselves do those very things on a daily basis. “I hate racists, so let me be racist!” “I hate sexism, so I’ll say something sexist”. “I can’t stand intolerance, so I’ll be intolerant”. And on and on it goes. You don’t want equality, peace, tolerance. You want the very things you accuse others of having by ill-gotten means. You want your opinion to be the only opinion. Everything your angry at, you portray yourself. It’s odd…
Miguel • Dec 28, 2020 at 9:49 am
“I’m an actual Black woman alive right now with a brain. In what world would your understanding of my life carry more weight than my understanding?”
Coming from the same people that constantly tell white men how easy their lives are and how it feels to be a white male, this doesn’t hold much value.
CMan • Dec 28, 2020 at 6:42 am
That’s just it though Mitch Olsen. With such a level of ignorance and the absence of intellectual honesty being displayed reveals a purposeful effort to destroy. The goal is to destroy. This is a coordinated campaign that not only is working, it is the beginning of a genocidal plan. Not unlike the Final Solution. ‘Cancelling’ people on TV or other places is training to silence anyone who objects to it. There were large numbers of German Citizens in the 1930’s that just went along with the systematic murder of Jews out of peer pressure and fear of reprisals. Same thing has begun here. Maybe there will be a few decent people that will give an underground railroad, or give their lives to end a moral injustice. Just a little bit of history repeating, itself.
Prima • Dec 16, 2020 at 7:27 pm
Yes yes yes but they created this Matrix of lies and coping mechanisms that help them deal with their evil, their lies. They do not want to face their truth at all. Once the foundation is rotten everything that emanates from it has rottenness within. Hence the compensatory race blind comments, the thinly veiled compensatory racism of educated whites that condescend to you on their white superiority. You are allowed to speak your truth just as they are theirs. White boys wont stfu but neither should you.
Mitch Olsen • Oct 19, 2020 at 12:19 pm
These are weaknesses we all share, change peoples minds rather than trying to destroy them.
Gary Steiger • Oct 12, 2020 at 7:48 am
white cis-gendered male here. white male privilege is a thing, obviously, and it is a thing with respect to the authority conferred to the white male experience. the more it is called out and challenged, the more it will cease to be a thing, and that will be a painful and depressing experience for my kind, and it will not be relinquished without a fight. it may be a long one, but it will ultimately be a losing one. i know this because i feel my own fragility triggered when i read articles like the one posted here. but it always passes.
interestingly, i got here via the google search “goddamn sick of old white men”.
white men of sensitivity and conscience: your anger and your outrage, felt and suppressed, are for you to deal with actively, internally, quietly. the subtleties and cherry picked “technical fouls” scored internally against your attackers do not add up to a persuasive retort. you do not have license to present the experience of others, nor any authority to comment on features of a culture not your own, particularly when in the presence of an actual representative of that culture. shut up and listen. you never compromise yourself by remaining silent. recognize and adapt to the annoyance and resentment you feel at watching someone who is unlike you privilege their own experience (even when it’s their experience of your privilege). do not look for equivalence. there is none. if at any time you feel yourself – as an individual, not as a representative of a race – to have at any instance a moral advantage over those who attack you, well good for you. what do you want, a medal? man up and deal with it. part of participating in a working civilization is in checking yourself, in recognizing the nature of your worst impulses and the flabby reasoning you use to justify them, which includes citing instances of the hypocrisy of others .you cannot win this argument. you will never win this argument. once you relinquish the idea, you will find that living in a world in which this argument is already lost is more tolerable than you think. assaults on ego and pride hurt at the time, but they pass, and they almost always make you a better person.
I was encouraged to discover that the white genocide theory posited a plot to extinguish race by interbreeding, but disappointed to discover it was disinformation. hurry the statistically inevitable day 20,000 years from now, when race is no longer a thing. because this sucks.
Bombuwaya • Feb 25, 2023 at 8:39 am
Listen Gary. Grow a pair of balls please… Your undertones of white guilt are really pathetic. I want you to think long and hard about culture vs skin color. Ask yourself why it is that good ol whitey has been a beacon of stability on this spinning rock? Perhaps morals, values, and structure have more to do with it than skin color. The color of skin isn’t magic. Saying diversity is our greatest strength is like saying that skin color is what matters most, even though originally that’s not what that saying was intended to mean. A diverse group of people will have more interesting ideas but get less done. A homogeneous group of people will always execute on a higher level. Why? Shared values. So, skin color never mattered, but shared values always have.
On the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
This wasn’t about diversity. This was about how assimilating to something great creates greatness.
The problem that people have with white people is simply jealousy. White people for the most part have gotten it right throughout history. I say for the most part because he who wields the biggest stick will likely be responsible for atrocities. If cultures assimilate to American Values, they can thrive like a. American. However if the values they subscribe to makes their lives on the surface look less rewarding, then that’s their problem. They are free to choose what they want. I say to them, if your cultural norm is causing a lack of satisfaction in life, then consider abandoning your culture. Assimilate to something greater if you’re not happy. Stop demanding that those who are, reduce themselves to what you lack in the name of “Equity”
Listener • Sep 17, 2020 at 12:52 am
The white fragility in these comments is out of control.
Here’s a tip, white folks. For once, instead of insisting on sharing your opinion, why not try to listen for once? LISTEN without the need to INJECT your own opinion into EVERYTHING. Just listen. Agree or disagree, but accept that someone else has a different viewpoint and that it’s going to be okay for you. In fact, you might start to understand how someone else might feel for once.
The comments above only reflect the incredible accuracy of the author’s experience. Calvin, Brent, and Mark can’t handle someone else’s opinion, and it looks like their mommies can’t either!
Take a bow, Leda.
Eve • Sep 11, 2020 at 12:24 am
I don’t believe for a minute you white folks do not know what the writer is talking about. If you don’t, you’re just stupid. Stop for one minute making yourself the focus of everything. Just listen and think — objectively. Stop thinking with your feelings. It’s such a shame to see the immaturity and outright lies on this site. If you can’t imagine what it’s like to be a minority in this country, you’re either real stupid, ignorant, hateful, or selfish. You’ll never get far in life…real life, not how much money you make, if you continue to lie to yourself. You know what she’s talking about. Stop lying…
i dont give a hoot • Oct 11, 2022 at 6:07 pm
The subject of the heading sentence is white boys. The entire post is framed around discussing white boys. The phrase “white boys” is in three out of the four topic sentences. How exactly are we not supposed to make white boys a focus of this conversation??…
Maybe it would have been more productive to frame the conversation around the obstacles faced by black people but that’s *just my opinion*
Bombuwaya • Feb 25, 2023 at 8:48 am
Logic is racist and privileged. 😂 Basically they get offended when you call them out on their own garbage. “I don’t like people being silenced for their sex or race”. And what do they do? Just that. A stupid opinion should never go unchallenged. If this article was aimed at causing white people to reflect, it failed miserably. I’ve only had my thoughts validated about how a certain brand of racism and sexism is permissive so long as it’s aimed at the right sex, and the right skin color. It’s a gaslighting fiesta!!!
Michael Phillips • Aug 22, 2020 at 12:45 pm
I’m a 48 year-old white, cis male from the deep south. I’m disappointed by all the knee-jerk responses here from other white males that so effectively confirm Ms. Fisher’s already well-made point. We are taught to express our opinions thoroughly and often. What we are usually not taught is to consider the opinions of other kinds of people as equals. This gets right down to the heart of white privilege. I have made a decision, in light of recent events, to stop running my jib and just listen. Listen to understand instead of listening to respond. We white men have monopolized the podium for so long, we take it for granted that it belongs to us, and that others can use it only by our good graces. This is patently bigoted, and it needs to stop. Keep going, Ms. Fisher. I’m listening.
Holly • Aug 14, 2020 at 2:14 am
Hi Leda,
I came across this article by chance, and then saw all these entitled white boys lugging their fragile masculinity into the comments incriminating themselves as usual, and had to tell you this piece is iconic! I seriously couldn’t have loved it more, thank you for gracing the world with your brilliance. Keep being unapologetic and incredible, I stand with you! To all the white boys, despite the womxn defending y’all in these comments, trust me when I say womxn really are so g*****mned tired of hearing your unqualified and frankly air-headed opinions.
Angie • Aug 5, 2020 at 2:33 am
I came here hopeing to read a Person of color’s perspective on how I can talk to my black friends about Racism. I wanted to know how I could learn to be more aware when I’m a perpetrators of Microaggression. Oftentimes I’m unaware that I’ve engaged in demeaning or offensive comments. I don’t want to be afraid to talk about it. I have a toddler and I want him to grow up an ally but I also want him to have an equal voice too.
Unfortunately reading this made me feel like it is hopeless and that I will always be seen as a entiled white person Even though this article did a good job at making feel small and far beneath an equal.
Shelley Brimmer • Jul 25, 2020 at 3:19 pm
Should we profile how comments are monitored?
Shelley Brimmer • Jul 25, 2020 at 3:01 pm
Hate speech in every way at its very finest. People will work around you. They won’t need to exclude you, and in your twilight years you will wonder where was the inclusion. Where was the purpose? Where was the joy? Gender, race, religion – you reap what you sow.
Old White Lady who Agrees • Jul 15, 2020 at 1:38 pm
I knew from the time I was little that boys voices were more valued than mine. Most girls just humble up and accept that they are too loud or too bossy. Or worst of all, unlikable. It’s lasted my whole life and I am currently in my 50’s. I still have people approach me with questions in my job (where I am the president and owner) but if any other male is in the room they direct their query’s to him. Even if he doesn’t work for me. That’s the least of it. Sorry for all the people who go so ballistic when you suggest that our general culture has sexist and racist practices and norms. It astounds me still that the response to pointing out obvious and blatant sexism and racism is to be insanely defensive instead of considering whether it might be true. Good for you Leda don’t let them silence you!
Tom Fleming • Jul 11, 2020 at 6:17 pm
Dear author: As the emperor said to Luke: “Your hate has made you powerful”. (Along with your ignorance and profound prejudice.) Your thought process in the matter is exactly what got us into trouble in the first place.
Luis Matos • Jul 11, 2020 at 5:05 pm
You are right the White Boys speak about many things. But during the time that they spoke no one has ever said “Should Black Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?”. Black Boys have always had the freedom to speak, speak up, we are listening and ready to debate. I understand that you would like to speak and remove any contradiction to what you have to say, but there will always be a person who will debate, you’ll be surprised. what will you do when you stop the White Boy from speaking. Then will you stop the Hispanic, Asian, or other Blacks, etc… from voicing his/her opinion or fact because it does not fit yours, how far will you go only to discover in the end that you have low self-esteem? Do you really believe nowadays that the White Boy is that powerful? I do not know what world you live in but I have had the most powerful conversations with intelligent Black Boys/Girls. Believe me, they are out there unafraid and ready to defend their stance against any race.
anthony carlacci • Jun 17, 2020 at 3:29 am
I say to Leda : Keep flying your B.L.M. sign with your head in the clouds sister, and be sure to invite all your self hating white liberal friends for dramatic effect !
rlc • Jun 15, 2020 at 3:36 pm
Why don’t you just simplify it down to “should mouthy opinionated people be allowed to talk”? Then you’ll be zeroed in better. That way, the sincere “white boys” who are honestly trying to learn don’t get swept up in your purge.
Eric Kirk • Jun 10, 2020 at 5:40 pm
Actually, what we are taught, or should have been taught, is that learning comes from engagement and dialogue, not passive listening. Ideas, thoughts, and perspectives should be sent through a crucible of discourse so that the participants can gauge what is truth. That is the Socratic approach to education.
If in your classroom you want us to simply remain quiet and take notes, there will be no learning. Any decent teacher will tell you that. Maybe some of us white boys do like to hear the sound of our own voices and we speak for validation. But most of us speak to explore all sides of a discussion. If we’re speaking it most likely means we are taking you and your ideas and positions seriously. If we quietly take notes and smile as we leave the classroom on our way to meet friends for beer, it probably means that we’re just there for the credits. Is that what you want?
J Savan • May 31, 2020 at 8:07 pm
I’m a year late, but what an unmitigated dumpster fire. Looking from an outsider’s perspective, it is truly shocking the kind of good old fashioned racism is now back in American colleges. This is truly scary from a foreigner’s perspective, that American colleges are now indoctrinating another generation of racists, just of a different race (though there seem to be collaborators which is scary in and of itself) amongst the victims of the new racism. That is very sad that these people should accept this. You should have never published this article, but in a way I am glad you did. Its been a year and everybody should know this is the reality of America today. Institutionalized racism.
R. Scott. O. • May 8, 2020 at 10:27 am
She has to realize by now that she has done her, “great cause”, no good works. Indeed, writings such as this help absolutely nothing.
“One step forward, two steps back”.
Jason Neins • Jan 9, 2020 at 10:02 pm
The punctuation in this article is terrible, grammar check anybody?
Sav • Dec 29, 2019 at 8:45 pm
Without reiterating what hundreds of comments have already pointed out about ethnocentrism, racism, and generalization, I want to point out something that may have been missed.
How do you suggest that “white boys” seek reconciliation for their white privilege? It seems the only thing you are suggesting is censorship. I’m sorry that you feel you are being forced to listen, but a lecture is a learning environment for reciprocal discourse. If you feel that someone on issues that they can’t possibly know about from personal experience, why don’t you raise your hand during the lecture and offer a rebuttal that provides the contexts of, as you put it, your own understanding of life? Instead you resort to making these twisted and preposterous accusations online.
Haven Monahan • Dec 19, 2019 at 8:54 am
Just to be clear, they’re never named David or Benjamin or Adam. Right?
Dee • Dec 15, 2019 at 7:08 am
Wow reading over these comments and noticing all the alclamations for reverse racism explains why such an article is relevant. At a point like this where some one is demanding silence of you you should ask why? This ain’t out of presurice and malice if juxtapositioned to “black” history. So the lack of thought is surprise but not really. Listening to white males take over classes, speak over other students if tiring and traumatizing. It’s a mind numbing experience a violence of sort to ones brain nerves. This article and the response it received explains the need for it. Y’all came in swanning with your general myth “white hate” lol on what has happened to minority communities due to “whiteness”. Funny how y’all came for the structure of the article before generalizing the message lol y’all always on the preservation game. All things must come to an end even imperialism, supremacy and we gon build camp and watch it crump.
susan revere • Nov 22, 2019 at 4:24 pm
Read some time ago. Returning, because this is an excellent article. Well-written in that its brevity is to the point. Spot-on, especially in today’s world. Reflective of recent events and of historic events. I’m not African-American, but I am a woman. Additionally, to your Opinion/Editorial piece for Black History month, who could be a greater role model (for all women imo) than Barbara Jordan?
Anonymous • Nov 7, 2019 at 5:46 pm
For all of us who go on the defensive (and then perhaps offensive) after reading the article, I think while a part of it may be righteous (for that no one deserves to be hated), another part of it (showing hatred and thus inflicting suffering back) is exactly what the original article intended to address (albeit in quite an untactful and even hurtful way but it was indeed attention-grabbing)…
Everyone has their own kinds of suffering. With so much suffering to solve in the world, we should try not to add sufferings to it – instead, we should try to understand where everyone is coming from and be the bigger person whenever it feels right and possible. Let’s always remember and take comfort in the fact that we are all humans and we make mistakes, and strive to be the best versions of ourselves while spreading love and lessen the suffering for ourselves and for people in worlds and generations beyond just us.
It may be a difficult and seemingly-impossible journey, but we must try or else sufferings and outcries like these (article & people’s comments) would never end. But we got this.
Hambone • Nov 2, 2019 at 4:25 am
Hate and ignorance poetically revealed. Evolving, Woke and Fluid. Lovely Stuff! Keep up the good work Dickinson.
Garry Leech • Oct 25, 2019 at 6:21 pm
Leda, it was so interesting to come across your article today, only hours after a similar article that I wrote (as a white male) was published. The article is titled “Old White Men Like Me Need to Shut Up and Step Aside.”
Jacqueline • Oct 9, 2019 at 5:59 pm
This is AMAZING!! All the hit dogs hollered instead of taking the advice you nicely provided within the article. I will be sharing this article with all my loved ones.
Again, BRAVOOOOOOooooooo
Goldie • Sep 18, 2019 at 1:28 am
Good for you, Leda Fisher! White males need to shut up and listen to others more…even the best of them. They need to see the ugly history they created and mental insanity they’ve constructed for thousands of years before shaming others for being fed up!!! But the white insults and stupid shaming are clear evidence they only see what they want, and not heard you or know much of black history. White people, shut up and get over yourselves. Learn black history. Learn the black experience. Have some compassion rather than speak like fake victims that is actually bully talk to shut down someone who is tired of biting her tongue to keep you coddled. I loved this rant!!!
Ashten • Sep 16, 2019 at 9:16 pm
Here’s a lesson: racism is the belief in the racial heirarchy one’s society has erected. Sexism is belief in the gender heirarchy. White men are racist and sexist when they believe they deserve preference for a job over a black woman because “of course I’m more qualified.” A black female can be prejudiced against white men, but she cannot be racist against white men. Because her beliefs do not accord with the racial heirarchy her society erected, she hasn’t written a racist article. Biased against white males? Yes, you knew that from the title. Angry? Absolutely. Racist? No.
Racism is a real problem that needs to addressed within each of us. The society you’ve grown up in has instilled beliefs in you that are not yours. The racial heirarchy makes it so that we are not on an equal playing field. So introspect. Examine your privilege. Taking the time to be quiet and listen is something we could each benefit from. Especially those at the top of the power strutcture we were born into.
Andrea Boyce • Sep 15, 2019 at 10:21 am
The writer is speaking from experience. I’m a white woman. In a predominantly white area. Nearly all white people are incredibly racist, when they think that they’re in the presence of only other white people. Its a fact. Even I know the existence of an all white male committee on women’s reproductive health means that many things have not changed since the era of slaveowners.
Deborah G Jones-Desmarais • Jan 7, 2024 at 9:30 am
“Nearly all white people are incredibly racist…”. Wow…how did you manage to gather that data? I hate to break it to my fellow Liberals but white people didn’t invent slavery, genocide or any other evil. Do any of you know anything about world history…or any country outside the western world? You don’t have the right to make sweeping statements on behalf of “nearly all white people”…your ego is astounding.
Vaness • Aug 13, 2019 at 8:03 pm
I was searching google to find some resources for my little brother who doesn’t seem to understand white privlige and tried to rage at me with a closed fist, and came across this article. He seems like he would fit right in at Dickinson like all the other white guys that don’t care to understand anything other than a white viewpoint. Thank you for writing the article. The majority of the comments just prove her point. They don’t understand because they don’t want to. The article vs comments just show the cultural misunderstandings in this country. I was raised around POC and he was raised in a white farm town. If I can’t get through to my own siblings, what can we do in America? But I will not give up. Thank you for the article.
Alex trebcec • Jul 28, 2019 at 12:52 am
I’m not sure if I disagree or agree. I am a white male but frankly I thought the comments were more offensive than the material. I mean I don’t know what the big deal is, she has her own opinion so what. does it really matter so much that you throw a tantrum about it. Obviously white people should be able to talk, she is just expressing concern over how she believes her opinions are not listened to like a white males would be
Larry • Jul 19, 2019 at 12:53 am
Malcolm X promoted the separation of races into separate nations within America in order to mitigate the effects of institutionalized racial discrimination and other societal ills. Perhaps he really was a profound futurist based on the way things are going here 54 years later.
Julie • Jun 15, 2019 at 8:01 pm
While the author 100% is entitles to her own opinion I’m surprised the newspaper let her publish this. I’m going to start off by saying that I’m a non-white, non-male person. And yet I can’t relate to this. Racism is real and often (at least in my experience) racist comments come from white people (males specifically) because we live in a white dominated society. This doesn’t mean other genders and races can’t be racist. It also doesn’t mean that ALL white men are racist. Sure, some of them are, but there’s a good majority of people that are not. Lumping all white boys into the same negative category is the same things how Blacks/Hispanics/Asians/Native Americans are lumped into the same categories. You’re stooping to the same level of the racist people you claim to hate with this piece.
Stephanie • May 28, 2019 at 5:25 pm
Late to this game, but Leda, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. My white male classmates talk SO MUCH in my discussion-based classes. For some reason my STEM white male classmates are significantly quieter and say much fewer silly things…but I digress. White guys love talking. I’m pretty sure that if I were to go through all the discussion-based classes in my school, take down the number of times white men speak and the lengths they speak for, and then run some chi-squared tests for independence, we would see that white guys speak at a statistically significantly higher rate, and for longer, than other demographics. I, like every other POC, have been hearing white boys talking ALL MY LIFE. FOR ALL OF HISTORY. If they could just shut up for one moment and let some other folks take the room, who knows how many great things could happen. And who knows how many terrible things (e.g., the influx of anti-abortion laws) could be prevented.
Scout • May 21, 2019 at 6:15 pm
The comments to this really just confirm everything the writer is saying. White men (boys) are so fragile that they can’t even hear about a black female experience without calling themselves the victim of racism. You are not victims, you are running the show. Look at the government, highly-paid CEOs, the subjects of media, you have nothing to fear, your place in the world is secure, and yet you can’t hear one piece of criticism without melting down. All she is asking is that you listen, use your point of privilege to lift up another person’s voice that is not your own. It makes me really sad that at an institution for higher education, even then, white boys can’t be fact-checked. This is coming from a white person, BTW. Reference, read “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Olou before coming to a table with your opinions.
Wonderful piece. Thank you for your words.
Casey • May 9, 2019 at 6:23 pm
It is incredibly hypocritical of all the white people responses on here to be claiming “racism” and being “racially targeted”. If you were really being targeted you would not have the luxury of being able to respond in anger. The only reason you are mad is because you feel you shouldn’t have to listen to a black woman. Your white privilege is implicit, meaning you are unaware of it. The sheer ignorance of the white on here claiming racism reveals they actually have no idea what it is to be targeted racially! And the parents of these boys lashing out at the author too?…you should be ashamed of yourselves. I am a white parent of 3( including a college student)and If my kids read Leda’s post I would be glad. This post tells it like it is. Stop coddling white boys, teach them to listen more than they talk and teach them about internalized sexism , racism, ageism, and many other marginalized groups. For those who think this article is racist….you have no idea what targeted groups have REALLY gone through!
Jeanne • Apr 15, 2019 at 11:37 am
Your article is extremely classist. Your assumption that all White Boys enjoy the same privilege in our society betrays your lack of understanding and your elitism. My father grew up on a farm to immigrants from Eastern Europe. My mother’s father was just a poor, White-trash coal miner from West Virginia who destroyed himself with alcohol after he and my grandmother lost a child. Both sides of my family descend from White commoners–serfs from Eastern Europe, laborers from the industrial centers of Western Europe, like London, where the water would kill you so the children drank gin. Oh. It was just great for them. My very earliest immigrant ancestors were convicts, sent to the colonies for such heinous offenses as stealing food. All those decades of institutionalized, ingrained poverty took its toll. My parents passed their Blue Collar sense of being less-than on to their children, especially to the boys, and none of the men in my family have ever thought that their opinion mattered. You must be talking about rich boys from suburbs like the one you were raised in, asshole.
Loren Magnuson • Apr 14, 2019 at 11:44 pm
Dan Williams • Apr 12, 2019 at 4:23 pm
Something about shutting up people because of their skin color or sex sounds very inclusive! Props for ascending to a level of hypocrisy never before seen from the Left.
robert • Apr 12, 2019 at 6:19 am
hating white folks – it’s the new RACIAL PROFILING
Hawthorne • Apr 9, 2019 at 11:40 am
I really can’t even wrap my mind around how ignorant and entitled you are. You obviously have an immense hatred towards white men for some reason; but everyone is free to ask questions, regardless of race/color/gender.
If you don’t like your environment, remove yourself from it and find one that better suits you.
Bye Felicia-
Roscoe • Mar 30, 2019 at 3:00 am
I’m a white boy.
Come make me shut up.
Andrew Park • Mar 24, 2019 at 5:06 pm
“There is an endless line of white boys waiting to share their opinions on the state of feminism in America, whether the LGBTQ+ population finally has enough rights, the merits of capitalism, etc. The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless.” Aren’t universities supposed to be places where you can discuss such topics freely and openly? Are you of the belief that one should only talk if he or she is qualified to talk on that subject? If that is the case, you would have a very, very silent campus. God these Social Justice Warriors these days. I’m going to go out on a limb and posit that this author also believes that it is impossible to be racist against white people. I can already hear the choruses of SJWs singing how I shouldn’t be able to discuss such things as a white male. Sorry to burst your bubble. I’m a proud Korean-American male who thinks your views amount to a type of Orwellian dystopia, the problems of which you are completely blind.
Jay Smith • Mar 16, 2019 at 3:51 pm
Wow. She sounds bitter, huh? LOL!
Shannon • Mar 15, 2019 at 8:05 pm
Wouldn’t it be better to use your Dickinson education and fervor for peace, Ms. Fisher?
Jon • Mar 14, 2019 at 7:21 pm
I think you belong in a mental hospital.
Carr • Mar 12, 2019 at 9:07 am
Where do we go from here?
Victor • Mar 11, 2019 at 2:27 pm
I smell the fetid stench of absolute entitlement coming from a little girl who has never had to face genuine opposition day one in her life. Fortunately there’s Title IX and progressive stacking is against the law.
x95b10 • Mar 6, 2019 at 1:29 am
The “author” of this tripe is pure human garbage.
Michael • Mar 5, 2019 at 11:24 am
What an ass…
Chicone Kootsvayouma • Mar 5, 2019 at 1:12 am
Meanwhile, the Native American sits in the back and rolls his eyes silently.
Charles Carr • Mar 4, 2019 at 3:30 pm
Dickinson Fund Raisers: My alma mater supporting this type of RACIST nonsense is the reason that I will no longer give this school any of my hard-earned money, which was probably used to pay for the writers scholarship.
Good luck in the real world you RACIST BIGOT.
M Adele Kelleher • Feb 25, 2019 at 8:12 pm
Leda, I applaud you for your courage.
Matt • Feb 25, 2019 at 6:32 pm
Wow, the author has really touched a nerve. I have to say, I saw myself in this. Please add Matt to the list of Chads and Brians because I’m super guilty of the kind of behavior described in this thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking piece. Its very uncomfortable to recognize yourself in an essay like this and I welcome the discomfort. I hope it makes me a better listener and a better ally. I’ve already said too much in this space but I want to thank the author for her perspective and encourage all the folks raging against her to instead suffer through some real introspection and come out better for it.
Huy Nguyen • Feb 25, 2019 at 4:21 pm
Interesting article and even more interesting comments. As an Asian American male, I do see the author’s point while I was in college and now in my career the last 25 years. White males do have more opinion but that’s just the mere fact that there are more of them in Corporate America. Not all of what they say are true but I can’t say that everything they say is self validation. I’m not justifying “white males”. Trust me, I’ve been discriminated against and lived through racism and probably mostly by white males. And I know it hurts like hell. But I don’t hold one specific “subgroup” responsible. I do understand the author’s opinion. And I read the article as HER opinion after reading it a second time a week later. But as I told my Black coworkers/neighbors/friends, I can never experience racism the way they have endured. We should all be judged based on our character/merits…something we all should aspire to. Change start within you first before you can try to change others.
Julia • Feb 25, 2019 at 12:02 am
If you continue to live your life in this victim mindset, you will get nowhere in life. You were not enslaved. You have the same rights as every other white male to attend that university, not to mention the additional diversity scholarships you have undoubtedly received simply for the color of your skin. How about writing an actual piece about your life of hard work and dedication as a black woman journalist (which I guess you have little experience based on the “unoriginality” of this article), rather than tearing down an entire group of people with your racist and sexist opinions. Demonizing white people, specifically white men the way you have done, is no different than Hitler demonizing Jews because of their race. Take a good look in the mirror sweetheart, because I’m scared by what I just read.
William Wallace • Feb 22, 2019 at 10:47 pm
Off the first paragraph alone I could tell how much of a one sided essay this was. You sit and assume that every white male is taught that their opinions matter over anyone else. That’s by far the most idiotic thought I’ve ever seen in my entire life. This is outright racism and the fact your school even allowed for this to be posted is shameful. And how can you assume that someone’s opinion is uninformed when you have no idea what they themselves have been through. This is basically you saying, “hey I’m a minority I can freely say whatever I want because they’re white”. Good luck getting a good paying job with all this out there. Unless you’re working for someone else that’s also incredibly racist against white men.
Jakob • Feb 22, 2019 at 8:47 pm
I’ll be honest: I agree with some points she makes. I disagree with the generalization of “White Men” because anyone can be biased. I agree people that focus too much on their own opinion and should listen to others’. People see that many that oppose them are white men. This will always be true because white men are the majority. Suffrage is slowly becoming non-specific regarding race, gender, and all other character specifics. Opinions are being put into a blender. The opinion represented her was skimmed off the top before the blender was turned on. It is an opposition of the common opinion that all voices should be heard by saying that all voices should be heard except the majority. Imagine that you’re a teacher and that 8 out of 10 of your students speak strictly Spanish and the other 2 speak strictly English. What language will the course be taught in? Both deserve to be taught and heard, but only one group can apparently be taught at a time. People will always differ. We just have to learn to listen and learn how to be wrong sometimes.
Isabelle • Feb 22, 2019 at 12:59 pm
Thank you, Leda. You are brave, courageous, and speaking the truth. This article highlights how systematic and institutional racism is rampant in U.S. society and is perpetuated by institutions of higher education. The comments on this article that deem it racist are perfect examples of how racism is endemic to the U.S. To put it simply: this article isn’t racist, the comments that call it racist are what is racist about this discussion. Continue to use your voice, Leda. I’m so sorry that you, like so many people of color, have to educate white people about racism.
Brian Harrison • Feb 21, 2019 at 11:51 pm
A result of the various “diversity, inclusion and equity” initiatives at universities such as mine (Clemson) seem to be that articles such as Leda Fisher’s piece have become acceptable and in some cases, encouraged*. I can’t say if Leda Fisher’s brought her race hatred with her into Dickinson or if the diversity officers cultivated such hatred in her but the end result is an item that I thought went out of fashion in the 1960s. I claim diversity officers may be responsible because their doctrine [Critical race theory]** encourages the development and display of such attitudes in places such as the Dickinsonian. I am pleased at and reassured by the overall response to this piece.
I believe that as long as “diversity, inclusion and equity” initiatives and diversity officers continue to operate freely at universities, these articles and other discriminatory activities will keep cropping up. I suggest all universities (Dickinson, Clemson, etc.) evaluate if their campuses are truly more “inclusive” or “equitable” after hiring diversity officers and consider corrective actions such as pink slips.
* Someone made a similar article to Leda Fisher’s piece at Texas State, the result to those who dared denounced it is illuminating:
** A concise definition of Critical Race Theory, the political doctrine diversity officers preach, might explain Leda Fisher’s hatred against white males:
Stan Smith • Feb 21, 2019 at 9:40 am
I, for one, am APPALLED at this article. As an AP scholar, and a perfect ACT scorer (at age 12 mind you), I have had with this racist bigotry associated with Dickinson. My parents are both Dickinson alumni and they are certainly both shocked and deeply offended at this unintelligent rhetoric. I have unfortunately withdrawn my application from Dickinson, and will pursue my degree in poetic studies elsewhere!
Brett • Feb 20, 2019 at 11:24 am
This is a shameful article. But what does my opinion matter… my name is Brett.
Ken Hargreaves • Feb 19, 2019 at 9:44 pm
…and women wonder why they’re not taken seriously. This is what happens when a girl lives a life getting a constant steam of smoke blown up her ass. A life lived steeped in rationalization, self-delusion and hyperbole. What a hoot. Keep it coming.
A Proud Parent • Feb 19, 2019 at 6:34 pm
I am the Mother of a Dickinson student; a scholarship student, who is financing the cost of his education through enlistment as a member of ROTC. He is the vilified “white boy” referenced in Ms. Fisher’s article. He is also a young man of great intellect, raised by a single Mother, who respects women. He also respects people of all races, faiths or no faith, those who identify as LGBTQIA, those with a country of origin that differs from his, those of differing political ideologies, etc. Sadly, the author will never know my son, because he tends to avoid those individuals who choose to be negative and spew hatred of others. She would have found him a compassionate, engaged, intelligent young man. He is a young man who has agreed to serve his country to protect her right to her opinion, no matter what it is and how ill-informed. Is she willing to step up for such a commitment to protect her right to her opinion? I am going to imagine that she is not. However, my son will be right there eventually at his assigned post, at night, protecting our freedoms, when she lays her negative head down on her pillow and sleeps.
Woke Patrol • Feb 19, 2019 at 5:04 pm
We do listen Leda, and allow me to speak for white boys everywhere when i tell you that we don’t say what we’re REALLY thinking.
Woke Patrol • Feb 19, 2019 at 5:01 pm
So Woke. So very, verrrrry woke. Congrats.
Stephanie • Feb 19, 2019 at 12:57 pm
Hello Leda
Thank you–I am here for this article and the reflection it evokes. Hope that you are taking care of yourself after its release and the discussion it is creating throughout campuses nationally.
For those experiencing negative reactions to this article please see:
Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo
4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Bringing the White Tears
A J MacDonald • Feb 19, 2019 at 12:46 pm
“The current anti-racist frenzy is the product of a poisoned academic culture that has declared war on Western Civilization and that teaches students, more than anything else, how to hate—to hate the greatest accomplishments of our civilization, to hate America, and to hate one another.” ~ Heather MacDonald
James Virginia • Feb 19, 2019 at 10:28 am
Yep, reverse the words “white” with “black” in this horrifically Racist screed and the Left would be Rioting in the streets. Nope, the Left wants a war against those that do not agree with them. They will likely get that war.
Susan N • Feb 19, 2019 at 9:30 am
As an american white woman in her 50s, born, raised and educated in the US, this strikes a chord. I, too, am so tired of white boys (men) who think everybody is dying to hear their take on every damn thing. I also wish they would just shut the hell up and let others speak. And also LISTEN when others speak.
White, male parent of Dickinson student • Feb 18, 2019 at 5:59 pm
To Jim Nolan: Well said.
Danielle • Feb 18, 2019 at 9:48 am
This woman is protected by the first amendment and has a right to critique the university she attends. Those who are “fearful” for their white students probably need to sit down and engage in a conversation about what taking up space looks like. Your students will be successful no matter what. Someone telling them that they should listen will not affect anything. If anything, it will only make them better. Kudos for this writer to speak out about something that universities have been studying for years.
Anonymous • Feb 18, 2019 at 6:14 am
I think this article did just what it intended to do- which was to start a conversation about race and privilege in the US, and make people think about the role and narrative they play in society. Thanks for speaking out Lena for a challenging conversation!
Blair M. Schirmer • Feb 17, 2019 at 8:39 am
In addition to all the valid comments here disparaging the author’s conceit, we do well to remember that on average, women in the West do better than men in nearly every area relevant to well-being: longevity, health, health care spending (even after accounting for maternal and reproductive care), education, homelessness, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, favoritism in the criminal justice system, reproductive rights (for all the wrongful assailing of women’s rights in this regard, men of course have only trivial reproductive rights), and violent crime victimization.
Leda’s beloved “male privilege” is nowhere to be found, for everyday men. And, as regards the systemic racism surely plaguing blacks in the U.S., the gap between whites and blacks is often greater in key areas than the gap between women and men. Women in the West are the most privileged demographic in human history, yet Leda wants to paint all men as privileged as the most well-off handful. This fraudulent conflation is as audacious as it is misleading.
Feminism continues to fight a battle it already won, and it does so because it has devolved into mere special interest advocacy on behalf of women, no more interested in equality than any special interest group: interested in only more and more privilege for its clients.
A A Ron • Feb 16, 2019 at 1:59 pm
“White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.
I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys.”
how ironic, since the author of the article is spouting the dominant ideologies shoved down students’ throats by American academic institutions from birth.
well, to paraphrase the author’s own words, i’m g***amned tired of listening to affirmative action admittants who wouldn’t even have been in college if they were white or asian.
Jim Nolan • Feb 16, 2019 at 9:58 am
I am a 70 year old resident of the area who has lived through the changes of those years. Please let me explain what I hear from Lena.
The Dickenson College student population is predominantly made up of people who feel entitled to loudly and often express their opinions. Those same folks are loath to listen to others who have a different experience or opinion.
Lena is begging perhaps, demanding, to be listened to so that her experience and opinion can be heard.
None of us lighter skinned, affluent, folks can EVER possibly understand the experience of being brown and poor in America, period!!! If you are straight, you can NOT possibly understand what it is like to NOT be straight in America.
I wish Lena had used language that was less incendiary. Actually, I can hear a bit of tongue in cheek satire. I will own up to having been a little bit arrogant and full of myself when I was a 20 year old know it all in 1968.
We ALL need to listen more.
Thank you,
Walter • Feb 16, 2019 at 8:59 am
Evidently the well-nourished lady author repudiates the First Principle of the Academy – free speech. Since this Principle exists in a basic law, the US Constitution, the lady also seems to repudiate the entire corpus. This includes the 14 Amendment. It would seem that she would see nothing amiss if Negro masters held white males in bondage… Shall I then regret white operation (at peril of their own lives) of Underground Railroad Stations?
Stan Ico • Feb 16, 2019 at 3:05 am
You are a person who has done nothing and will never provide for your family. You got some attention for being racist but that requires wealth or talent such as Donald Trump or Al Sharpton to get anywhere. You lack both.
Matt • Feb 16, 2019 at 12:39 am
I will try to give you a different perspective, although I doubt you will read this since your mind appears closed.
I was raised by a single mother. My father was/is an alcoholic and drug addict who abandoned us. My mother scraped by. We were on food stamps for a while, and I lived in government subsidized housing while in high school. I attended public schools in New Orleans that were poorly funded and the majority of the student population was African American. My high school didn’t send a lot of students to college, and no one in my family had a college degree. I had the experience of overt racist attacks against me, including being shoved, kicked, and spit on by other students because of the color of my skin.
After I failed my freshman year of high school, I started working my ass off. I dug myself out of the hole I put myself in and managed to get into college, where I worked my ass off even harder. Nothing was handed to me. In fact, there were numerous scholarships that I was ineligible for because I am a white male. I have a good job now, but I worked hard, very hard, to get it. Employers in my field make special efforts to hire women and minorities because white males are over-represented, There are no special efforts made to hire white men.
Now I am told that I have white privilege and that I am somehow part of a group of powerful oppressors when I have done nothing of the sort. I’ve heard blatant sexist and racist comments, such as the ones in your article. These hateful comments are somehow acceptable as long as they are directed at white men. Well, they aren’t acceptable. Each person is an individual. No one should be judged by the color of their skin or their biological sex. You don’t know a person by looking at them.
Miguel • Feb 15, 2019 at 7:24 pm
Behold the comments above by feminist Kristine Medina. She signs off her comment by saying “Kick them in the nuts!”
Let’s perform a test to see how hateful this strain of feminism is and reverses the sexes. What would it look like for a commenter to sign off with “kick them in the vagina!” or “punch them in the boobs!”?
This is the hypocrisy and hate of feminism on display for everyone to see.
Miguel • Feb 15, 2019 at 7:20 pm
Behold the comment by Becca Trinks, a self proclaimed “intersectional feminist.” She doubles down on the bigotry of the original article and claims that any criticism is due to “white fragility”.
For those smart people reading this, two things should become apparent: 1) 3rd wave feminists and intersectionalists don’t rely on logic, rather they build their arguments on make believe concepts and 2) feminism and intersectionality work to build distrust between different groups and the destroy the beauty that men and women can create together.
Felix Cuvreau • Feb 15, 2019 at 4:33 pm
My son’s name is Ian and I am offended by this papers name. It needs to be changed. it is vulgar and disgusting!
Privileged White Male • Feb 15, 2019 at 3:58 pm
Jackhadlex the ignorant opinions displayed here is what you would call racist bigotry from a over privileged black woman do you agree?
Ella • Feb 15, 2019 at 3:43 pm
what is wrong with you? racist. i am ashamed to call myself a woman after reading this, utterly disgusting. i am speechless.
Ken Dau-Schmidt • Feb 15, 2019 at 3:31 pm
Dear Leda,
You are probably smart enough to realize you have made an enormous mistake in publishing this opinion piece.
As with anytime I see a young person make a really stupid mistake, the Dad in me says “this is a teachable moment.”
It may not satisfy your detractors, but it may help you heal your own fractured spirit if you were to summon up the courage to apologize for your mistake. Such an apology might go as follows:
“Dear White Men and all who care about White Men or the general project of racial and gender equality,
I am genuinely sorry for my stupid, racist, sexist and insensitive remarks. Although I thought I was standing up for oppressed people, I realize now that you cannot fight racism and sexism by invoking racism and sexism. I was sadly mislead by the project of identity politics which I realize now is a rabbit hole of further divisions and recriminations leading to yet more sexism and racism. If I had listened to you before, perhaps I would not have written such a ridiculous opinion piece. I do truly repent my prior actions and beliefs and now actively embrace the project of integration that is the only true way for the genders and races to get along in equality and harmony. Instead of telling you to be quiet, I now want to embrace you as my equals and I want to hear your thoughts and concerns on all issues. I trust that if I listen to you and work with you as equals that you will also listen to me and work with me as an equal. I look forward to working with you and listening to you if you will find it in your hearts to forgive me. I am very sorry for my stupid words and any hurt they may have caused. Sincerely, Leda”
As I said, not all of your detractors will forgive you, but after the hurt fades, some will. And besides this is the only way to really begin to make amends for your harms and start to feel better about yourself.
Ken Dau-Schmidt
P’12 • Feb 15, 2019 at 2:44 pm
To Ms. Kolbowski: Um, what?
Rob Reece • Feb 15, 2019 at 2:24 pm
Is the author a member of the black KKK? Sure sounds like it. And talk about ignorant and hypocritical? You speak against American institutions while being in one. You are the definition of intolerant.
Han Solo • Feb 15, 2019 at 2:22 pm
Wow. The ignorance and hatred run strong in this one. Leta, stay in school. You’ll never survive in the real world. In the real world we fight to get ahead, we build friendships, community and relationships with people out of mutual respect and decency. Stuff that makes societies work. You are just full of ignorance (which shows off your immaturity) and stupidity.
Leda and the Swan • Feb 15, 2019 at 12:50 pm
I honestly suspect that the White kids in Leda’s class are pretty “cool” or “woke” or whatever the term is: as a successful White man, I don’t give a crap about the “black experience.” Blacks are a failed race that, unfortunately, cannot compete in the modern world. The most advanced inventions of black Africa are…what? A stick to catch termites? I’m honestly blanking. There is no black scientist or inventor or philosopher of any serious note. None. A few words about Whites, meanwhile: Newton; Leonardo; Graham Bell; Imhotep; Darwin; Archimedes; Fermi (how we doin’, Leeds?).
She used the pejorative, “[W]hite boys,” which is clearly meant as a racial slur. I will refer to her in archaic, but certainly not “racist” terms: she is a quadroon or octaroon. She is not black (or “Black” as she prefers): she is a mixed race person who is clearly significantly less than half-black. Again, she’s not really black. She enjoyed the benefits of her White heritage, and certainly profited from Jewish Privilege, but can claim the protected status of being “black” because perhaps one grandparent was a light-skinned black. She’s mostly White, I’m ashamed to say.
It seems to me that these a-little-but-not-really-black ANGRY “BLACKS” are often the most racist and hateful of all the whiny minorities out there. She’s Rachel Dolezal with a tiny bit of actual African heritage.
Chad, Alex and Taquisha • Feb 15, 2019 at 10:37 am
WOW What a waste of scholarship money! Leda clearly gained nothing from attending college. She is obviously a closed minded bigot with poor writing skills. Should really reevaluate the recipient selection process!
Clearly there was little to work with as her mother is obviously raising racist activists. She’s the only one quoting those vial websites. Doubt any Dickinson students read that crap
Jackson Geisel • Feb 15, 2019 at 10:25 am
This article just simply isn’t true. I am a white male and I rarely ever voice my opinions. I am also not a rich racist republican like most people think white males are. I am not racist or homophobic. This article is just such bullshit.
Becca Trinks • Feb 15, 2019 at 5:55 am
Brava! You obviously already know this, but every single comment claiming this is racism comes from a place of ignorance and privilege. Don’t let them get under your skin. You rocked this, and it’s a perspective that needs to be heard, and repeated until the knee-jerk reactions of white fragility become a trickle, instead of a flood. So, keep it coming! You have a bright future ahead of you. Don’t let anyone silence that beautiful voice.
Kristine Medina • Feb 14, 2019 at 9:24 pm
As a Latina in South Texas, I applauded your article for speaking the truth. I, myself, am raising two, strong daughters, who I teach to breathe fire against such “lessons”. I recently read that men explain things to women, versus speaking to us. I am so exhausted by this truth. I am not a sexist. I am however, raising my children, son included, to celebrate the power of knowledge. I encourage empirical data versus opinions.
My daughter, who writes for her high school paper introduced me to this article. Please let me know how I can help encourage your fire and passion. I read that someone would no longer contribute to your school. Please let me know where to send you a check to continue kicking ass with such confidence. Your beauty of spirit, and strength of mind, is admirable.
Aim for the nuts!
Yours truly,
Kristine Medina
Christopher Cole • Feb 14, 2019 at 4:53 pm
“Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?” – Yes. It’s their constitutional right – just as it is the right of any bigoted angry opinionated hater to express their own foolish ideas. When those who identify with a minority try to silence those in some despised and imagined majority – they only suffer loss and hurt in the outcome. Silence wielded against one – can be used against all. Yeah… someone found their (hateful) voice. Find out where hateful voices can lead us. Go google Rwandan Genocide. THAT horror came from the politics of division and class/racial hatred. Learn the lesson – and then stop the division and hate. BTW =-they aren’t “boys” – but young men. Be careful of one’s own perjorative words – young woman.
Deborah • Feb 14, 2019 at 4:37 pm
I will add my voice to the many in this comments section who consider this article absurd. And I am not a white boy.
–>”When you ask a question at a lecture, is it secretly just your opinion ending with the phrase “do you agree?” If so, your name is something like Jake, or Chad, or Alex, and you were taught that your voice is the most important in every room.”
Unsubstantiated, racial stereotyping.
–> “Somewhere along your academic journey, you decided your search for intellectual validation was more important than the actual exchange of information. Now how do you expect to actually learn anything?”
Unsubstantiated, racial stereotyping. Notice the author’s inherent assumption that her perspective is valid.
–> “American society tells men, but especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable, but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced.”
Wow! After 4 years of listening to white boys (all of them?) in one college, we can confidently conclude that…!
–> “In my time at Dickinson I have listened to probably hundreds of white boys talk. It feels incessant.”
Top quality scientific research.
–> “From classes and lectures, to the news and politics, there is an endless line of white boys waiting to share their opinions on the state of feminism in America, whether the LGBTQ+ population finally has enough rights, the merits of capitalism, etc.”
The only things white boys discuss, of course. The irony of dissecting the speech of white boys (again, I ask: all of them?) whilst making bold proclamations about white boys is, well, lost on this author.
–> “The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless.”
Ah yes, the point of life is to find out what you are qualified to talk about.
–> “Something very few of them seem to understand is that their (ill-informed, uncritical) opinions do not constitute truth.”
Truth as defined by this author. No examples given, of course, since we don’t need to listen to white boys talk. Critical thinking, debate, respectful disagreement, and all that.
–>”In fact, most often their opinions aren’t even original.”
Precisely calculated, confidently concluded.
–> “White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.”
Specious, vague accusations. The author pretends to know the thought processes of those whose opinions she considers ill-informed, without proving this through substantive case studies.
–> “I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys.”
For all the specious and vague reasons given above!
–> “I cannot describe to you how frustrating it is to be forced to listen to a white boy explain his take on the Black experience in the Obama-era.”
You were banned from replying?
–> “Hey Brian, I’m an actual Black woman alive right now with a brain.”
So am I. Which is why I don’t classify people’s opinions according to their ethnicity, nor demand total understanding from everyone different to me whilst demonstrating none myself, nor making sanctimonious and unsubstantiated accusations to diminish the weight of opinions I dislike.
–> “In what world would your understanding of my life carry more weight than my understanding?”
Is that what Brian said? Again, were you prevented from speaking? Because your article here sounds like you can say what you like, even if no one else would be allowed to say it (and still have a reputation).
–> “Unfortunately, it is this world, where white men debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights.”
White men also steal candy from babies and take away their strollers. Also, white men never suffer any pain.
–> “The second thing most white boys seem not to understand is that they do not exist separate from the rest of the world.”
Most white boys… at Dickinson College? Or everywhere else? I am getting confused. Could I see some quotations?
–> “You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “broken English” as unintelligent.”
This is entirely the author’s own perception.
–> “You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America.”
What does this even mean?
–> “So, should white boys still be allowed to share their “opinions”? Should we be forced to listen?”
The author has not demonstrated how it is precisely that she is forced to listen to white boys, when she is writing an article giving her own opinion. I am also curious at the use of quotation marks around opinions, since the opposite of an opinion is a fact, is it not? Was this an error on the author’s part? Also, when she says “Should we be forced to listen?”, is she speaking with the weight of those who assume the worst of white males whilst assuming the best of themselves simply based on experience?
–> “In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no.”
Great, we can forget about white people who fought against anti-black racism, then.
–> “Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice.”
Er… what if they were bullied or ignored by black women? Or Muslim men? Or Hispanic Mexicans?
–> “To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there…”
Out where? Dickinson? Do all white boys go to Dickinson?
–> “I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from…”
Obviously, as university students, they weren’t doing this.
–> “…read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it…”
Again, the whole university thing…
–> “…and maybe try listening from now on.”
Or Leda: you could drop your sanctimony and stop pathologising the views of white men simply on account of discrimination you have faced. The more convinced you sound of your own inherent righteousness, the more hypocritical your words become. If any white man is preventing you from speaking (the writing of this article would suggest otherwise), then please identify him or them, and I will gladly support your right to be heard. If you are suffering any discrimination at this college, again: I am on your side. What I do not accept is this pathological “analysis” of an entire ethnic group with statements that could never be objectively proven. It would be absurd and racist in the other direction, as many others have pointed out.
Devin • Feb 14, 2019 at 3:38 pm
I’ll take blatant racism and sexism for 200, Alex.
Wang Hong • Feb 14, 2019 at 3:36 pm
People need to finally come to terms with the fact that Abraham Lincoln was right, African Americans will never properly integrate into American society and they should have been repatriated after the war ended.
erika • Feb 14, 2019 at 2:05 pm
Hey, everyone who made a comment here? you missed the point of her oped. there is no such thing as ‘reverse racism’
check your privilege before you speak, that is what she is trying to say.
Chad • Feb 14, 2019 at 2:02 pm
White man bad
Frank • Feb 14, 2019 at 1:40 pm
“We are all called to be ‘Tikkun Olam,’ repairers of creation,”. Thank you for whatever you do . . . to bring joy and light and hope and faith and pardon and love to your neighbor and yourself.” – Fred Rogers
Frank • Feb 14, 2019 at 1:37 pm
I’m a white guy, too old to be called a boy anymore. I’m saddened to read this article but I’ll always teach my kids to value people of other races, to treat them with dignity and to hear their stories and help them as they would want to be helped. I can feel the anger and pain of the author. But when I look at what set this in motion, I can hardly blame her. I know this will ruffle feathers and some will call me an apologist, a virtue signaler. I can only say, perhaps one day when she reads this, she’ll know there is someone out there in the world who isn’t going to stop caring about her, or the people under fire in her writing. I’m not going to let the polarizing forces and misunderstanding affect the way I treat others. It is a beautiful day. Being alive, breathing, it is a gift. And people out there reading this, you are a gift too.
“We are all called to be ‘Tikkun Olam,’ repairers of creation. Thank you for whatever you do . . . to bring joy and light and hope and faith and pardon and love to your neighbor and yourself.” – Fred Rogers
Al • Feb 14, 2019 at 1:29 pm
This subject actually harks on a larger issue which is this idea that everyone is special. Kids are told their opinion matters, regardless of a lack of expertise in said subject. We see it with our media intake, where our Journalists now provide their opinions, not their job of reporting on the days events. While personally I do not see this as a White or Black issue, but more of a social economic issue. Many people who are raised with means, at least in my experiences which includes being the broke kid at a Private HS, think their opinion matters. Their parents continue this false narrative, which hurts the kids and the people who have to deal with said kids. As a kid who came from a working class family, many of the rich kids I came in contact with, thought their voices mattered. They don’t, and if you think your voice matters, I can find you a list of more qualified people who can provide an opinion that matters… Just saying…
Betsy Richardson • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:42 pm
You’ve clearly struck a nerve here. Kudos to the writer’s bravery in getting the dialog going. Your readers might want to read “I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness.” Black women can’t hold the anger and incredulity in forever. You might also want to read “Raising White Kids” by Jennifer Harvey. I would not suggest letting the white boys you mention off the hook but it’s likely their upbringing did not include discussions about race like their black and brown peers. Keep up the dialog, dialog, dialog and I hope your readers don’t forget that listening is the important side of that.
J Block • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:04 pm
Leda Fisher is an overt racist. The flagrant use of “white boys” clearly indicates her intent and demeanor. If you can replace the terms in question with ANY OTHER term of race, religion or indicator and it retains a bigoted tone then the piece fails to have any merit other than being a racist rant. In this case, the substitution test clearly shows Fisher’s bias and racist writing. Dickinson must take steps to censure Fisher, if not expel her for this clear hate speech.
Mike • Feb 14, 2019 at 11:49 am
This is amazing. I’d venture a guess that most of the angry folks leaving comments are white so of course you all think she is racist. You all completely missed her point and are actually proving her point. Take a step down from your soapbox, then reach down, grab yourselves by the ears and pull your heads out. Please, everyone, Leda needs you to whitesplain what is racist and what isn’t racist because us white folks know racism almost better than anyone, ever, because we are all very stable geniuses. That’s why we let a bunch of old white men debate whether or not a woman should have a say in what she chooses to do with her body and acting like we “know better” than any woman because, dammit, us white men know what is best for everyone & anyone.
Michael • Feb 14, 2019 at 11:33 am
I am a 41 year old white male alumnus and I still cringe at the recollection of some of the idiotic, ignorant, and/or ill-informed opinions I spouted in Dickinson seminar rooms – a good deal of which may have been off-putting if not downright insulting to my non-white and non-male classmates, regardless of my benign intentions (and maybe because of my benign intentions..) The College promotes an environment of intellectual curiosity, open idea exchange, and questing for truth. It’s a beautiful thing, but not without its downsides, chief among them that when it’s a population of 18-22 year old developing minds undertaking that exploration, there are bound to be lots of dry wells drilled – and not infrequently out loud in the classroom. Not all dumb opinions are offensive, but blithely presuming to know the experience of others of different races or gender (of which I was surely guilty) usually is. Underneath all her inflammatory rhetoric, Leda makes a simple and fair request for improving that idea exchange and reducing the instances of classroom discourse injuring marginalized people: listen before you talk. I hope that message doesn’t get lost in the vitriol because it also happens to be the very best piece of advice one could give a college graduate – whether white boy or anyone else – seeking to succeed in the real world.
Wayne • Feb 14, 2019 at 10:56 am
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
SARA MCDANIEL • Feb 14, 2019 at 10:19 am
She is definitely racist and a sexist. Telling anyone they aren’t allowed to speak because of their skin color or the gender is disgusting to say the least. After reading this garbage I have come to the conclusion that the write has a serious case of insecurity, to which she has brought on herself. If only the white boys had bowed to her every whim. That’s really what she wanted. To be seen as a queen.
YouAreNowBreathingManually • Feb 14, 2019 at 9:46 am
Liberal arts schools get tax money stolen from working white people to indoctrinate their own children to hate themselves for being white. The white kids gotta pay for the honor of being brainwashed though, the brown kids get to go for free with grants from those same tax dollars.
Gotta hand it to them, it’s a pretty insidious plan.
Abe Lincoln • Feb 14, 2019 at 9:16 am
I like it because it displays what some black folks are thinking.
Dee E • Feb 14, 2019 at 9:03 am
LOVE this article. YES. Thank you, Leda, for giving a voice to the sentiments Black, college educated folks, especially women. The sad thing is, it doesn’t stop at undergrad. Thheir entitled, know-it-all mentality continues into grad school, the workplace, and the retirement village. I give a mental whenever they deign to speak about…. mostly anything. This isn’t to say their input isn’t valuable. However, when they assume a role of authority simply based on their white maleness, I take issue.
Thank you.
Kev • Feb 14, 2019 at 8:54 am
And Leda – I saw your response and your claim that “I’m not a racist because….” – nah, sorry, you’re racist as all get out. You don’t get to play by a separate set of rules because you’re a female minority. Aside, how marginalized are you really if you’re going to an expensive school like that?
You’ve been completely brainwashed. And worse, you paid them to do this to you.
Kevin Gray • Feb 14, 2019 at 8:45 am
It’s sad that the writer doesn’t have the self insight to recognize that as she shares her opinion, and it is welcomed, her opinion is literally that others should stop sharing theirs. In defense of not being racist she then points out that the technical definition includes being against a racial minority, congratulations, you are predjudiced instead of racist, is that really something to be proud of? I am very curious how her opinion which she seems to take as truth is any different the opinions she is currently admonishing in vast far reaching generalizations. I guess this would be her 15 minutes of fame.
Eric Wolf • Feb 14, 2019 at 8:25 am
What a lovely editorial. Ms Fisher thank you for sharing your experience with all these dense white people. It’s a pity they seem unwilling to actually hear it. It’s almost as if you could have predicted this behavior and written an editorial on it. As white boy I really appreciate your willingness to share with us and I unlike some of my peers remember how idiotic I was in collage. I am pretty sure that I talked too much and listened even less.
Your words ring true because that was me – maybe sometimes – I still am that boy. I was a good kid who repeated so much bullshit. Sometimes I said things right to other peoples faces. I am pretty sure that this brilliant piece of writing has cost you something and I want you to know that I (as a white boy) thank you. Hopefully somewhere one white boy in one of your classes was able to shut up for minute.
All the best
Eric Wolf
Black Mountain, NC
Michael DeLeo • Feb 14, 2019 at 8:06 am
Wrong. the correct answer is, you ARE a racist. You don’t need to over complicate your answer with a bunch of academic nonsense. You don’t like white people because they’re white. you’re a Racist, it’s not that complicated. The term ‘White boys’ is a derogatory, racial slur, it’s the same as calling somone the Nword. She uses this racial slur liberally throughout the entire article, even using it in her headline. She can try and pretend she’s not a racist, but that’s just a cop-out. The correct answer is, of course she is, don’t be silly. at least have the grapes to admit it tho. I know there is a new wave of ‘Progressive racism’ and ‘progressive sexism’ that tries to justify their own hate and intolerance towards others, but you don’t solve the issues of racism by piling more racism on top of it.
Uncommon Sense • Feb 14, 2019 at 6:35 am
This is the face of the new left. Vote Republican.
Thank you • Feb 14, 2019 at 1:26 am
Great article. Nice of the commenters to prove your point. (Or at least the ones I read–they weren’t worth listening to).
Keep it up! You are off to great things!
C. Cole • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:55 am
The commentors have proven her point. Welcome to our world, White People. It doesn’t feel so good does it? And the comments that include, “well, what if I said this…” –YOU DO and you get away with it, which makes articles like this necessary.
GREG HARPER • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:40 am
I understand the author’s pain. My brothers and I always felt it unfair that we had to get on the bus and go across town to integrate the schools in San Bernardino while white students did not have to reciprocate. I was in an advance placement class where we had to keep diaries. I was the only black student out of 20. After a few months the teacher told us to stop keeping the diaries. She pulled me aside and told me what were in most of them. Most of my class mates hated me. All I did was work hard. Junior high school was hard as you could work as hard as you could but all you could earn was a “C” for colored is what we called it. Ironically, I was elected student body vice president in a school where we were known for race riots. College was real lonely. Black students all ate together. I tried to eat with white students but I was made to feel very unwelcome. I was MVP of the football team that didn’t lose a conference game my 4 years but when I didn’t play my senior year to concentrate on academics they tried to expel me graduation week on trumped up charges made by a white guy who to this day has not changed. Please note, the school hired a coach who was known to use racist language to motivate his team. My team mates did not appear to like him because of that. They were white. I have a very good friend from a wealthy family in Alabama who did not have a clue about racial relations until he spent a week with my family in the “hood”. He and other class mates refuse to participate with the school 40 years later. Even with all of this the 1st amendment must be protected. Most of the negative comments reek of white privilege. They are to be tolerated just like any speech. It’s not fair to lump all people together. Many white people I have encountered do not feel they need to know anything about anyone else. It’s their loss and Americas loss. Based on the responses Dickinson like many colleges has some work to do with current and former students if it wants to improve race relations. By the look of the comments I wouldn’t go to Dickinson or associate with many but not all of the alumni. It looks like the author had some tough painful years. I think it hurts some people to be generalized and marginalized. Welcome to to world of people of color.
Steve Asbestos • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:33 am
I enjoyed the article. I am a 57 year old white guy. Leda expresses an important idea worth hearing. Growing up, watching television, the astronauts were all white men, as all the presidents, the judges, the doctors, the lawyers, and black people were servants, or athletes or musicians or singers. My school had a small number of black and brown kids, and they were largely ignored and marginalized, and we were all okay with it because – we just assumed that this was the natural order of things. We were born on proverbial 3rd base and thought we hit home runs. I am embarrassed at how late in my life am I able to see how rude and frankly infantile folks are, in large measure, who look like me, and I look back at things I have said or laughed at, and I wince. In shame. It appears to me that Leda sees a large number of white guys acting like a Will Ferrel impression of George W. Bush – the embodiment of unearned self confidence. And … speaking this truth has driven the white, right wing nuts apoplectic with anger. Same with Kap kneeling. There is this childish hissy fit of white rage and tantrums at the idea of respectful and peaceful public protest of obvious racial injustice. I have family members I cannot even reason with about this. They cry about the disrespect to the military and the police- as if there are no black people in the military and in law enforcement. Leda struck a nerve. And she told the truth. I think she deserves credit, not condemnation. So … my fellow white folks, my suggestion: wag more, bark less and hey – maybe we know a whole hellavu lot less than we think we do and maybe, just maybe, if we listen a bit more, talk a bit less, show some respect for differences, we’d all be better off. And Leda: much love and respect. I can only guess and imagine what it must be like, as a young black person, to listen to entitled and ignorant young people who look like me spout off as know it alls and horses’ asses. Bigotry is a powerful drug. I appreciate you taking a stab at an intervention, of sorts. Best Regards, S
A Woman • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:26 am
This article is not racist. The very fact that some white people here are outraged by Leda’s voice illuminates the fact that white male voices dominate the American narrative, and white people would rather be defensive than reflective when confronted with a black woman speaking her mind about being oppressed and denied a voice. The comments of white people daring to claim that Leda is racist shows white fragility. If you’re offended by Leda, it’s because you’re uncomfortable when minorites dare to speak about their experience being disenfranchised in a society that has promoted white male supremacy for decades.
Brad Hughes • Feb 14, 2019 at 12:16 am
An opinion piece written in The Dickinsonian doesn’t change my calculus with the college. But, long gone are the days of the underground “Drinkinsonian.” Hook ‘Em, Brad Hughe ‘90
Ignatius J. Reilly • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:50 pm
Bravo Ms. Fisher for you have provided my entertainment for today. If it hadn’t been for this article, I would never have seen your Goodwill ambassador page, and would never had learned that colleges now offer courses in “Fat Studies”. Kudos to you President Ensign and Professor Farrell, keep up the good work- if it weren’t for the liberal intelligentsia such as yourselves, we wouldn’t have ever discovered, for instance, the fact that icebergs are sexist. As far as job prospects for a liberal arts major in Gender and Fat Studies – don’t listen to any of the naysayers from the above articles – If Sarah Jeong can work for the New York Times, then – by god – you can too! And if all else fails, there’s always the Huffington Post, Vox, Esquire, Newsweek, Daily Beast, CNN, Salon, etc etc – the opportunities are endless!
Bailey Kirkpatrick • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:34 pm
I disapprove of what you say – and frankly think it quite ignorant and daft – but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
‘14 Dickinson Alumn
EAG • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:33 pm
Leda – Thank you for your courage in naming the (white male) elephant in the room. I spent my school career in classrooms where white boys were called on before everyone else, I have sat in meetings where white men were given the floor before and longer than others. Same test paper, lower grades. Same job, lower pay. BETTER ideas, no credit. Your words do strike a nerve because what you say is true. Thank you for your courage.
Tyler • Feb 13, 2019 at 9:49 pm
Just out of curiosity, when the author decided to go to a school that was over 70% white, did she not expect any of them to voice their opinions? I think college is about learning, from the material and the experience of others. That’s a two way street, however. You can’t tell someone else to shut up and then turn around and expect them to listen to you, especially after you’ve grouped everyone white male into a single category.
Erik Archer • Feb 13, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Completely and utterly racist. The only glimmer of hope in this world are the comments identifying this racist article as the garbage it is. As an adopted Asian, I guess I’m still allowed to talk, according to the article. So, let me do some talking and tell this Leda that being a minority is not an excuse to spout racist propaganda. Imagine the backlash if this was about black people. Just imagine. Leda would probably be sending death threats the way of the author. Society has to speak up and condemn the actions of such disgusting people.
Dson Alum • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:54 pm
The Dickinson College I attended years ago taught its students to be problem solvers. Leda’s poorly written Op Ed solves nothing. Sadly, it only deepens the divide.
chad alex • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:28 pm
I understand you completely. I’m sorry, the old “you cant possibly understand me because I’m a black woman” just doesn’t hold water today. You haven’t been wronged and your “pain” is self induced. Perhaps the problem is you see the truth in what they talk about. It bothers you. Perhaps with equality comes the realization that your shortcomings and life’s problems are not due to your race or sex.
Eric Means • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:15 pm
I share the same sentiment that spurred this young lady to write this article.
I am tired too, I am tired of hearing loud, obnoxious, incognizant opinions passed off by moral high ground wannabees who think social media is a communication tool.
It’s time that those of us who truly care about our fellow human beings stop accepting this and speak out but not in anger or with sharp pointed words designed to hurt those we call “other”.
To be seen as human, you must act human. When you dehumanize another human by race, or sex you entrench the negative mindset and guarantee negative response.
Publishing this article may have brought a smile to Leda Fishers wonderful face. She may have felt like she said what needed to be said and perhaps laughed to see the reaction it has caused even to the point of claiming a small victory. To her I say with the benefit of wisdom earned by my many years on this planet, beware because what you thought was ambrosia was really poison I urge you to turn your talents to efforts that unify before that poison your drinking creates an unfortunate circumstance.
That being said college is the place to have opinions and discuss those out loud, have heated discussions, hear what those from different backgrounds and perspectives have to say about your opinions and accept your lumps when your wrongheaded and move past modifying your perspective. The most important word is HEAR. Asking a white man not to speak is to rob not only him but yourself and others of that most basic and surprisingly wonderful experience that collage can provide.
If you close your ears to what the white male is saying just because he is white and male that sets a dangerous path and what happens if the white male decides to do the same to you? Who will suffer more? I urge you to move past your obvious bias, and anger. Engage! have a one on one conversation with a white male today, don’t discuss politics, or black experience, or privilege that’s too much first just connect as human to human. Talk about family, friends, favorite food, favorite book, author, artist, and constellation, nothing more continuous than cake or pie which is better? (Cake obviously).
Leda I value your opinion, I don’t value the way you express that opinion. It is wrong headed and shameful.
From a White Male,
Leigh • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:10 pm
Most of the comments I see here reek of white privilege and blindness to the effects of the institutions that the writer speaks of. Marginalized communities deal with the types of discrimination and maligned comments that many of the offended parties are complaining about, every day of their lives. She has valid points, but everyone nitpicks the generalizations because the ideas make you uncomfortable. Every single one of us is guilty of stereotyping and generalizing, but it is often how one makes a point. Doubtless, the author doesn’t actually believe that every single white male in America is like this. She is trying to make herself heard. Instead of becoming indignant and offended, take a moment to look at yourself and see, whether you are male or female, how you could be proving her point. Also remember, this is her opinion, just as yours is your own, and both hold weight. The differences between what you are labeling racist, and the points that she is bringing up are as follows: she is expressing a very real truth that affects the lives of millions of people across the country every day. The inability of many people of color to overcome systemic racism and get a decent education, a well-paid job, and true equality is common because the people who have the power to change it are privileged products of said system, and thus, not as aware of their role in perpetuating the issue (and/or likely afraid of losing their privilege). Her complaining about the privilege of white males does nothing to them. They will still get better jobs, and more money, and their words are still more respected, and they will continue to be coddled and built up to believe they are more deserving of everything, which is a reason that white people screaming “racism” is cringe worthy. I am a privileged white woman with a white son, and yet, I can see an awful lot of value in what this young woman has to say. It isn’t a reflection on your parenting, if that’s what you are taking offense to. It isn’t an individual attack. It is merely a truth of the society that we all live in.
Rulon Bravo • Feb 13, 2019 at 6:57 pm
As a privileged white guy who is used to deference, I can affirm that Leda tells it like it is. Please do not listen to the platitudes of the powerful as they try to put you back in your place. Instead, continue exposing the hypocrisy of our system and our culture, and do not be silenced. Thank you for what you wrote.
Michael Thomas • Feb 13, 2019 at 6:21 pm
I can kind of understand most people as reacting the way they do, but I think you are missing the point of the piece.
First of all, her main point is not to call all white men stupid or corrupted, but to CHALLENGE *us* to get outside our bubble and LISTEN to very ‘DIFFERENT’ people – to really listen, to read what they wrote, to go to where they live, to listen to what the organizations that represent them have to say, and so on.
The country is littered with educated idiots. I’ve been one of them. I grew up in a ‘liberal’ White middle-class Jewish household in suburban Cleveland and head things like ‘n—-r maid,’ ‘n—-r toes’ for Brazil nuts, ‘it’s fine we pay the (n—-r) maid 9$ per day because that’s what everyone else pays,’ and so on. I even heard phrases like ‘New York [i.e., loud, obnoxious] Jews’ – from my Jewish parents. And I never heard the word ‘Palestinian’ even muttered in public school or 6 years of ‘Hebrew school.’ Here in Portland, the lawns of 99% White wealthy neighborhoods are littered with ‘Black Lives Matter’ signs in a town where the Black community has gone through around 4 iterations of dispossession and removal by flood, ‘urban renewal,’ and gentrification. And I guarantee you the majority of those people did nothing to fight this, they just kept voting Democrat and buying their hybrid cars.
‘Luckily,’ my older brother had books on his shelf by people like James Baldwin, and on whole groups of young black men practically lynched because they were falsely accused by a white girl. Luckily, I encountered the books of Edward Said and other on the existence and experience of Palestinians. ‘Luckily,’ I saw the scars from police whips on the back of a Black South African friend, thus jarring me a bit more out of my bubble and getting me more deeply curious about racism and colonialism in southern Africa — and American cities and the countryside. ‘Luckily,’ I briefly talked with a woman of color here in Portland who reminded me that she and others were TORTURED by security forces at Standing Rock because they were physically protesting fossil fuel expansion. Luckily, I read books that informed me of US foreign policy actions that are never taught in most schools, like support for genocidal governments and counter-revolutions in Latin America, Mozambique, East Timor.
She’s just challenging you to check more of your biases at the door and run your mouth less. Get over it. Perhaps she could have used some concrete examples instead of seeming to generalize. But white privilege and institutionalized racism are realities.
With respect,
CAM AUJUARD • Feb 13, 2019 at 5:57 pm
Elisa Rosen • Feb 13, 2019 at 5:55 pm
It is just too easy to read an article that one doesn’t agree with and/or make knee-jerk reactions without really considering what the writer is trying to say.
I’m sorry Leda is not allowed to be heard by the people who are only interested in condemning her.
It is very important for white people, whether male or female, to hear and try to understand without “prejudice.”
She is very brave to have spoken honestly knowing the vitriol that would inevitably come her way by voices online who are not afraid they will end of face to face with an actual person. Everyone should see The Niceties. Very apropos.
Good luck Leda. You will need it.
P’12 • Feb 13, 2019 at 5:40 pm
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King
The way to make people heard who feel they have been crowded out, is not to silence the loud voice; you do that by allowing the other voices to be heard.
I find your views offensive, bigoted, and naive, but you have the right to voice your perspectives. I feel sorry for you, and the Dickinson Development and Admissions offices, that will suffer because of your rant.
Spaulding • Feb 13, 2019 at 4:02 pm
Spaulding here…just another white boy so don’t even bother reading my white comments “Do you agree”?
D. C. W. • Feb 13, 2019 at 4:01 pm
I love this piece! Perfectly written! Leda you’re amazing!
Megan Connelly • Feb 13, 2019 at 3:56 pm
Leda Fisher: The exact example of what is wrong with America today.
Bob • Feb 13, 2019 at 3:41 pm
I am 41. I’m white. I have listened to many people’s perspectives and opinions over my life time. Born and raised in half white half black area. We all have opinions. We all have a voice. Now, it’s your choice as it is mine to decide if I want to listen to you. The thing you can’t do is tell me to shut up when I want to talk. As an American I am entitled to my opinion. Now, it is just that, an opinion. And really, college is about learning what others have to say. Sorry that there are more white “boys” than other races at your school. By measure of the population, it’s most likely representative of the population.
If we told you we didn’t want to hear you or to shut up because of your race and ideas, we would be called racist.
Good Luck after graduation. There will most likely be lots of white boys running around spouting off their ideas.
John G.D. Beardsley • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:58 pm
Being dumb = lacking knowledge
Being intelligent = possessing knowledge
Being smart = using intelligence
Being stupid = having knowledge but making a conscious decision not to use it
It is up to the readers of Ms. Fisher’s opinion piece to make their own decision about which of the above fits the author.
Timothy Van Pool • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:55 pm
Best part of this is she uses this statement to justify her and say she is not racist. “Racism is composed of racial prejudice interpersonally and institutional bias against racial minorities. I do not hate white people, and no institution has ever built a system around disenfranchising or marginalizing white men, so I am not a racist.” Umm, you are marginalizing white men. This is what the left and fools like you are doing. You say white people especially men should not speak about black issues well then you should not speak on white issues as you know nothing of our situation. This girl is a complete idiot and should be kicked out of the school. There is a petition for it too!
Usekhu • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:48 pm
Perfect. Truth hurts. But racism hurts more. Where is the outcry against all the forms of racism that exists, even in colleges, such as the curriculum, which is almost completely from a white male perspective?
It would be helpful to understand racism exists when one group as a collective infringes upon the rights of another group as a collective. Just merely saying something is not an infringement, you have to do something to ensure what you say is carried out, and then you have to be part of a collective that can actually continuously make it happen. Racism is active and passive, direct and indirect. And so are the participants and the victims. It is not possible to be born into a racist society where you are a member of the disfavored group, and you not experience racism or be a victim of racism. Likewise it is not possible to be born a member of the favored group and accrue its benefits and you not be a participant in racism, i.e., a racist.
It is not possible for Ms. Fisher to be a racist until she becomes part of the favored group who then goes along with the ways of a racist society and justifies the status quo, while, in many ways, claiming racism doesn’t exist and that, for the most part, the problems of the disfavored group, are of their own making.
White Name • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:21 pm
Reading the comments, it’s hilarious to see the people defending you with their only argument being “minorities can’t be racist.” When you have to change the definition of racism so you don’t look racist….you’re probably insanely racist.
If power + prejudice = racism, then heads up, you’re still racist… If a white person wrote this article on black women they would be expelled with enormous media outrage directed at them. But a black woman wrote it, so it’s alright….kinda seems like you’ve got the power in this, you absolute racist. If you can’t find the words to disagree with one of these ‘pompous white-boys’ ideas/arguments then *you* should stay quiet, instead of attacking the whole race due to your own insecurities. Everyone has the right to an opinion, shown by your idiotic one that remains active on this website, and everyone else also has the right to disagree with them and use their words to sway the other side. But you know those racists…if they don’t have an actual argument, they’ll just attack you for other things….like your skin color or sex *hint* *hint*.
Antwon Flores • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:04 pm
Miss Fisher – The fact that you have a different opinion – or experience – than someone else does not mean one of those opinions/experiences is invalid or wrong. Both could be right, but you seem to be too angry and resentful to consider such an idea. Life is not a “zero sum” game – one side does not have to “lose” something in order for the other side to “gain” something.
It is not that those who speak up were taught that their voice is the most important in every room – it is simply that they were taught to engage, and that it was good to speak up when you felt you had something to say. What were you taught, I wonder, that engendered such resentment and anger?
It might be better if you stopped attributing to malice or arrogance everything that comes from someone you have pre-judged as “privileged” simply because of their skin color. Every human being has a different story, and you might be surprised to learn that many of your classmates are struggling with things outside your experience, as you have struggled with things outside of theirs.
I encourage you to set your anger aside, critically examine where your viewpoints come from, engage in an actual and honest discussion (without resentment or bitterness) with some of these individuals, and listen to what is said without pre-judgement. Don’t automatically assume the worst when hearing something you don’t agree with – look for other explanations before deciding.
Where they are wrong in their assessments, do not shout or accuse – teach them gently. Lead by example. Show them, by your actions, that they are mistaken. You will be doing them – and yourself – a great service. And you might just learn something along the way.
Martin Molloy '94 • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:03 pm
As an alum, I’m happy to see that Dickinson is still producing students that challenge the dominant paradigm of thought and express ideas that are contrary to popular thinking. One thing I learned at Dickinson in the 90s and I hope all previous and current students learn is to listen to the voices of their peers. Even when one may disagree with what is being said, listening to the perspective of someone living a different experience or seeing the world through a different perspective can only serve to make one a more reasoned critical thinker.
Sometimes unpopular or previously marginalized ideas need to be expressed forcefully to be heard. I’m glad Ms. Fisher is studying in an environment that values the exchange of ideas. The attacks on this woman only serve to reinforce her points. Sometimes listening and considering the argument being made and looking for how it is reflected back at you by your community is the best course of action.
not offended mom of white boys • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:54 pm
Wow, the hardest thing about this is all the reactions! It seems that most of them must be coming from young white college students. But you would still expect that they would have read Michelle Alexander, (the New Jim Crow) Robin Di’Angelo (White Fragility) and Shelly Tochluck (Witnessing Whiteness)to get the basics? I’m raising white boys and I am not offended at all, I’m really thankful for the points that Leda is bringing up and I’m aware of the responsibility of raising white children. Keep it up. White Supremacy is in all of us (the dominant narrative in our 1st world media, institutions, education, you can’t get away from it) and it needs to be challenged…constantly…Thank you Leda
Patrick McCann • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:53 pm
Parents, there are only two things that move the needle with administrations on things like this. Donations and declines in enrollment, call the President, call the admissions office and let them know that our donations will now cease, and we will not send our sons to a school like Dickinson. As a father of a high school junior that was considering Dickinson, it wasn’t very hard to talk him out of it after we both read the opinion piece.
Hank Mardukis • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:44 pm
Well written. Does Chrises=Chris’s?
Joseph R • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:41 pm
I’m hoping this note goes a different route. My question to Miss Fisher would be this. Do you think an article like this changes any minds? I get it, white men ON AVERAGE either have or believe they have a position in this country where their voice is the wisest. Basically “don’t worry minority or woman, I’ve thought this through”. But IF your idea is to change this, then berating white men (including myself) won’t work. And guess what, if you wish things to change you do need buy in from white men. Telling them to shut up won’t achieve that. Get specific, point by point refute idiotic beliefs, etc. Yes, it’s slow, painful, and aggravating, but in the long run this will overcome.
JB • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:40 pm
Do you find it ironic that you’re stating how insignificant white mens opinions are but then making it completely obvious that you sit there listening and analyzing every word they say? Sitting at home with white boys taking up all the space in your head… Your opinion of us doesn’t carry any weight Leda. Remember this and just focus on making yourself better.
Richard A. Brennan • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:28 pm
I can understand where this came from. I recall similar sentiments from my college days at a premier, mostly white college. My Black colleagues expressed similar sentiments in private. What is lost on many here is that this op-ed piece is an expression of frustration. I may be a white, anglo saxon protestant male, the largely castigated group to which you refer, but I have a different take. My son is Black (mixed background, but by many standards part Black often simply gets referred to as Black). He and I have an exceptional relationship as do I and his dark complected mother. Because of those life choices I am quite sensitive to such debates. What I see is the problem to which you refer is one that I often railed against. Too little “honest” intellectual discourse, and too much opinion being passed off as fact. My college mentor and esteemed intellectual, Dr. John T. McCartney (author of Black Power Ideologies), taught me the value in reading all possible original sources for facts. Then intellectually examining those facts through various lenses to create original intellectual discourse. My words of encouragement to you would be to collect arbitrary facts, collect others’ thoughts on those facts, then synthesize analyses from all of that material. You can change exactly what you rail against only through committed honest intellectual inquiry. It won’t be popular (as the masses don’t like to hear what they’ve done wrong). It won’t be easy. It is worth it.
Jesse Broome • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:13 pm
Leda, Want one more white Boy’s opinion? You have every right to say everything you said, after all this is America. Just don’t cry racism when some white guy shares his opinion on black women… As far as everyone being offended, I think its silly. This girl is obviously ignorant, and has proven to everyone that her opinion matters much less than all those she’s trying to silence. Im amused more than anything.
Carsion • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:11 pm
I absolutely hope the school expels you for your idiotic racist attack. Can you imagine if a white male wrote a piece of trash asking if “black chicks” should be allowed to speak because frankly, they had grown tired of their opinions. This is nothing but racism. I hope you suffer the same fate a “white boy” would for doing something this ignorant and racist. But I bet you won’t. Because you have a special privilege that allows you to think this is ok and the school will prove that this privilege exists with their lack of action.
Orange_Blonde • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:08 pm
I want people to be disallowed to talk based on their skincolor and gender. But it’s not racism because I am a black woman and the people not allowe to speak are white men.
Are you f****ing kidding me?
I’ll rewrite her op-ed.
Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?
Yes, they are aloowed to and always will be. Everyone has the right to talk.
– The End
Joachim Murrietta • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:02 pm
Very enlightening conversation, mostly well thought out, respectful and articulate replies by many. However, in my opinion most replies have failed to fully understand the real message & totally missed what the authors is clearly suggesting ” I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on”
james • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:02 pm
Since you decided to use a fabricated definition of racism in responding to Yahoo Lifestyle, I will leave you with the Merriam-Webster definition.
Definition of racism
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Sounds like you fit the definition of a racist.
Alex • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:00 pm
Lena, GET IT GIRL. Not only do you have the right to say whatever you want to say, but white boys are incredibly annoying so way to put them on blast. I don’t know who told them their damn opinions were so important but I wish someone would tell them it’s enough now, we get it and it someone else’s turn with the talking stick. Which brings me to….
Racism against white people or “reverse racism” is not a possibility. White people (and I’m speaking as a white woman) have never been marginalized nor has there ever been institutionalized barriers erected to keep them from succeeding. So no, she’s not racist.
I mainly came here to show support for an author that wrote what many of us think and to let her know she’s got support out here.
Greg • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:56 pm
Congratulations on your insightful and well-written piece, Leda. Although I am a white male myself, I have repeatedly witnessed the same behaviors you describe. White males should not only recognize their privilege but resolve to listen more. Perhaps, as you say, they might actually learn something instead of just seeking their own intellectual validation.
Thomas Linzey • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:48 pm
This is an excellent piece – as a “white boy”, I understand exactly what she is saying here, and she is absolutely on target. I hope she writes more. This is about the institutions of white privilege programming the dominant culture to be its vehicles, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. The “haters” on here need to look within themselves, as carriers and stop assuming that their white privilege doesn’t exist. I, too, am tired of hearing the “white boys” talk all the time – and after they graduate, most of them become lawyers, judges, and other “important” people, who don’t have the life experiences to understand what it’s like to be a person of color.
Kevin Young • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:37 pm
I’m a white male, and I get her point. Just think of it as “white mansplaining.”…
Patricia Thompson • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:19 pm
“Fisher told Yahoo Lifestyle that her article raised issues that affect students of color. “As to the hate sent my way, it is no match for the support I have received,” she said. “[Regarding claims I am racist], I will share the widely accepted definition used across academic departments and activist space. Racism is composed of racial prejudice interpersonally and institutional bias against racial minorities. I do not hate white people, and no institution has ever built a system around disenfranchising or marginalizing white men, so I am not a racist.””
You girl, are a RACIST. A White person cannot hide their hate behind a white sheet, NOR can Minorities hide their’s behind a “definition”.
Cheryl G • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:09 pm
“The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless.”
I couldn’t agree with this sentiment, and the other frustrations aired by Ms. Fisher, more. To those persons making vitriolic comments: reverse what she wrote above to “The list of what [WOMEN] think they are qualified to talk about is endless.” How many of you would laugh derisively at this statement? If you did, forgive me, but I’m guessing you are male. Which means, you don’t value women’s thoughts, and you are exactly the type of person the author is talking about.
Rather than attack Ms. Fisher and others like her who are trying to express their exasperation, take a breath, hear them out, and try to understand their viewpoint. Starting a flame war solves nothing. It just leaves the divide between us that much greater.
Bryson • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:03 pm
A fellow Alum from Dickinson that I do business with on occasion just canceled a large donation to the school. Sadly more of this is to come. Only fighting racism one-way is a one-way ticket to not being a credible University. If you kick her out there will be some backlash, but in the end you will be supported for standing up for people of all race and gender.
Rachael • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:58 am
A more productive conversation would be a cultural discussion of why (or if) some voices are more privileged than others and/or if there are times that being outside of a cultural nullifies certain opinions.
This would create a space for logical debate and dialogue.
As is, this piece is incredibly sexist and discriminatory, doing exactly what the author derails others in her piece for doing. More over, it’s harmful to the real cultural situations where voices are silences for superficial or racist/sexist reasons.
I’m not sure how it was helpful to publish this piece. other than perhaps to spark a conversation about all of our biases.
Leonard R Paranac • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:48 am
40 years ago I was getting ready to graduate from college in May and i thought I knew everything. However when I entered the work force in the fall I found out quickly how much I did not know. When Leda graduates this spring
she will experience the same the same thing I did and realize how foolish some of the things she did were as an undergraduate.
G. Williams • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:44 am
Leda, you’ve conveniently altered the true definition of “racist” in your response to Yahoo News, in reaction to being called racist yourself against the “white boys” in your class who, annoyingly, had the audacity to discuss their views and ideas. Your definition of “racist,” Leda, is wrong. It’s not “racial prejudice…against racial minorities,” as you claim; its “showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races.”
Charles Howington • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:40 am
I want to thank Leda for her honesty and courage to speak out about the world that is a reality to her and many others. As one of those “white boys” in college 40+ years ago, i now am blessed with 40+ years of real life experiences working with all types of people, competing against all types of people, and being married to my wife for over 40 years. With age comes more acceptance of differences and makes you focus on the really important things in life including the belief that we are all children of God and we all have equal value in His eyes and those are the only eyes that matter.I hope and pray that we all can grow to understand that our rights and experiences end at the tip of our nose so please take time to reflect on how others lives and experiences are different but equal in value.
R • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:36 am
“Something very few of them seem to understand is that their (ill-informed, uncritical) opinions do not constitute truth”. HILARIOUS. This perfectly describes liberals like the author who wrote it. They are the people living in bubbles in which all they hear is leftist indoctrination. They then parrot their leftist indoctrination and declare that merely having a speaker on campus who questions their indoctrination amounts to ‘denying their right to exist’.
She also says that ‘white people can’t talk about the black experience’, yet academia and the media are full of black people who talk endlessly about the white experience. Also, notice that the ‘Believe women’ crowd is once again not believing women who accuse people deemed vital to Democrats. So the blck Virginia Lt Governor gets to keep his job even though two women have accused him of rape.
Charlene R • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:36 am
Go, Leda, go!! It’s not just in college with white boys but in the professional world with white men. They think they own the place and have no interest in hearing any differently. Yes, they know more than the rest of us about everything. Is it ALL white men? No, of course not. But it is a pervasive quality of our culture that privileges white straight cis-gender US-born Christian men over everyone else? You betcha. What else explains the completely incompetent, narcissistic, corrupt white male getting elected over so many others who were so much more qualified?
Speak your truth and don’t let the haters, especially those fragile white male snowflakes, shout you down. There are more of us with you than against you.
Fail • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:35 am
I am not surprised that certain individuals are still clinging to the maligned definition of racism as presented in the film Dear White People, as some type of semantic justification for their own racist belief systems. You made the claim that your definition is a “…widely accepted definition used across academic departments and activist space,” but that is only a half-truth in reference to the latter. I have never seen a single actual academic department endorse a particular definition of racism, especially one that exists to embolden the racist reprisals of embittered individuals. Your article was focusing on the wrong topics. You should have been posing the question, “Why are white-boys the only ones in class that care enough to help drive discussion?” Your voice will never be heard if you do not speak; also, using white-boys as some type of proxy-villain for your own shortcomings in academic discourse is also are great way to have most of your personal views regarded as invalid, especially when there is an overt degree of racial prejudice emanating from your words.
Howard Gold • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:34 am
Whatever happened to Dr. Martin Luther King’s statement: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”?
Where have we gotten so horribly lost? This is beyond distressing.
Robert Baxter • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:32 am
I find the piece rather refreshing, because of the double standards that the responses to it show. Listen up folks…we live in a country where some people are ecstatic that the current president says whats on his mind. They are foaming at the mouth when he talks and makes sweeping generalizations about others. They don’t call it racist just speaking his mind. Yet when someone not “white” speaks their mind its racist. A majority of the people that are pissed are those that foam at the mouth when 45 spews his crap. If you can not take the heat get out of the kitchen folks. Simple enough to do one would think. GREAT piece LEDA, I hope to read more from you in the coming years. Grow up snowflakes!!
S. Thompson • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:24 am
Give me a young black woman’s take on race over white boys presuming they are cognizant of her experience any day. And yes am white. BLM. Kudos young lady.
Ski Easy • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:20 am
“To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.”
-Leda Fisher
Clearly reading these comments most of you can’t do this. Rather try to understand where she’s coming from and what she’s saying you’d rather continue down the path or ignorance, because I guess as they say ignorance is bliss. No matter how Black people cry out on inequalities, institutional racism, out right racism, white supremacy, white privilege, (dang this list is long) etc… it doesn’t seem to matter. Whether in an intellectual way or not it doesn’t seem to matter. You people will always turn the tables and point the finger.
Why not own up to the history of this country and where your ideas come from? Why not see if there is any truth at all to what she’s saying? Why not “read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it”? It’s simply because you’re comfortable with the state of things, because they work in your favor. Screw everyone else! This is your attitude and has been for hundreds of years. Yeah “White Boys” and “White Girls”, try listening and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes for once in your lives.
Amazing piece Leda!
Ann Junkin • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:18 am
I am a 56 year old white woman who grew up in Ohio, and I consider myself progressive. Kudos to Leda for having the courage to speak her mind. The commenters who are “outraged” by her words need to look in the mirror. I would bet 99% of you who are offended are white males. You are proving Leda’s point perfectly. I will answer her question as well. Should white boys still be allowed to talk? I’ll qualify the answer to that question by saying “No, white boys should not be allowed to talk…over women, over minorities, over people from cultures of which they have no knowledge or personal experience.” I would never, ever, ever pretend to know what it is like to be a person of color. Therefore, my job is to shut up and listen, read, learn with open ears about what it is like from those who personally experience racism day in and day out in the good ‘ole U.S. Yes, it DOES still exist, contrary to what those who choose to bury their heads in the sand want to believe. So, white boys/men, it is also your job to shut up, listen, and learn. The fact that this article makes so many feel defensive proves that their perceived superiority is threatened. No worries, white folks, nobody is stealing your power and privilege. Those who have had to fight for equal rights will continue to face challenges in every setting, will continue to have their motives questioned, will continue to be attacked for expressing their beliefs and ideas. White boys/men will continue to dominate government, however, we are beginning to make inroads there, thank goddess!!! And no, I’m not gay.
Tyler Clark • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:18 am
“I will share the widely accepted definition used across academic departments and activist space. Racism is composed of racial prejudice interpersonally and institutional bias against racial minorities. I do not hate white people, and no institution has ever built a system around disenfranchising or marginalizing white men, so I am not a racist.”
This quote says it all. I am not racist because our newly revised definition of racism – which is defined as a prejudice against someone of another race – is now just prejudice against a minority. Therefore, no one can be racist against white people.
This newly invented definition is racist. This woman is a great example of the infestation of convoluted SJW’s and their deluded, twisted thought process. It is a real disease.
Anne • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:11 am
This is a very good example of racism. Who r u to tell people who can and cant talk. If someone had wrote this about an African american, LGBTQ, or any other minority this would have been taken down by now. I have nothing but support and love for these groups. My brothers are of African american descent and my cousin is gay. My son is half Hispanic. Even though I am white, I have a multi-racial family. I may not know someone else’s exact prespective on a situation but I can give my view on it. Thank god for freedom of speech. So u r allowed to write what u think and I have the right to tell you that you your racist and your opinion and hatred can now be compared to a white supremacist. Congratulations from the sounds of it you have become what you hate.
Chad White • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:11 am
I think she needs to save herself (and her parents?) some money, drop out of college for now, join the US military and learn a thing or two from a truly racially diverse setting that requires mutual trust and understanding, and teamwork.
Linda • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:06 am
I totally agree with everything stated in this article and it is NOT racist. White folks will claim it’s racist, no surprise there, because the vast majority refuse to accept and acknowledge that reverse racism does not exist, at least not in the same sense as that perpetrated by whites against black folks. And, white people refuse to acknowledge and/or admit to their own racist tendencies. I am a white female and so many white males drive me nuts with the same BS outlined in this article. Very few are cognizant of the truth and fewer are willing to admit it and change themselves. Kudos to this author for speaking out. It just saddens me more than anything that white people are not standing up to this crap every chance they get. I always try and have lost jobs as a result, but it is worth it. White people, as a whole, sicken me…including so many of those commenting on this article. Ignorant, hateful, despicable fools.
Dan Pansing • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:06 am
I am most likely, exactly the person to who this author is referring. Although certainly not raised in financial privilege; I have never known the pain and humiliation of racism, prejudice, or sexism. I have never been in fear of my safety when interacting with law enforcement, or had to worry what some ham-handed man’s motivation was when speaking with someone new. That said, I am still one of those guys that are absolutely convinced that my view of the world, and my opinions on topics are more correct than most. That my superpower is being able to tell good from bad, right from wrong, without exception or equivocation. I can prove it to you; I believe that right now. I do believe that the author paints with an awfully broad brush, but also believe it has nothing to do with hate, fear or prejudice. I can imagine what it must be like sitting in a classroom full of Brads and Seans. On one hand looking for the cheap laugh, because they are sure they have the right answer; I was that guy.
Most of these comments on this article are asinine at best. School newspapers and college campuses are exactly the forum for this kind of dialogue. So to the parents of Brad and Sean, get a doughnut pillow to sit on for a few days, it tends to relive the symptoms butt-hurt, and move your damned Subaru, this area is for the dropping off or picking up of students only.
R. R. • Feb 13, 2019 at 11:06 am
I am not a Dickinson student or alum, however, I am in an EEO related field with ample years of experience in training, teaching, and workforce development. I am also Hispanic; born in Mexico and raised in Brooklyn, NY. First, Ms Fisher’s definition of racism is very incorrect. What she defined is discrimination, not racism; a very common mistake for those that do not understand the difference or have been in the direct position to examine it. Racism is: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. Discrimination is: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. I put those definition there not to insult anyone’s intelligence, but to show those that do not know the difference how they differentiate. Yes, racism leads to discrimination, but it does not work vice-versa. Ms Fisher has all the rights to think that she may be excluded, but I truly think the way she expressed it through this paper is unproductive. To answer her question posed through the paper, yes we should still let them talk. Knowing what you are doing or what you are saying is not entirely true can only be done if everyone else hears it. Censoring people only develops resentment and creates conflict. Part of mentoring and teaching is also correcting, and we cannot correct if we do not know what is being said. No one person in this wonderful country will ever be 100% right. We are at a crossroads in our society where we are evolving and as we all know, evolution sometimes takes a very bumpy step. We have to remember that we can be opponents in debates but that does not mean we are enemies. Mutual respect is something that too many forget. Yes, minorities were not included in the manifest destiny belief, but it does not mean we cannot forge a better relationship to show everyone that the current system needs adjustments. Pieces like this do not help build the bridge of reconciliation. This piece is the same as saying all of those crossing the border are criminals; clearly not the case because I am not a criminal, just a productive member of society. Ms Fisher needs to reevaluate her position on these issues and prepare a piece that reflects what she learned during her collegiate career. Hate is not a one-way street and it can manifest itself in various ways. The best way to combat it is by taking a moment to see the bigger picture of what it wants to affect, and stop it from getting there. For those criticizing Ms Fisher in a demeaning way, don’t. Instead, help her understand why her views are no different than any other person with racist beliefs. Mentor her to analyze people’s positions and their understandings before creating a rebuttal. It is easier to sit in your chair and type away a chastising comment instead of taking some time to have an educated conversation with her. Best of luck to Ms Fisher because the working world is a very unforgiving domain when you smear your own name before putting any value in it.
R. R., EdD
Ken • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:57 am
This article is divisive and generalist. I cringed at the amount of ignorance to the racial double standard this piece exposes about our times. We need to stop judging on the color of peoples skin and use the content of their character to form opinions. A word to the writer. Stop. Stop hurting America. This article hurts America…and it says. “I’m not racist and sexist but…” (invoke racist and sexist opinions here). Trash.
Martha H Harris • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:56 am
You are so right!! Thank you for having the courage to bring this forward! I’m sorry you are getting the white fragility backlash.
Theonis Presely • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:52 am
My son a few years ago had all the awards, Valedictorian, all the merit based awards, all the city and state awards, even a National Championship. What does this author have that makes her so intelligent and informed? He was looking at all the schools in the Northeast, you know Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. However, he had heard of the incredible prejudices schools have against southern men. Let me make something clear, he went to a Public School, his best friends were and still are minorities including LGBTQ, and he is highly intelligent. He decided against the Northeast specifically to avoid highly prejudiced students and professors like this author. He made a great decision. And the Northeast will continue on their path of prejudice and ignorance as to what real people are like from the South. He is way too intelligent to ever write an article like this, because he knows better, he knows what is real in this world and what is hype.
BAM • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:52 am
Fisher told Yahoo Lifestyle that her article raised issues that affect students of color. “[Regarding claims I am racist], I will share the widely accepted definition used across academic departments and activist space. Racism is composed of racial prejudice interpersonally and institutional bias against racial minorities. I do not hate white people, and no institution has ever built a system around disenfranchising or marginalizing white men, so I am not a racist.”
This is your problem right there. That is a made up definition of racism that both allows you to hold onto your hateful beliefs and you think it gives you the right to say whatever you want without repercussions. The actual definition of racism is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race on the belief that one’s own race is superior.” So yes, by the factual definition you are a racist.
Guillermo Santos • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:50 am
Ms. Fisher is clearly a racist, among other faults. If you base everything in your life on race, and your actions are based on race, and your writing is based on race, and your complaints are race based, guess what? You are a flaming racist, regardless if it’s your opinion that only others and not you are capable of racism. Your ignorance does not make the racism disappear.
Jacqueline • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:50 am
Why even have white men and others go to the same university of college then? We can give them back Harvard and Yale and Princeton, then they can just talk about things freely without ever worrying about speaking over people.
Alice • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:47 am
So what you are saying is POC and Womyn are too weak to stand up for ourselves, and that white men must be silent for us to talk? Personally, I want them to talk, so I can use the greatest tools I have to shout them down when they are wrong: logic, intellect, and my voice.
Tom Leykis • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:44 am
Is english your 2nd language? The bar in “women’s studies” has gone even lower. You’re all class. honey. Lol
Ladani • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:44 am
Do you remember how Dee Dee Ramone failed to become a rapper, and offered the hilarious explanation as to why? He said “I’m not a negro, so I don’t know, but I want to.” At least he was sincere. Would you rather see a white boy stand up and say “I can’t really give an opinion on the black experience, because I’m not black” and then not attend class? What if he read some books on black history (like Race Matters by Cornell West) and came to the conclusion that black people create their own misery? What if the white boy in your class took a year off to work as a correction officer, then came back with a really hostile opinion about black people?
You seem to think that white people are unqualified to write, speak, or research about black people. I promise you, the ones with informed opinions (gained through experience and observation) will be a lot worse. You’re not going to like it.
Steve • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:41 am
It was white men who walked on the moon. It was mostly white men who died in WW1. WW2, Korean, Vietnamese the gulf wars. I guess white men do have things to talk about. You have to if you want to accomplish great things
K. Love • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:36 am
The full-throated display of white fragility displayed in the comments is terrifying. Ya’ll need some Robin DiAngelo and Ijeoma Oluo stat.
Jamal • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:34 am
The Irony is we black men want white girls. She is just irrelevant
Brian Frost • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:34 am
Substitute “black people” everywhere it says “white boys,” and this is recognized as unacceptable hate speech. As it sits, it’s “acceptable” hate speech.
Hatred is a universal language, even if it isn’t universally recognized.
B Ingram • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:33 am
Thank you Leda. I know your future will be filled with successes.
You are correct and the responses prove that they are unable to “critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.”
Heywood • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:32 am
What an original, well thought out writing. I’m sure that this won’t meet with any disagreement and/or controversy.
Brian Logsdon • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:29 am
Congratulations Leda,
Your four years of college have trained you to be a racist.
When my son was a Freshman (at another school), he point output to me that it will be impossible for racism to end. When I asked why, he said, “Because the are people on both sides who want it.”
I suspect he just described you to a “T”.
Good luck finding a job … your digital footprint looks pretty bad right now.
Dr. J. T. Hansen • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:26 am
This is a powerful piece, and powerful pieces make people uncomfortable. The backlash in some of the comments here speaks to inherent racism that cannot accept that “equal” and “equity” are two different concepts.
It saddens me that so many people outside the Dickinson College are feeling the need to get involved here. A petition to expel a student? Someone you don’t even know? Over an opinion? Ridiculous. Let the students do what they need to do to develop into people who will lead our world forward into the future – even if and when that means finding their own powerful voices.
Thank you for this piece. It made me reflect on my own teaching and wonder whether and when I might be amplifying some voices more than others. I appreciate the prompting to do so.
D. Harrison • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:16 am
I’m a mother to two young “white boys” (as you would so rudely call them). So I should just raise them to shut up and sit down? I should tell my toddler son that he doesn’t have a voice and has no meaning in life? I should tell my pre-teen son that he’s a waste of space and should put a gun in his mouth, so as not to offend women? No. I’m raising them to be kind, educated, and classy. They have JUST AS MUCH value as you do. Not more, but certainly not less. They deserve a voice and a opinion just as much as you. I do hope that I teach them better than your parents did though. I hope I manage to instill equality and respect. I have a daughter too and guess what, I’m raising her the same. I’m sorry you feel let down by white men, but for what’s it’s worth, my son’s didn’t ask to be born. They didn’t come out of the womb, high-fiving the doctor because they are the “chosen ones”. They deserve a good life, where people treat them with dignity and respect….just as you do! Stop being so angry and look to bridging to gaps instead of making the race divide wider.
JAKE • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:10 am
First off my name is JAKE… And a “white boy”.. In itself used to be offensive.. My best friend is bi racial with African american, named CHRIS… I have a african american wife and biracial son. Yes I am a white boy.. Or just a Man. A Man. Forget the color i don’t need to be desribed like a car. Im a human being just like you are. You are a stubborn, rude, selfish and 1 sided thinking black woman probably named LEDA!! Or any other sterotypical name that I could say to be rude like you did assuming that because of your SKIN color or NAME that your the same as the others of that resoective race or name… Some of us WHITE BOYs come from great families while ALSO living amongst other ethnicities. All of my close friends are of different races. Therefore I have heard and learned of trials and tribulations. Ive seen the hurt and witnessed it first hand with them in public. It hurts me deeply that the same person who has been oppressed and lumped together in sterotypical categories, who knows how that feels, (YOU LEDA) would do the same to others. Do not include me In your ridiculous sterotyping. I CANT EXPLAIN ENOUGH HOW BAD THIS FRUSTRATED ME.
MeMe • Feb 13, 2019 at 10:05 am
I’m really sick and tired of this crap. From everyone but more so the black community that does in fact spend a lot of its time knocking down everything whites do and making really broad, racist assumptions along the way all the while calling everyone else racist but themselves. Just stop already.
PS not all white boys are named Jake, Chad and Alex. In fact, this white woman doesn’t know any.
BENJAMIN HAEGER • Feb 13, 2019 at 9:54 am
this student should be expelled, if a white student wrote this about minorities, it would be national news
I am appalled by this article
Ron • Feb 13, 2019 at 9:50 am
While I can’t say I wholeheartedly agree with the piece, it’s clearly labeled “Opinion” and posted in the student ran newspaper.
So, for all of you slamming the college, it’s not a dictatorship. People are allowed to have opinions,
and this young ladies should be a jumping off point for larger discussions .
sam altomere • Feb 13, 2019 at 9:43 am to your definition of a racist and why it does not apply to you….hmmm…so if I get your meaning correctly…(and lord knows I am just a narrow-minded white man) as long as you state this opinion in a place where whatever group you attach yourself to is a minority (and let’s face it, we all can find a way to be a minority if that is what we would like to be), you can spread hate and discontent toward any generalized, stereotyped group of people whom are of higher number than your group? So…if you originated this piece in the Congo, or Senegal, or any country, state, principality (you get my drift) in which your group is the majority…or is not considered the minority, then…..and only then..would the same words be classified as racist?
Why is it that when someone wants to justify something that is clearly wrong, or tasteless, or morally detestable, do they then, and only then decide that strict adherence to a definition is the frame upon which they would like to hang and display their ugly views?
I would like to propose a new test of racism or…of useless hateful banter: (this applies in this country more than most) if I were to replace the word white in your article with the word black…would their be an uproar from the black community screaming about it’s racist gibberish? I would further, for the sake of maintaining the narrow point of view, assign the author to the “white girl” group…and then test political atmosphere again for an uptick in uproar.
The racial grouping and discriminatory issues in the country are NEVER going to be solved or even addressed credibly if we all insist on be separatists and sectioning ourselves into groups (ie….massing together in a corner to complain). If we would all like to be Americans…hell…if we would all like to be a member of the mankind (and womankind…maybe we could start with a better term for the group of humans who live on this earth together) then maybe we should consider melding into this one big group and speaking with one voice made up of the consensus of the many instead of standing on our street corners and making faces at the groups on the other side of the streets or pretending that we are not members of our narrowly focused groups because there is a momentary monetary advantage to be had.
Sam Rutherford • Feb 13, 2019 at 8:59 am
Should a stupid ignorant person be allowed to write an opinion article? We don’t need you to answer that we have our answer. Read your reply on yahoo, on how you are not a racist because you are going to use the “definition used across academic departments and activist space”. Call it what you will but you are a bigot, hypocrite and a liar so theres that.
Leon • Feb 13, 2019 at 8:41 am
You don’t hate white people but you capitalize every ‘b’ in black but leave every ‘w’ in white lower case. Your racial hatred shines right through. I, however, do not blame you. An “American studies” major (any *insert group* studies major) is generally going to lack the intellect necessary to distinguish pertinent details, whatever the topic. As for the “widely held” definition of racism, that particular one is only widely held in the echo-chamber you frequent. Outside if it, the other standards definition of the word is just as popular (the one that uses it as a synonym for racially based hatres). By that equally common use of the word, you are definitely a racist, and using your own definition of the word, you are still full of racial hatred. Your a bigot, and not a bery intelligent one.
White Boy • Feb 13, 2019 at 8:26 am
I am now dumber because of this.
Andrew • Feb 13, 2019 at 8:20 am
As a alumnus of Dickinson I’m glad Leda voiced her opinion. I learned several things from my time at Dickinson, the first and most profound is question everything. The second is be open to criticism and use it as a tool of self reflection, re-evaluation, and reconstruction. If you are afraid to self reflect and leave the posobily that you might not be correct out of the equation then you are closed off and are failing yourself. You will not grow. Question it all, to the core. Rebuild your base from honest research and evaluation. What better way to question your own opinion than to go public with it. That’s the irony of this article. This is openly her opinion with a silent “do you agree?” attached to the end. At least out of the respect for the brilliant minds that have established the rich history of Dickinson I would hope it would be. Otherwise it would be a closed minded article. The irony dissipates if we all continue to self reflect, question everything and re-evaluate. So Leda, continue to voice your opinion as the “white Boys” do in your article, remember the search for truth lies in debate. It will never be discovered unless you truly open your mind.
Hockey • Feb 13, 2019 at 8:07 am
What a professional victim piece of bullshit this op-ed is. And the writer is actually a student? A professional victim sounds more like it.
I’ll rewrite the piece for you.
Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?
Yes, they should. Everyone is allowed to talk.
– The End
James L • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:58 am
Freedom is speech is important and Ms. Flsher certainly has a right to her views but this is a poorly written piece by any measurement. Rather, the sexist and racist overtones overshadow an opportunity to truly understand her viewpoint. She missed a great opportunity place us in her shoes and take us on a trip as a young black woman in 2019. She arbitrarily cuts off this opportunity, any debate or any discussion by wholly discounting the views or opinions of an entire race and sex simultaneously comes across as petty, angry, and arrogant. Not a good starting point for any writer to make their point.
Annie J • Feb 13, 2019 at 7:47 am
This “article” is the perfect example of the double standard in our society today. It is accepted that becuase the article is wrote by a person of color that they can not be racist. Yet every last word is seething with hate. If a white person had wrote this they would have been expelled and the college would have issued an apology. But this student will be celebrated. If she where to get expelled it would only launch her in to fame being the new face for “racial injustice.” Welcome to our new society where the “equality ” people claim to be seeking means the rules are better for them. This is disgusting and Dickson college should be ashamed. We are on our way to another holocaust humans will never change. They will always assume their hate is justified.
John Gatto • Feb 13, 2019 at 6:51 am
I see the schools are doing what they were intended to do – divide and conquer.
Jeffrey • Feb 13, 2019 at 3:10 am
Perhaps I didn’t see it, but you can’t dismiss everything “white” boys say in lectures, articles, etc. If it is pertinent to the subject in the class, they might have some information valuable to you. If you already come in with the notion they are wrong, you will miss. One last thing, spend more time researching and forming your own opinions instead listening to what others tell you to think. Don’t blame people today for things of yesteryear, but don’t dismiss what happened either because you can’t change it. All you can do is move forward and live your life the best way you see fit. If you allow the past to influence your decisions about today, you will live your whole life hating people who never did a thing to you.
Thom Felton • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:37 am
Elswehere, the author said this:
“I will share the widely accepted definition used across academic departments and activist space. Racism is composed of racial prejudice interpersonally and institutional bias against racial minorities. I do not hate white people, and no institution has ever built a system around disenfranchising or marginalizing white men, so I am not a racist.”
Ah yes, the academically-held Orwellian redefinition of a well-known English word that justifies your anti-social behavior. For someone who doesn’t like the opinions of white boys, you’ve had no trouble internalizing the opinions of that white boy Karl Marx and his casting of all of life as a struggle between Oppressor and Oppressed.
ت.علی • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:36 am
You are racist, sister. I am Middle Eastern, feminist, LGBT, and Marxist and I find this article extremely racist and dangerous. What’s next? Having white students wear badges? Aktion 4? You’ve got it all wrong.
EW • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:17 am
I believe the author is an angry, ignorant person more than she is a racist. Her definition of racism, from academic departments and activist space, is fictitious as well; further proof of her ignorance. I’ve attended 10 different colleges in 6 different states, each with their own academic departments and activist spaces, but I have never heard such a useless definition of any word. She has been grossly misled at some point in her life and doesn’t seem to be in touch with reality.
Yes, white boys should be allowed to talk. So should all other “colors” of boys and girls, especially as long as idiots like the author continue to write. Their must be reasonable talk, from all races and genders, to balance out and hopefully overcome the ignorance spread by authors such as Ms. Fisher.
Chad Thunderdong • Feb 13, 2019 at 2:03 am
Top shelf racism. Had to look up your bio.
“Favorite class is “Fat Studies” taught by a Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies professor.”
Do you plan on being a barista or waitress after College?
Anonymous • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:47 am
I don’t care about the writer, her intellectual capacity is obviously so much lower than mine that I would need the Hubble telescope just to see an outline of her… No, i’m speaking to everybody who has commented with any level of outrage to this article because you need to hear something important. From what I’ve read, nobody has even come close to making this point.
She sounds like an ignorant Trumpian-style troll; the type of loudmouth bigoted liar that has dominated your head spaces for the last three years. My GOD Look at all this outrage. If you saw someone speaking like this in public, would you honestly get mad? Of course not — you’d laugh your asses off!
This piece was written by an unintelligent, inarticulate, and clearly bigoted person. Would you argue the merits of mercy and livelihood to an ax murderer? No… then why would you argue the merits of well thought-out and intelligent argumentative strategies with an idiot? Answer, maybe you would but you shouldn’t. Why? It’s simply a waste of time.
So, let me put in my 2-cents and add clarity to what you all claim, that she’s a racist….Is she a racist? By the use of her textbook definition in her terrible Yahoo! defense commentary, NO. Racism is using bias and institutional norms to prop up unfair policies or systems that marginalize and put into submission certain groups to others… Like when the courts, in response to lawsuits as a result of disproportionate police assaults on minorities, enact laws that limit the definition scope of police brutality. Thus, making legal action against brutally racist cops less likely with each successive legal failure. When cops and judges subscribe to this, things not suprisingly have gotten worse for minorities as a result, especially black men. THAT’S RACISM. This point, by the way, was plucked from my study of THE NEW JIM CROW by Michelle Alexander. A GREAT BOOK for people who ACTUALLY want to know what real racism looks like.
I think the word you’re all looking for is BIGOT.
Here’s the definition of BIGOT, by the way: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions. Pretty simple. You don’t need to read more than two sentences into her article to answer this question. She is clearly a bigot.
But let’s look at the broad-view one last time before I leave you all to your rage. This article is such unintelligent and outraged trash. The type of garbage you find on yahoo comment boards or donald trumps twitter feed just a little bit longer and a little bit angrier. You should all be so happy that one of these yahoo comment board trolls had the guts to show their face. Now we have an example of what they look like. They look like this:
Go in peace my sisters/brothers of all shapes/colors/sizes.
A Wyatt Man • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:31 am
Let’s take this opportunity to consider the curious liberal notion of “White Privilege.” As I understand it, this is the idea that White people can do and say things that blacks cannot.
Well, here we have what appears to be a half-black/half-Jewish woman–excuse me, girl–spilling the most vile, acid, racist hatred of White people…and it is clear that she will face no consequences from the college administration or really, at all. One need not speculate on the fate of a White man at Dickinson who wrote an opinion piece about his annoyances with every DeBrickashaw, LeBradford and Tyrone: he would be immediately expelled.
And what did the White Students’ organization at Dickinson have to say about Miss Fischer’s bigotry? Well, not much, since there’s no White Students’ organization there or at any U.S. college (and can we honestly say with vicious hate-mongers like Miss Fisher running around–and reading the comments, there are actually people DEFENDING her rancid intolerance–that such an organization is not needed? There are people who HATE us–despise us–merely for being White).
So, “White Privilege” means:
* White people don’t get to band together to protect our interests
* White people must constantly accept denigration by racists like Miss Fischer
* White people can’t speak the truth about blacks–for instance, it’s racist to mention that blacks commit most violent crime in the US–but blacks are free to lie openly about Whites
Although she is a despicable and small-minded segregationist, THIS WILL IN NO WAY HAMPER MISS FISCHER’s FUTURE (her terrible writing and limited intelligence may): she can join the professional grievance industry and perpetuate racist tripe against White people…for money! There is a thriving industry promoting hatred of Whites, and a good number of people–for instance, Tim Wise, like Miss Fischer, Jewish or Charles Blow, like Miss Fischer, black–who make an excellent living grousing full-time about Whites.
“White Privilege,” my ass.
Dickinson Alumna 123 • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:25 am
As an alumna, this is one of the more disturbing and troubling things i’ve seen posted from my college alma-mater in a long time. But i hate to say I am shocked but After students last year tried to remove their democratically elected student government president for her political views and even go so far as to prevent her from graduation, this mindset might be the new norm at Dickinson; a disturbing prospect for those who want to learn, grow and engage NOT just those who agree with but with those who see things differently (a value I had once thought was a priority at Dickinson College)
I was left under the believe that most people attend college to experience and grow new things. To ‘engage the world’ as many Dickinsonians once joked but now instead of challenging your own views, your own experiences, and doing good, Leda, you scream about the over influence of ‘white men’ whose ‘unoriginal opinions’ are in your view wrong. Is suppression what you are advocating for?….I had though Ben Rush had wanted to create a ‘useful education’ that aspired to the democratic principle of the ‘new nation.’ Guess those principles only apply to those you agree with and like…or perhaps in the limestone walls broad stereotyping of ‘white men’ is acceptable.
Why do you, Leda, instead not call for the very voices to get involved, to input their opinions, to engage and make a change. Inspire and empower! Dickinson needs more diverse voices! I agree with you there! But It’s not up the men to ‘shut up’ simply because you disagree with their point of view.
The better approach would be to open a dialogue and teach! Some people will continue to choose to be ignorant but many will listen.Encourage those who in your view point need to more vocal to share the opinions! Help them work through their fear. Dickinson is a ‘safe community’ for conversation. Silencing others will not make others speak.
Maybe this article is meant to be mocking, but acting and assigning all ‘white men’ to some boorish brute stereotype is not only woefully ignorant on your part but is extremely hypocritical.
White Success • Feb 13, 2019 at 1:00 am
You’re so jealous of white success… White males are the strongest form of human on the planet and we have centuries of proof to back it up. Keep runnin your mouth little lady, once you enter the real world you’re gonna have to learn to be quiet though. For your own good.
Jose Morales • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:50 am
SJW are going BANANAS. As an Hispanic American I AM sick and tiered of the racism towards white folks. When the communists were unable to start a revolution with the haves and have nots they created identity politics. Here you are American OR you are not. Who cares what the color of your skin is. One thing for certain all our blood is red. And we shit and we all stink.
Daniel Thomas • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:40 am
Leda – I get your point on the history of the white male voice and the power it carries historically given, I suspect, economic advantage for a sustained period. I also get your point on how exasperating that can be. It can be of several equivalents in any other community that has history. I guess my question is how do you propose to challenge white male voices sans the constraint of anger. You must know that being angry can only translate so far and get you only so much. Personally, you seem to have, based on this one article, an apparent writing style that can take you places. Channel your energy , focus your thoughts and maybe consider the reason that you are in college… to learn and apply what you learn, not to attempt to stifle communication from/of others (others specifically being white males).
Merrill Danford • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:38 am
Hi, Leda, I hope you get a chance to read this.
I am a white boy–although at 52, ha ha, I wish!—and I just want to say, spot on.
Balanced, restrained, intelligent, and not at all “racist.”
I find the negative responses amusing, disturbingly ignorant, and exaggeratedly defensive.
Totally ridiculous that a white boy would dare to speak about his understanding of the black experience. Unless it’s to describe limits and ask questions.
I see some Incel losers up above who, if they aren’t Incel now, soon will be.
Julie Yao • Feb 13, 2019 at 12:32 am
I transferred out of Dickinson last semester. I have never felt seen on that campus. My “happiest” moment on that campus was protesting the all-faculty meeting held after the blackface incident from Halloween ’18, when I held hands with people I barely knew. That was when I felt most connected to people on that campus because finally I felt like I was surrounded by people who wanted to see me. I left Dickinson because I burned out. In ways I preferred to be different, Dickinson taught me about white privilege, as well as how to own my identity as a person of color, an immigrant, and all my privileges as an upper middle class cisgender straight East Asian woman. I am still finding ways and courage to process the two years, but I am now finally breathing.
Thank you for your voice, Leda. I wish you all the best and want you to know that I and so many others stand with you. Your piece is absolutely on point and speaking every truth I wish I had the courage to scream from the bottom of my heart on my way out in December 2017. White people in 2019, particularly white men, sometimes just all cisgender men, who still don’t get how they are taking too much space are exactly the problem. Screw them. You are on your way out. Keep your head up, and don’t let them break you.
Jambes Marks • Feb 12, 2019 at 9:21 pm
Not only is Leda Fisher racist, but she is wrong. Everyone has the right to participate in class. Having knowledge or opinions isn’t a function of race. When Leda Fisher doesn’t want the “white boys” to talk, she is actually admitting she cannot compete with them. If she thought herself the equal of the “white boys”, she’d be able to go toe-to-toe with anyone in a discussion.
With an inferiority complex like Leda’s, she’ll probably end up as a barista. The “white boys” she feels inferior to? They’ll likely end up in grad school, professional school, or with real jobs.
Someone secure in their own knowledge and their own worth as a person has no need to put anyone else down.
John Smith • Feb 12, 2019 at 7:40 pm
The author isn’t racist. She just hates white people.
Alex Chad • Feb 12, 2019 at 7:02 pm
Your talking about college age males, and refer to them as “boys.” Wouldn’t they be considered men or at the very least adults ? I wonder if I wrote an article that used the term black boys to describe black adult men dozens of times, I don’t believe that would go over well. One other point, I’m sure every individual in the room “thinks” that their opinion is the most important.
DaVante • Feb 12, 2019 at 6:51 pm
Leda, maybe you should focus less on the messengers and more on the content of the messages. When you felt ignored, cut off, and drowned out, how much of your preceding statements were unoriginal regurgitations of sjw grievance boilerplate speaking points? How often did you sincerely use terms such as “privilege”, “entitlement”, “systemic discrimination”, “institutionalized racism”, “disparate impact”, “critical theory”, “historically disadvantaged”, “slavery”, “400 years of oppression”, “jim crow”, “redlining”, “criminal justice system”, “lynching”, “emmitt till”, “genocide”, “holocaust”, “antisemitism”, etc? When hearing the “white boys” talk, even if you found them to be disagreeable, did it ever strike you that their comments were original, individually thought-out attempts at honesty?
I suspect that you’re ignored not because you’re a Jewish black woman, but because your comments are somr combination of unoriginal, boring, tedious, incorrect, dishonest, belligerent, and/ or annoying.
Best of luck
Kristaps • Feb 12, 2019 at 6:26 pm
You are SO brave to write this. To point out the flaws of an entire group of people, with zero nuance, and with zero shame! You ARE the resistance! Other people better woke up- you are a HERO!
ou812 • Feb 12, 2019 at 5:41 pm
How dare you make assumptions about anyone’s gender identity, Leda!
Miguel • Feb 12, 2019 at 5:04 pm
Wow, at first I thought Lynette’s comment above, full of critical theory jargon, was a parody. But it’s not. This is a look inside the mind of a 3rd wave/4th wave feminist.
She says: “As others have stated eloquently above, there is no such thing as reverse racism. ”
Says who Lynette? I imagine there is no such thing as “reverse” sexism in your bizarro intersectionalist/feminist world? You’re just regurgitating critical theory dogma.
Lynette goes on to make the sweeping generalization that the University is fostering institutional racism and needs to conduct “reflection sessions on white privilege”. George Orwell would be proud! Students, read his book, 1984. You will recognize people just like Lynette in the book.
To the blacks that read Lynette’s comment. Her comment embodies the bigotry of low expectations. A white middle class woman is telling you that you are nothing but a victim and would rather stroke her own ego by signalling virtue than working to truly empower blacks. Just ask Thomas Sowell.
To the young women reading her comment, this is a look into the mind of a feminist. It’s full of an obsession with victimhood, resentment and authoritarianism. It’s not a healthy way to live in this world.
Live free. Think free.
Lynette Martyn • Feb 12, 2019 at 3:32 pm
You go girl! I applaud the editor of the Dickinsonian for publishing this piece. I graduated in the 90s and have not made any recent donations but I will consider sending funds if I see more articles like this posted. The lack of support and ignorance expressed in the majority of the comments is a testimony to how little past graduates have been educated in the area of racism. As others have stated eloquently above, there is no such thing as reverse racism. The struggle is what defines racism and white people are not oppressed. Similarly, the color blind approach some of us grew up with in the 70s, 80s, and 90s is now recognized as hurting not helping the problem because if we do not recognize the way society oppresses people with darker skin we are contributing to institutionalized racism with our silence. So I repeat, you go Leda! By acknowledging the problem of white men taking up too much space, of their not making room to engage black women in the conversation, of no doubt many professors lifting up the voices of white men and not making space for the women and the black women in the room, Dickinson is complicit in continuing to support a culture of oppression and exclusion rather than fighting the status quo. A close friend was choosing between Dickinson and Macalester and I actively persuaded her away from Dickinson based on culture alone. I would urge administrators to dedicate some deep reflection on why this article was received so poorly from the community and what needs to be done to change this. I would start by offering reflection sessions on white privilege at all your alumni events both local and off campus, review how you support your faculty and staff of color, as well as your students of color and take a diversity lens to your curriculum offerings. We are living in a multicultural world and I fear Dickinson will not remain competitive if they do not start making some serious strides in addressing the institutional racism that we are currently fostering. A sincere thank you for your emotional labor, Leda. If I can ever be of support to you in the Boston area, look me up. Best, Lynette Martyn ’95
JW • Feb 12, 2019 at 3:31 pm
Well yes, people seldom get shunned without their own doing, and Leda is undoubtedly and deservedly reaping what she has sown.
I am far far far from the trophy generation. But I’m also anchored enough to know that (i) you don’t throw a girl out of school for opinions expressed in school newspaper, however wrong they may be (unless perhaps they advocate a crime), and (ii) anybody who relies on petitions to accomplish anything in this world is hopelessly naiive and frankly, juvenile. The platform has long since jumped the shark, but I’m sure they appreciate having your contact information in the data that they sell to third parties.
As for Title IX risks, I’m afraid you really don’t know what your talking about. And as for the university, yes, they have a big problem. They have forgotten the core tenets of the liberal arts, which they previously were among the better colleges at adhering to. (See the Professor’s comments above.) So frankly, penalizing the student will just allow the university to ignore/sweep under the rug its own shortcomings and faults in this matter.
CAL Shields '77 • Feb 12, 2019 at 3:22 pm
As a Dickinson alum I would prefer to be referred to as “lad” or “man” in college publications. Also I’m not “white” more a light brown or beige. Also I don’t feel that being loud has to do with ancestry, more with being a lawyer and coming from a large family. In my family, if you were not loud, no one would pass you the potatoes. Though I do feel entitled in that Dickinson was $3800.00 my freshman year. No wonder everyone is so angry these days.
CAL Shields ‘77
JW • Feb 12, 2019 at 3:18 pm
Professor Anastassiathe:
I have suggested precisely this to the executive leadership of the school.
Ankylus • Feb 12, 2019 at 2:37 pm
LOL, thank you for having your say. This is why I love freedom of speech so much-it gives people like this an opportunity to self-identify.
And the next time a resume from a Dickinson College alum/student comes across my desk, I know to deposit it directly in the circular file. Thank you, again.
Larry Lowrey • Feb 12, 2019 at 2:00 pm
Isn’t she supposed to be a “Goodwill Ambassador?”
tyty • Feb 12, 2019 at 1:10 pm
QP • Feb 12, 2019 at 12:53 pm
Leda Fisher is unemployable and unmarriageable moron.
Dickinson is an overpriced school that delivers little if any value. In the case of fools like Leda, Dickinson delivers negative value.
Will Dickinson survive another decade? Not if they are admitting stupid like this.
Spiff Spaceman • Feb 12, 2019 at 11:56 am
Yes, the writer is racist. Let us not simply say the writer is racist. Let us name this racist writer: Leda Fisher the class of 2019.
What should be clear is that Dickinson College fostered and created a racist through it’s academic programs. Not only should this backwards thinking individual, Leda Fisher, be denied a diploma the school should investigate the class programs that created such a vile product from their walls and fix them even if it means firing racist professors.
Margee Ensign, the president of Dickinson, should get off her cushy seat from on high and have a discussion on how bigotry is fostered within her walls of higher education. How does one come to Dickinson, a supposed institution of Higher Learning, and come out with a brain filled with backwards thoughts and uncritical thinking abilities.
Leda Fisher’s display of ignorance is a shining example of the non-education one will receive at Dickinson. It would be best for Alumni and Prospective students to avoid providing monetary support for an institution that churns out racists as a product of its degree paths.
Tanya • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:54 am
Wow… Imagine the outrage if a white girl asked if black men should be able to talk in ANY situation. We’ve gone from wanting everyone to have equal rights to those who identify as a minority having special rights to hate, abuse & act with racism towards white people at will. Equality means everyone, including blacks, must give up their racist rhetoric & actions towards another race. Equality means everyone regardless of race should be hired based on qualifications not diversity & gender. Equality means everyone regardless of race should have to score the same to be accepted into colleges instead of different races accepted on a sliding scale based on race & gender. Equality means EVERYONE gets to talk & ask questions. Equality doesn’t allow for pathetic racist articles disparaging other races & trying to silence others. Grow up Leda
aelfheld • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:52 am
Why is it those with nothing to say are so vehement?
Ned2 • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:48 am
50 years ago you wouldn’t make it in to a college with this lack of intellect.
lol • Feb 12, 2019 at 10:46 am
This is so incredibly racist, whoever wrote this piece needs to be removed ASAP and made to attend a therapist.
Rick • Feb 12, 2019 at 9:47 am
JW, Any scarlet letter is of her own making as a result of publicly publishing her sexist and racist rant. You may have been raised where everyone gets a trophy but it’s time to grow up. Dickinson’s silence reflects poorly and may even step into a Title IX violation. Granting this ill-informed, sexist, racist activist a degree would give her our seal of approval. Hopefully, administrators and the Board of Trustees recognizes that Leda does not reflect Dickinson values or demonstrate the critical expected of a Dickinson graduate.
Nesha • Feb 12, 2019 at 9:31 am
Leda honey you are on the John Montgomery scholarship, a scholarship that was named after a white man who brutally fought and killed Native Americans. Shame you carry such an opinion but have no trouble taking that dirty money.
john w gibson • Feb 12, 2019 at 9:30 am
I haven’t waded through all of these responses, but the ones I’ve seen miss the point. Instead of asking themselves how they could do better, the writers lash out. Ms. Fisher’s essay generalizes because of repeated negative experiences. There’s no serious proposal to shut down free speech. It’s a kind of literature that isn’t to be taken literally: hyperbolic, a creative expression of exasperation. it presents a wish that many students would wake up and realize how presumptuous they are and how little they really understand of the things they’re opining about. It amazes me that so many white boys are so overly sensitive to criticism. I’m a white boy, and I know what she’s saying.! I see there’s a petition to have Ms. Fisher expelled from Dickinson. Anyone who signs it is making me ashamed of a fellow Dickinsonian. -John Gibson ’63
DiscussThisInstead • Feb 12, 2019 at 7:17 am
@ Mo Schmo
“There is no such thing as racism against white people and not such thing as sexism against men. These words denote systemic oppression to which white men are not subjected.”
So silencing a whole group based on gender and race would not constitute systematic oppression? Please explain how such would not be systematic, and how it would not constitute oppression?
“White supremacy is alive and well here.”
So “white supremacy” = Allowing white men to have an opinion? Please explain how that’s supremacist.
DiscussThisInstead • Feb 12, 2019 at 7:12 am
@ Turtler
If you don’t believe me, look into it yourself. Obviously “99/100” is not the exact number, but “shooting from the hip”. But it’s not far from that and more importantly – the overrepresentation is staggering: Do remember how small this group is compared to the general population.
And no, I’ll call it out as it’s a supremacist culture. And racism eh? “Jewish” is not a race, correct? Unlike white, black, asian etc – so how could it be “racism”? Atleast, that’s what we’re constantly told – that it’s just a religion. So logically, it should be just as fine to critisize jews as it is, say, christians.
In short, I’m critizing a culture, over the fact that she and all too many adherents of said culture, are attacking people on the basis of race! Unlike race, culture DO have common denominators such as common beliefs and attitudes.
Jean Wares • Feb 12, 2019 at 6:47 am
Does Dickinson offer Anger Management classes?
Dan Olson • Feb 12, 2019 at 5:52 am
If she is sick of listening to anything a white male has to say, then maybe she should be the one to leave the room.
Steven L. Akins • Feb 12, 2019 at 4:21 am
The author is right, White people suck! She should definitely get rid of all the useless stuff that White people discovered or have brought into this world, starting with:
* the computer
* the world-wide web
* the light bulb
* the automobile
* air conditioning
* the telephone
* the cellphone
* the radio
* airplanes
* trains
* subways
* the microscope
* the telescope
* democracy
* modern medicine
* refrigerator
* musical recording
* photography
I’m with the author: the sooner we take her lead and exterminate all White “boys” the better off the world will be!
white boy • Feb 12, 2019 at 3:35 am
‘no such thing as reverse racism because racism requires institutional power that blacks don’t have’ = nonsense
Leda Fisher has the power to have her anti-white opinions published in the institution that is The Dickinsonian. I do not have the power to have my opinions published in a newspaper’s featured articles. So she has institutional power that I don’t have. Combine that power with her anti-white bigotry and she satisfies the ‘power + prejudice’ definition of racism.
This is also on a national scale. Institutional power that does not extend to whites includes but is not limited to affirmative action, quota hiring, lowered college admission standards, the black mafia of federal employees, naacp, united negro college fund, rainbow coalition, jesse jackon’s corporate extortion racket, mainstream media racism hoaxes, madison avenue’s inaccurate depiction in advertising of black superiority, widespread overestimation of sports talent (see the website caste football us), the fact that white Americans have lost a larger percentage of their people fighting in the American Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, WW1, and WW2, fighting for, among other things, the rights of black people. (I will concede that the only legitimate complaint of institutional racism against blacks over the last 50 years was their disproportionate drafting into Vietnam)
Really this stupid newspeak definition of racism is just semantics, but I’m using the Saul Alinsky tactic of holding others to their own standards. But silly semantic arguments can be sidestepped by replacing terms such as “reverse racism” or “black racism” with “whitephobia”, “europhobia” (but not in a brexit context obviously), “anti-white bigotry”, “black resentment” or “black hatred”
Vote Trump 2020 • Feb 12, 2019 at 3:00 am
I voted for Oprah Winfrey in 2018 but because of this ignorant troll I will vote for Trump in 2020 and stop tithing 25% of my salary to the United Negro College Fund.
Pat Kittle • Feb 12, 2019 at 2:31 am
Take the Jews (like this author) out of “White privilege” and see how much White privilege is left.
BTW, Jews were extremely prominent in the transatlantic slave trade — even if (((Hollywood))) for some mysterious reason never gets around to that FACT.
Molly Anastassiathe, Adjunct Professor of Modern Greek, Dickinson College; Director, A.C.A.M. in Greece • Feb 12, 2019 at 12:36 am
Hate speech is NOT freedom of speech. Prejudicial words or actions that incite hatred, racism, bigotry, sexism or any discrimination have no place in an academic setting that cultivates education, meritocracy, and tolerance, or in a democracy founded on the principles of equality, justice, liberty, mutual respect, civility, responsibility and accountability.
If a graduating senior at Dickinson articulates so poorly and incoherently such terrible racial slur, then, I am afraid, we may have serious problems as an educational institution. This student has failed miserably, but she does not stand alone in this failure; she is the product of a particular era, generation, family, community, educational system and society. Her words are irrefutable evidence of a collective systems collapse: we have all failed along with her: parents, teachers, schools, society, and above all, our democracy.
“Our democracy is getting self-destroyed, for it abused the rights of freedom and of equality; for it taught the citizens to regard insolence as a right, illegality as freedom, impertiness as equality, and anarchy as happiness.”
Isocrates, ancient Greek orator (436-338 BC)
But, truth be told, who studies Isocrates today….
S • Feb 11, 2019 at 11:35 pm
I will not shut up.
I will not tolerate my dehumanization by a nitwit who can’t be bothered to see beyond my melanin count, which is apparently the determining factor in whether or not I have the right to anything at all.
It is difficult to see this racist garbage as anything other than the prelude to an attempt at ethnic cleansing in the United States.
Finally, this is why we’re keeping our guns.
Ed • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:58 pm
This is a clear and obvious Title IX violation and I will be reporting it as such.
Jose • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:50 pm
Please learn to code
JW • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:50 pm
Rick, no thanks re change petition.
Shunning and scarlet a’s are a little too 19th century.
Turtler • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:46 pm
@DiscussThisInstead Take your Jew Hating nonsense and bum off. Apparently you think racism is best answered by other racism.
No. It’s best answered by breaking down the myth and holding people accountable for their actions. And if you really think 99/100 of people spewing anti-white racism are Jews, you have bigger problems with reality and basic math than fisking your sorry rear would be worth.
Turtler • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:43 pm
@Mo Schmo
“I am deeply concerned that the commenters, despite their expensive Dickinson education, don’t seem to understand racism and sexism. There is no such thing as racism against white people and not such thing as sexism against men. These words denote systemic oppression to which white men are not subjected.”
As a student of history and a Californian who has tried to research different aspects of oppression, I will tell you to stuff it. Because not only is that not true, it is thoroughly racist and sexist.
Racism and sexism have a lot to do with power and systems of oppression, but they rarely originate from them.
And how do I know this?
Ask Walter Rathenau. Foreign Minister of the German Republic, News Mogul, Minister of Reconstruction after WWI, and well integrated German Jew.
He was being driven to the Foreign Office in a chauffeured car when he was murdered by actual Far-Right, White Supremacist terrorists, the Organization Consul.
Who were his murderers? Representatives of ingrained German militarism, white supremacy, and Jew hatred to be sure. But on a personal level they were mostly bitter failures who could not even claim the benefit of German system, which had disbanded their previous Paramilitary Group and left them an isolated group of conspiratorial scumbags on the margins of society. The two of them that would survive that long later tried to join up with the NSDAP that made their ideologies mainstream. But in 1922 that would be a long way away- before even the Munich Putsch.
So who benefited from the system here?
Walter Rathenau WAS the system, or at minimum an integral part of it. And he was still killed by racist terrorists all the same.
Likewise with French Saint Domingue and the brutality that occurred during its war of independence. The French slave society was indeed built off of the torture and murder of untold thousands of People of Color, both the Caribbean peoples who lived on the island before, and Africans/African descendants who were dragged across the blue graveyard that was the Atlantic Ocean to labor until their death. When a brief emancipation by the new French Republic led to the former slaves freeing themselves and creating a new society, Napoleon ordered his forces to reimpose slavery at bayonet point in what can only be called a war of “racial extermination” against the Haitians.
So there was plenty of reason for bitterness to rise up against the French, and “Whites” in general.
But it did not change the fact that the justifiably hated, genocidally racist French slave society had been uprooted for years and independence secured for months when “President”, Dictator, and future Emperor Dessalines commanded that the remaining French people be exterminated. Much like the Imperial Armies, men, women, and children were killed. And not unlike the Rwandan Genocidaires, he also victimized those who were supposedly “his people” but who did not want to act as racist murderers by threatening them with persecution or worse.
Who was benefiting from systematic oppression then? The French whites had benefited from it before the Haitian Revolution. But they were clearly targets of a different systematic oppression after it. And one whose driving figure- as Dessalines himself wrote- was forged well before the Slavocracy was overthrown.
To deny this is to deny history. To act as if one cannot be the target of prejudice or discrimination just because one supposedly has systematic power (or previously had so) is not to try and understand oppression or the quest for justice, it is merely trying to justify a new kind of oppression.
” What’s racist and sexist is the attacks on the author of the piece. White boys who are so offended by this post, I suggest you ask yourself why this offends you so.”
No, it is not racist and sexist to criticize what is written for adopting racist assumptions (as you have). No, it is not racist and sexist to criticize logical failings, which are truly blind to all the false divisions and hateful myths of human existence. In fact, it would be racist and sexist to not criticize racism and sexism in a post when it appears purely because its targets are white men.
What happened to the concept of judging people by merit, not on the color of their skin?
” Is it because you can’t count one black woman among your friends? ”
Did you just assume our ethnicities and genders?
Yes. You did, didn’t you.
For the record though, while I’m a pudgy white WASP myself, I’d have probably been driven out or shot by Antebellum Mississippi for being a dirty Yankee who went to Namibia, and has friends across the color spectrum. So please don’t try to assume who our friends are, you’re not very good at assuming.
“Is it because you have no problem interrupting woman in your classes? ”
No, it’s not.
Most of the reasons we object to this article, are because it is fundamentally racist, sexist, logically incoherent, and above all provides no guide for how to demolish oppression. We have done as the author asked. We have listened to her viewpoint. And those of us who disagree have found it wanting.
For much the same reason I find your own to be so.
“Or, is it because you’be never considered what it might feel like to be a person of color at a majority white school in Trump’s America? ”
I’ve considered that a lot more than how you’ve considered how poor Walter Rathenau felt as the bullets tore through his body during the height of interwar German democracy, how the Haitians felt when- just as peace seemed to have arrived- they were commanded by Dessalines to conduct one last atrocity much like that of the French. Who were given the choice of killing innocent people up to and including children, or being killed themselves.
You have no grounds to lecture me on history or the humanities. And if all you have amounts to the Fallacy of Special Pleading- “It’s not racism/sexism if the target has the right Race/Gender” you know it.
“I’ve heard Dickinson is progressive, but clearly that isn’t the case. White supremacy is alive and well here.”
Apparently in 2019 in Trump’s America, Martin Luther King Jr. is a white supremacist.
Or so you’d claim.
JW • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:41 pm
I am officially calling bullshit on this column. As an American studies major/women’s studies minor, there is a less than ten percent chance that the author has been routinely talked over by white males in her classroom experience.
The implication of course, is that its racist and sexist overtones seem to be … just that.
jo • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:21 pm
wow, what a racist coward.
Hypocrisy Von Bigotton • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:01 pm
I hear Monrovia and Lagos are almost 100% free of white voices, male or female. I am startled the eminent scholar responsible for this racist agitprop is unaware of these non-White Meccas. For shame, Dickinson! You have clearly hidden Geography from this person . Admit it– this failure to inform is really just a mask for your implicit racism. Isn’t it? ISN’T IT!?
Expiate your sins, Dickinson. Declare Tawana Brawley as Dean of Geography with all speed. The world is watcbing!
Only Ignorance can explain the author’s refusal to re-locate to a land free of revolting, subhuman White boys Fix it, Dickinson.
Leda Fisher's Ego • Feb 11, 2019 at 9:56 pm
How’s that persecution complex coming along, Leda?
Mark (grateful Christian white man name) • Feb 11, 2019 at 9:30 pm
Dickinson college was founded by Benjamin Rush, a White Christian man who signed the Declaration of Independence. He provided a bold and respected voice against the slave trade and was a member of the Abolition Society. He helped Richard Allen found the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Perhaps he should have been silenced and not allowed to co-sign the independence of a country where bigots such as Leda Fisher feel entitled to suggest the violation of people she doesn’t like.
Dickinson College was named in honor of John Dickinson, a Christian White man who signed the US Constitution. He was the leader of Pennsylvania and Delaware, and he freed the slaves of the Poplar Hall plantation. Would we be better off if he was silenced and wasn’t allowed to advocate the first amendment that gave Leda Fisher the privilege of publishing her ignorant anti-white opinions in the student newspaper that bears his name?
Paul Kersey • Feb 11, 2019 at 6:43 pm
Leda, no matter how much you polish it, you can’t make that turd pretty.
Mo Schmo • Feb 11, 2019 at 5:18 pm
I am deeply concerned that the commenters, despite their expensive Dickinson education, don’t seem to understand racism and sexism. There is no such thing as racism against white people and not such thing as sexism against men. These words denote systemic oppression to which white men are not subjected. What’s racist and sexist is the attacks on the author of the piece. White boys who are so offended by this post, I suggest you ask yourself why this offends you so. Is it because you can’t count one black woman among your friends? Is it because you have no problem interrupting woman in your classes? Or, is it because you’be never considered what it might feel like to be a person of color at a majority white school in Trump’s America? I’ve heard Dickinson is progressive, but clearly that isn’t the case. White supremacy is alive and well here.
70s Alum • Feb 11, 2019 at 4:00 pm
The irony is that Leda says white boys should not have a voice and the response is that she should not have a voice. How about we agree that Leda and the white boys are each entitled to their opinions and get to share them in class or in the pages of a student newspaper?
Rick • Feb 11, 2019 at 3:54 pm
Lydia and all who care, If you feel Leda does NOT reflect Dickinson values or the type of person it produces vote on to have her expelled. She should not be granted a degree from Dickinson!
Rick • Feb 11, 2019 at 3:47 pm
Is a call for a vote of no confidence in Ensign on the table yet? The Board of Trusties should consider it. In this day and age no social media comment from Ensign. Hmm Is this her position as well?
Rick • Feb 11, 2019 at 3:43 pm
Alicia, News Flash. An Econ major who chooses to dual major in Sustainability or Environmental is a heck of a lot more likely to have an impact on climate change than a Gender Studies major. Hmm, what contribution with that lead to? Oh, wait, woman of color are already favored over white men in hiring and promoting. Job done.
SB • Feb 11, 2019 at 3:11 pm
Ms. Fisher is obviously a damned fool, and her opinion is worthy only of derision and contempt.
James Cash • Feb 11, 2019 at 2:50 pm
White people can be discriminated against just like any other group despite what the far left social justice types tell you. We, as white people, need to advocate for our own interests just like any other group in this country. If you believe that white advocacy is necessary, or even that it will be soon given the direction of the country, please consider visiting this website:
Lydia • Feb 11, 2019 at 2:49 pm
Racism and misandry at my alma mater; shameful.
This young woman has done a disservice to women of color. She does not represent us.
DiscussThisInstead • Feb 11, 2019 at 2:13 pm
And the author is a jew.. How very surprising. It’s not like 99/100 times it’s jews spewing this anti-white rhetoric. Oh wait it is! I would agree the western world DOES have a racist supremacy problem: That of jews constantly spewing hatred, mostly for whites but not exclusively. Anyone who isn’t jewish themselves are fair game really… But such supremacist thinking probably comes very naturally when you’re part of a culture that literally teaches that you are chosen by God and everyone else is thus inferior.
Perhaps it’s time we addressed that instead as well as the very real phenomenon of jewish privilege which unlike “white privilege” is very real.
Rick • Feb 11, 2019 at 1:04 pm
Individuals like Leda and her mother simply serve to promote disorder and greater divide among people. She clearly as her mind set with regard to gender and race. Their social media is plastered with activist figures. As put forward in a page, Leda should be expelled. She does not represent the values of the school nor does she demonstrate an ability to write at a college level. Cancer like Leda need to be removed as swiftly as possible. Appalling that the administration has not removed the sexist and racist piece, denounced it and issued a statement condemning it.
Alicia • Feb 11, 2019 at 12:39 pm
Hey! I’m sure you’re getting a lot of hate for this article and maybe you’re not even reading the comments anymore. I just want you to know I’m with you!!! I’m so tired of listening to white Econ major ___ and ____ think they know any way to solve climate change. I’m also tired of listening to white men tell me my ideas are unusual or radical and then them “spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.” You’re an eloquent writer and put these angry and tired thoughts into words for me.
Tony • Feb 11, 2019 at 11:50 am
The author convinced me – white boys are superior to her in every way.
Ed • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:58 am
To Cynthia – what you fail to realize is that your daughter is engaging in the same type of ignorant bigotry you and all reasonable people condemn. I understand your desire to defend her – that is your child after all – but having 3 of my own, the first thing I’d do is set them straight. There’s no room in a decent society for the type of drivel you referenced on 4chan, nor the type you’re seemingly excusing from your less than enlightened daughter.
Reasonable people will wonder if it is you that she learned this type of bigotry and blatant double-standard from.
M Scott • Feb 11, 2019 at 10:57 am
unfortunately I posted my comments before I heard from the mother of this young woman…I came back to say I now fully understand where the author developed her fundamental beliefs, from her paranoid and passive aggressive mother. there’s no denying the struggles of minorities in the past but try to crawl out of 1950s style generational teachings to live in 2019. one thing I have learned about the black experience is that anti white sentiment is amplified down in black culture through generations and has helped foster race tensions. the sentiment is now just an excuse to lash out and avoid hard work. and while we are at it, if you want white boys to stop speaking about blacks, then stop speaking out about the white experience because you only show your ignorance.
the mother of this author mistakenly conflates the ‘townie’ population with the student body. the locals have always expressed resentment and anger towards the college students…I am not black and clearly remember many altercations with townies, a lot of it was as nasty as she describes, just not directed at skin color. secondly, the student body is at best 20-25% white boy. nearly every one of these boys is a liberal democrat from PA or CT. they went there explicitly for a liberal education so it is highly unlikely that the white boys you encounter would express the anti black bigotry implied in these words, unless you are saying liberal democrats are racist and dismiss black girls. lastly, this young woman is given the SAME opportunity of education as these white boys, so where is the privilege ? it doesn’t exist. most of the white people I knew at school scraped together what they could to attend the school…they weren’t rich white brats as implied but most of them had more ambition and direction instilled in them by their parents.
with that said, here’s more freedom of speech. this article and the current aggressive feminist and minority activist movements are more of a cry for help than anything else. Obama broke through the blame game that the white man was holding everyone back and created a very defined ‘put up or shut up’ moment. now all of these people fear they wont measure up so they pretext the argument with racism and sexism when the truth is they are simply loading the message to avoid admitting failure when they do fail simply due to their negative attitude and their lack of effort. the only place this ‘attitude’ will survive is in the halls of politics. the increasingly useless university or some rag throwaway under the guise of credible journalism… the real reason people like leda and likely her mother struggle outside of the coddled echo chamber is that people don’t want to hire or deal with them not because not their appearance but their ‘attitudes’. go throw your bombs at the straw man and set him on fire, don’t expect to come out without getting a bit burned yourself.
Robert • Feb 11, 2019 at 9:58 am
The writer of this article is obviously suffering an inferiority complex…they are also racist and sexist. They feel that their aggression against characteristics tha tu cannot be controlled should be tolerated…hmm they shouldn’t be they need to be removed. I am glad I did not go to this school…I would have left it because I felt it was hostile if the writer walked in for a job and I was the employer I would turn them away because there is no room for racial or sexist discrimination on any level
Ken McEntee • Feb 11, 2019 at 9:58 am
Those of you who feel that this garbage should not have been published in the school newspaper are missing one important point about free expression. It exposes the author for who she is.
When we suppress things we don’t want to read or hear, it causes irrational racists like this author to walk among us without recognizing the danger she poses. I am angered by this opinion piece, but I would rather be angered, yet aware, that people actually think in this convoluted way. It exposes the reality that racism goes both ways.
I believe this immature and unreasonable hatred is a symptom of a growing political strategy to divide and weaken our nation, and it works perfectly on weak minded and easily manipulated people – a category that seems to fit the author.
As much as I detest the author’s viewpoint, I am happy that this was not censored from publication. I wonder, however, if the right to free expression also would have been extended if a similarly hate-filled opinion had been submitted by Jake, Chad or Alex.
Ed Phillips • Feb 11, 2019 at 9:15 am
I was born and raised in a blue collar family in a borough of Camden. My Mother was a loving mother to three boys, house-wife and caregiver to my father’s invalid parents. But she was also a racist. Her racism was based on ignorance and fear, not understanding or experience. My Dad was not an academic, but he completed many demanding apprenticeships and became a master craftsman that would be the equivalent to an engineer today. He was thoughtful, well read, hardworking and was extremely curious which gave him a much broader view of the world and its cultures. He was constantly bringing home foreign strangers to help them with their English skills. My mother hated it. We lived in an all white neighborhood and were rarely exposed to people of color until we attended a regional high school of which many inner city students attended. I think because I inherited some of my father’s nature, particularly his curiosity, I learned quickly that people of color were nothing to fear. However, It took a little while longer to understand the greater impact of being born White. I graduated High School and began College in 1968, at the peak of great cultural upheaval including the Civil Rights movements. There was a lot of anger and violence in Camden but there was also a lot of dialog on Campus. It was then that I more fully understood that being born White came with a great deal of unearned privileges regardless of how modest a family you came from. Now we all know that many of our “colored” colleagues managed to earn their degrees and succeeded in life and business. But it is ludicrous to say that we “all had the same opportunity”. They had a right to be angry and to demand equal rights but they didn’t excel by breaking windows and setting storefronts on fire. The excelled by overcoming obstacles of which there were many just because of their color. Leda Fisher needs to understand that she will continue meet many White Boys who feel entitled because they were simply born white. And she will never help them understand nor argue her point through angrily demanding that they shut up.
I was listening to Gayle King from CBS Morning News interview the embattled Governor Ralph Northman of Virginia this morning. Now, he is a highly intelligent, very articulate, seemingly sensitive man. He was a medical officer in the US Medical Corps from 1984 to 1992 and was a practicing pediatric neurologist until becoming Lt. Governor of Virginia in 2014 and Governor in 2018. He is 59. Gayle King did a great job at being civil while pressing Northman for a deeper understanding for why he shouldn’t resign from office over his Black Face fiasco. The interview is worth watching. Without a doubt, he was one of those entitled White Boys in college that Leda King is so angry with. He claims that he began to understand white privilege RECENTLY!!!! He’s 59 and he’s governor of Virginia! Gayle and I were equally astonished. I’m sure he is a better doctor than he is a politician because he has little skill at putting out fires. His ineptness at addressing the issues are astonishing. He may have an “understanding” of White Privilege now but only as a consequence of his blunderous backpedaling resulting from public outrage. This White Boy has spoken. Maybe he should shut up.
Kev • Feb 11, 2019 at 8:31 am
After looking at this woman’s facebook page, I’d be an angry miserable person too if I had that looking back at me in the mirror every day. OUCH!
Shaniqua • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:58 pm
She wont have to deal with any White males talking in the Congo, Rwanda, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Libya, etc. But will she relocate to those countries???
Jamal • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:48 pm
Leda Fisher is a walking indictment of the affirmative action policy at Dickenson College. How does someone with such poor logic and writing ability make it into the college let alone graduate? What an embarrassment.
It is obvious that insecurity is at the root of her bitterness and racial resentment. It always seems to be the most privileged, spoiled, entitled children, probably on a full-ride scholarship of some kind, who share her outlook. The resentment is rooted in entitlement and insecurity. I advise her to check her privilege.
Tom Kurzeja • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:40 pm
Congratulations to Leda Fisher. Only 22 and already unemployable. Most people take much longer you did.
Tom Kurzeja • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:38 pm
Wow. Racist much?
JW • Feb 10, 2019 at 8:55 pm
Mrs. Kolbowski:
1. While you seem to be quite enamored with the publicity of the Times, honestly, this is not the time or place for virtue signaling. And of course, the Times is not the only information dissemination vehicle these days.
2. Please step away from the helicopter. Your daughter is a big girl now and is going to have to clean up her own messes.
3. You are of course correct that her article spawned lots of vile crap. Note: this is not the first time this has happened on the internet. The responses you post are regrettable indeed, but foreseeable.
4. At the same time there are many thoughtful criticisms which of course you do not mention.
5. Personally, the thing that disappoints me the most about her post is that she has spent 4 years at Dickinson and apparently has absorbed nine of the core values of liberal education. “Y’all shut up” is in fact anathema to liberal education. What a sad waste of money.
Pathetic • Feb 10, 2019 at 8:51 pm
Leda, if it weren’t for these white boys whose voices you desperately want to silence, you and I and everyone here know you wouldn’t be attending Dickinson – or anywhere even close to it – right now. You are literally only here because of the government and the (mostly white) students that pay full tuition and donate after graduating, and instead of showing gratitude for the opportunity you respond with this incoherent mess? Listen, if you’re uncomfortable with the way civilized society works then leave; no one will be sorry to see you go.
Cromulent • Feb 10, 2019 at 8:40 pm
I think its a testament to the strength of free speech as an institution in our fair land that such a racist & sexist feels free to crawl out from under her rock to display it for the world.
BC • Feb 10, 2019 at 8:32 pm
The answer to the question posed in the article’s headline is: “Yes.” Yes, white boys should still be allowed to talk. So should white women, black men, black women, Latino men, Latino women, LGBTQ men, LGBTQ women, et cetera.
Everybody gets to talk. Nobody gets to shut anybody else up.
If the author of this piece limited her criticism to those individuals who presume to understand her experience as a black woman, and recommended that they improve their listening skills and develop greater empathy for people not like them, that would be one thing. But she didn’t do that. Instead, she made sweeping generalizations about her fellow students based on superficial personal characteristics. Far from judging people based on the content of their character (or the merits of their ideas), she’s judging them based on nothing more than their membership in certain identity groups.
The word for that is bigotry, and it’s ugly.
Mongo • Feb 10, 2019 at 7:50 pm
As others have said it’s good to see the racist idiots openly advertising their stupidity and hate.
It’s better that everyone knows who they are.
Mongo • Feb 10, 2019 at 7:48 pm
It’s not even rare anymore to find liberals this proud of their stupidity.
They are idiots, and they are fiercely proud of their idiocy.
Enjoy the war you so desperately want, remember which side has all the ammo.
NA • Feb 10, 2019 at 7:30 pm
I find it interesting that while Ms Fisher never uses the words ‘racist or ‘racism’ in her opinion, many commenters label hers as such — as if they have experience in that realm.
The immediate outrage of these commenters – particularly those crying ‘reverse racism’ — unfortunately proves that those who are part of the dominant white culture do not like to have their implicit privilege (which they ‘earned’ simply by being born with a certain skin color) challenged – or even mentioned.
The semantic switch some brought up about replacing ‘black’ for ‘white’– and how the opinion would’ve been instantly deemed ‘racist’ — fail to see that overt racism against people of color occurs daily in America. See the Southern Poverty Law center website ( for examples.
Racism in this country is systemic, not individual. It’s not about one person (or several persons) spewing vicious and vile attitudes about a race/ethnic group, though of course that does occur. It’s about a political/social/economic system and a culture that has for centuries elevated whites over others. It’s about a system where whites had — and continue to have — the upper hand; where their opinions and values prevail; where what they say or do trumps (intentional verb usage) those of people of color. And while such racism may not seem as institutionalized as it was in the nineteen fifties or sixties, it’s still endemic today. That’s my view of what Ms Fisher was suggesting.
Look at the number of African-Americans who are killed by the police under questionable circumstances. Maybe there we could switch ‘white’ for ‘black’ and imagine the nationwide outcry that would result. Or look at the incarceration rate for people of color? Or the president who besmirches an ethnic group, by calling them ‘rapists and murderers?” Does this mean that racism no longer exists? That it no longer permeates our society and culture? Forgive my rhetorical question, but I afraid it’s still with us.
Check out who controls the levers of political power in this country. One case in point, out of 45 presidents, there’s only been one person of color. Or, see the U.S. Senate, where only nine African Americans have served since 1871. And it was only in 2013, when two black senators held office at the same time. It surely can’t be an accident that for nearly 150 years all the individual white Senators earned their seats on their own. Maybe – possibly? – the political system works in their favor? Maybe it’s rigged that way?
We can’t escape living in a system that’s racist, but we can work toward lessening its impact on all of us. It takes concerted effort and a willingness to realize that its effect goes beyond individuals. As author Robin DiAngelo has written, ‘We bring our racial histories with us, and contrary to the ideology of individualism, we represent our groups and those who have come before us. Our identities are not unique or inherent but constructed or produced by social processes.’ I would add that those ‘social processes’ precede our birth. And our parents’ birth. And our grandparents’. And so on.
So Amen to Katie Mosher, Brian Grey, Cassie, Lara, Alum Class of 2012, and others who did not knee-jerk attack Ms Fisher for her opinion. I’ll add that I concur with the black woman commenter who said that she didn’t agree with Ms Fisher’s tone, but still supported her. I too support the validity of her message. To those who took Ms Fisher’s words personally – who felt she was calling you out — it’s really not about you. It’s about the culture and society that we are a part of, that grants whites privileges and opportunities that others do not have, that gives many whites an advantage. It’s time for you to recognize it.
I’m glad that President Ensign has decided to take up this matter, rather than sweeping it under the rug. In my view, it’s a credit to her leadership. This is an opportunity for a dialogue to take place, for understanding to flourish. I think it might be one of the more enlightening learning experiences Dickinson students may undergo on campus.
MattinLA • Feb 10, 2019 at 7:19 pm
I’ll say what I wish. And there’s not a goddamn thing you can do about it.
Sean M Donahue • Feb 10, 2019 at 7:08 pm
Dear Dickinson College Faculty, Staff, Other Employees,
( And Prospective College Students Everywhere, Various Secondary Schools, Journalists and Citizens of All Countries)
The greatest lie ever told to me was when Angela Barone (Franandez), an admissions officer at Dickinson College said to me something to the effect of Dickinson is the perfect place for you. Dickinson was so intrigued by my background in military Special Operations and Military Intelligence and Gulf War I, that it gave no thought to my future. Yet, my personal statement, my every motivation and my every word spoken during both my admissions interview and my every moment at Dickinson was persistently about what I wanted for me in my own future. I contributed to class discussions as agreed to by accepting admission and completed all academic assignments. Yet, I received no job skills and no job in return. This was despite having been told that Dickinson College was the perfect place for me to get what I wanted out of life. What Dickinson College did give me was not what I asked for. I never made any claim that I wanted to learn how to be creative or learn how write essay papers, which no one will pay you to do unless you become a professor. Yet, I never said that I wanted to become a professor.
When I approached Dickinson College, I did so on the referral of an Insurance Salesman who knew Angela Barone’s father and who I met while taking a continuing education class in using Lotus at Penn State Hazleton. I had just gotten out of the Army and mentioned to the individual that I had applied to Lafayette College, which did later offered me admission. I had never before heard of Dickinson College and it was not included in the list of schools that my former military commanders and superior officers and an aunt who was a college professor recommended I apply to. I decided to at least check Dickinson out. When I approached Dickinson, I said this is what I want and Dickinson replied by claiming not only that it could provide it but that it was the perfect place for me to get what I wanted. Yet, upon completing my degree at Dickinson, getting Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, Dickinson College failed to follow though and deliver the job that I said I wanted to get and that it claimed it was the perfect place to provide. What is more, Dickinson College was never capable of delivering the job I wanted and persistently failed to recognize that in itself and persistently failed to openly acknowledge its limitations as an institution. Dickinson College was marketing what it wanted to be, rather than what it actually was. It turned out to be no different than any department store or franchise making grand claims about its product or service but after you buy it, it fails to live up to the expectations you forthrightly and openly placed on it at the moment of purchase.
When I applied to Dickinson College I expressed clearly in my personal statement and admissions interview what job I wanted and Dickinson accepted me by telling me, falsely, that it was the perfect college for me. If Dickinson was not capable of getting me that job and knew that it couldn’t, it should not have taken my GI Bill, Veterans Grants, Pell Grants and student loan money from me. I could have used that money to get trained in something that I could have gotten a job in. You can’t admit people because you want to believe that you as an institution are capable of getting someone something. You have to ask how realistic the stated objective is. You also cannot accept someone with the idea that they will learn to be flexible and settle for something else. That is not your call to make, especially with an overbearing sense of institutional authority..
When I was leaving Dickinson, Stuart started to suggest that I look at the Congressional Research Service or at American and George Washington Universities. Yet, I never expressed any interests in any of those things in my personal statement. Stuart failed to understand the purpose for which I was paying tuition and the of the college and his program in that pursuit. Attending a college is a consumer transaction and if you cannot get someone from where they are when they apply to where they want to be when they graduate, you should not take their money. If you do, you are tricking individuals into believing that you are selling them something other than what they agreed to purchase. In my case, you took the only money that I had. That was money that I could have used that to get a job producing degree. Your career services office once told me that I must rely on my connections to get ahead in life. In doing so, Dickinson College failed to realize that if I came from the family background that made it easy to just attend a liberal arts college and then get a job through family connections, I would never have had to serve in the military to get the GI Bill in the fist place. Further, if I had such connections, I would not have wasted time and money getting an education to attain they same paycheck that I could have had without the education. But my well being was not part of the considerations made by Dickinson when it decided to accept the cash from my GI Bill, Pell Grant, Veterans Grant and student loans.
The reason you admitted me and took my money was simply because Dickinson’s enrollment was down and you wanted to round out your statistics with a well balanced class profile. The emphasis of you admissions decision was on what you felt I would bring to the college, rather than on what your responsibility was to me. You wanted to make the diversity data to look good and vicariously expose the spoiled rich kids to the experience of the working class by having a few in the student body. You liked having someone in the classroom who had real world experience and could talk about how American foreign policy actually played out on the ground because he was there. You placed value and emphasis on giving the rich kids exposure to a working class person who went to school using the GI Bill because as Zwemer once told my classmates and me, part of their learning experience is to learn how to interact with people like me because when they graduate there will be many more. In his mind, my presence was to be for the benefit of the rich kids. I was tolerated but never welcome. Yet, you took my money that I was paying you to get me the job I wanted. I was not paying for, what you deemed as the privilege to be around the rich kids and self proclaimed esteemed faculty like yourselves. You gave no thought to what I was going to get out of the education and every time I tried to point out to Stuart what I wanted and what I saw as the obvious flaw of disorganization in the liberal arts education, he just brushed me off. He did so with an incessant, he knows best attitude but never stopped to ask himself if he actually knows anything at all. I wanted job and prosperity but all you sold me was a useless certificate.
Since the moment of the purchase, I have neither encountered any individuals or institutions that have offered me a job because I graduated from Dickinson and the only jobs that have ever been available to me are the very same jobs that I could have had without a Dickinson degree. This renders the degree both useless and of no true tangible or realizable value. It is by no means an investment and its projected benefit in life that was and continues to be advertised by Dickinson College constitutes false advertising. Therefore, you owe me for the full cost of my education at Dickinson, including the opportunity cost and all costs must be brought forward to present value. You must remove my degree from my transcript, annotating that the degree was renounced upon my instruction and you must provide me with the additional replacement funding necessary to retrain into a job producing real labor skill that is of tangible and attainable practical value. You must also compensate me for the fact that employers do not hire liberal arts graduates for technical jobs. Instead, they hire people with either two year tech degrees or no higher education at all before they hire liberal arts majors. My Dickinson degree is a handicap, not an asset. Unlike Scadato suggested, I cannot leave out of my resume the fact that I attended college for those years because it would leave that time unaccounted for. If sever years are unaccounted for, people assume you must have been in prison, on the lamb or deserted from military service.
Sean M. Donahue
Alumnus Dickinson College, BA 1997
(Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude)
Columbia University
MIA, SIPA 2001
MA Statistics 2005
Mandarin Chinese, Middlebury College Levels 3,4,5
Mandarin Chinese Indiana-U, CET Level 1
Sean M Donahue • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:52 pm
I graduated from Dickinson in 1997 and I ran for office several times as a White Nationalist. I am very proud of that and I pray for the day that America is White again.
Anonymous • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:43 pm
Students, Alumni, Faculty and really anyone in favor of a united and better future:
John Gorman • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:39 pm
HA! Good luck getting a job now, Leda. This slander disguised as a ‘hot take’ to get snaps from your friends will haunt you to your grave.
TJ • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:39 pm
This is what progressive tribalism in education produces; young minds turned to mush. A few years of indoctrination and voila’ an author who:
Asserts no white boy can possibly have a valid opinion regarding such uniquely black experiences as not having enough money, not getting a job you wanted because of unfairness or any other thing a black person experiences.
While simultaneously she asserts with authority how the white boy thinks, how his family and social life made him think that way, what he has ever read and how he feels about his place in the world. She can even predict his name!
So of course the author is angry and wants him to shut up. Cognitive dissonance does that. Good job faculty!
Anonymous • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:34 pm
Closed-minded racists like Leda and her mother spew hatred and create a greater divide between people. Their social media is all about activists and bias Leda suggests he classmates should not speak. She chooses to generalize about people based on gender and race. WOW. As a bi-racial female from NYC, accepted to a liberal arts college, perhaps she the one brining less to the table to contribute and should listen to some of her classmates who have gathered here from various states, countries, and have differing experiences to contribute to most conversations. Perhaps if she were to open her mind and listen she might learns something. Her poorly written rant makes it clear she didn’t pay attention in English classes. She does not reflect our values and expulsion should be considered.
ken • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:31 pm
You are a racist that is all that needs to be said.
fubar • Feb 10, 2019 at 6:18 pm
Yes – white boys should be allowed to talk. See how easy this is?
Michael • Feb 10, 2019 at 5:33 pm
I notice that the author of this piece is listed as a “Goodwill Ambassador” for the college. Is this who the college want to represent them?
Notice her favorite class is gender studies, a one way ticket to hate.
Miguel • Feb 10, 2019 at 5:26 pm
It should come as no surprise that a feminist wrote this piece.
To all the young women reading this, today’s version of feminism is not your mother’s. It is a guaranteed ticket to anger and unhappiness. This woman is full of hate and resentment, buoyed by 3rd wave feminism and intersectionality, Look beyond the fashionable college critical theory programming. Look to the beauty of the true nature of man and woman. That which makes us different binds us.
Greve Smoth • Feb 10, 2019 at 5:04 pm
Yo sick. Burn it all to the ground.
R Daneel • Feb 10, 2019 at 4:45 pm
Thanks for showing your bigotry. I look forward to your efforts to silence us white men.
Hoo bou • Feb 10, 2019 at 4:44 pm
In the real world you will be required to get along with people of all races, ethnicities, ages & religions.
You do not sound ready for that, which does not speak well for either you or your Dickinson education
a bee ee? • Feb 10, 2019 at 4:35 pm
Reading this drivel reinforces my perception that “toxic masculinity” is very thinly disguised code for “women rule”, and that Black Lives Matter means that no one else’s do.
So if it comes down to it, yes I prefer white privilege to black privilege, and patriarchy to rule by the likes of Leda Fisher. There is no compromise.
Geo • Feb 10, 2019 at 4:23 pm
I’ve lived in the South for decades in a mixed mostly black/white neighborhood. Glad it’s not Dickinson’s neighborhood. Who knew Pennsylvania was such a racist hellhole. Ya’ll should come on down; our weather’s better, too.
AlanDean • Feb 10, 2019 at 3:40 pm
>If so, your name is something like Jake, or Chad, or Alex, and you were taught that your voice is the most important in every room.<
The author starts from a faulty premise: Society MOST CERTAINTLY doesn't tell "white boys" this. Who says this? The media? Nope. TV? Nope. Pop culture? Nope. Sports teams? Nope. Music execs? Nope. Silicon Valley? Nope. Colleges? Nope.
The fact is, the only people that tell white boys their voice was important was their parents. And any parents can do that.
Black women on average far exceed white men in terms of success in life relative to parents.
David Tsotsi • Feb 10, 2019 at 2:26 pm
So, so glad this piece has been published. It is extremely important that the full warped and twisted vitriol of people like Leda (and her mother) is laid bare.
This piece proves beyond all doubt that reverse racism and sexism towards white males exists, is growing in boldness and bitterness.
It is obscene to defend this article. Beyond belief. But no, it should not be removed. No, the author should not be expelled or subjected to any form of University discipline. The student body itself must be given free rein to tell Leda why she is wrong, what standards are expected and that while she has the priviledged of free speech, others have the equal right of free criticism. If she lasts more than a few days on campus, then Dickinson is lost.
Aaron J • Feb 10, 2019 at 2:22 pm
Interesting. So making nasty and judgmental attacks against a race and gender is not racist? For all of you clueless “liberals” agreeing with this woman, and espousing the ridiculous post-modern definition of racism, think this through. If racism is a combination of power and prejudice, are you saying that minority people don’t have power over their own attitudes: beliefs or words? You really think that the only form of racism manifests itself in institutional racism? That is only one form as there are many. This hateful, judgmental and yes RACIST article proves it. Leda didn’t have any power over her own beliefs or words or attitude? Are you implying she’s helpless and incapable of acting on her own free will? If you think that, then you’re very ignorant, and should think twice about condemning those who criticize her blatant racism.
This woman is angry; ignorant and yes, racist. Call it what it is and stop enabling crappy behavior. If you so called “liberals” are really interested in ending racism, then call it out on all fronts. Don’t selectively choose whom you condemn and who you justify. The real problem? You’re not liberals. You’re leftists.
nicholas kelly • Feb 10, 2019 at 1:50 pm
Rather than arguing about the intent of the author, why not simply move on to the numbers. The college undergraduate population is 59% female and 41% male. Among all students the percentage who are white is 68%. That means that of the 41% male population that 68% of the total undergraduate population is white males.
Overall this means that 28% of the total undergraduate student population are white males.
How does this underrepresented population somehow monopolize all the discussion among their majority peers?
Pete • Feb 10, 2019 at 1:13 pm
The author of this “opinion” article gives the impression of a hated filled racist hypocrite. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is how we express it that we are judged on. This article sheds a bad light on Dickinson and what is perceived as this was all I received from 4 years of education under their tutelage. I have a student enrolled there and this saddens me that my hard earned dollars are contributing. If I as a white boy wrote an article to his degree I most certainly would be facing hate mail and or someone seeking some sort of retribution. Dickinson administration needs to be seen and heard from.
Arthur Sido • Feb 10, 2019 at 12:34 pm
So a girl attending a college founded by a white man and named after another white man is complaining about white men and no doubt doesn’t see the irony of this. Why not attend one of the many world class universities someplace like Haiti or sub Saharan Africa where you won’t be bothered by any “white boys”?
Mister B • Feb 10, 2019 at 12:28 pm
Congratulations on an outstanding, well written piece! It seems to have the alt right racists of America riled up!
JW • Feb 10, 2019 at 12:24 pm
My God, for a school that places an emphasis on language instruction, the extent to which these comments butcher Latin grammar is mind boggling. If you are a male, you are an alumnus. If you are a woman of color, you most definitely aren’t. You are an alumna. And unless perhaps you are group texting, you are most definitely not an alumni.
Heartland Patriot • Feb 10, 2019 at 12:15 pm
Every student who isn’t a hard-leftist (of which the rant above is merely one egregious example) should transfer to some other school that values actual education over political indoctrination masquerading as education. Let the institution feel the effects of a reduction in their funding. Why do I say that? Because it’s obvious that the writer is being given cover to push such a radical leftist opinion (she wouldn’t say that if she didn’t have some thought it might become reality).
Kristine V • Feb 10, 2019 at 11:38 am
“To Leda’s mother who posted a comment earlier… I get your need to protect your daughter but your rant irritates me even more and is further validation why your daughter needs to be immediately expelled from Dickinson.
I am the mother of a current Dickinson “white boy.” Your daughter, like my son, has every right to speak her mind. But there’s freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment and then there’s Federally sanctioned hate speech based on the color of one’s skin. Your daughter chose the latter when she posted her racist hate-filled opinion piece in the Dickinsonian. Hiding behind a keyboard she marred the College’s reputation on a national level, caused great concern to students’ safety, and made learning in the classroom and the college experience incredibly challenging in an unprecedented level.
You comment about the physical location of Dickinson. Yet you knew the location of the College when your daughter had her first visiting day. She applied, accepted admission, and enrolled anyway. If you or she took issue with Carlisle and the surrounding area you should’ve chosen another school. Apparently, you both didn’t turn away the more than $10,0000/yr scholarship money she receives. I bet a good portion of that money came from white boy families. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!
You also complain about your daughter’s safety. Well now I worry about my son’s safety too. So, there’s a win for her. Every student was fine walking around campus until your daughter spewed her hatred. Now everyone has to look over their shoulder and can’t walk alone. Nice. Your daughter, singlehandedly, has made it unpleasant for herself, my son, and many other students on campus. I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like for a white boy to share a classroom with Leda for the rest of the year, knowing someone has such vile hatred for you.
Again, I get that you’re trying to protect her. I’d do the same if I were in your shoes. But she created this shitstorm (for lack of a better word), and now we all have to deal with it.”
Applause • Feb 10, 2019 at 11:22 am
Instead of getting angry and bent out of shape that Leda expressed what most people of color on Dickinson’s campus feel, how about using your “freedom of speech” to challenge her assertions? My guess is because it is impossible to do so without taking a hard look inside and accepting responsibility.
What Leda is trying to say is that it is irresponsible and ignorant to use your position of privilege to speak about the Black experience in America and to continue doing so only highlights how dense and self serving your are.
Listen and quit whining. Whites are not opressed in this country and this post isn’t racist, it’s truth and if you can’t handle that, well it only shows your privelege further. Get a grip. Go Leda!
MotherofaDickinsonWhiteBoy • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:47 am
To Leda’s mother who posted a comment earlier… I get your need to protect your daughter but your rant irritates me even more and is further validation why your daughter needs to be immediately expelled from Dickinson.
I am the mother of a current Dickinson “white boy.” Your daughter, like my son, has every right to speak her mind. But there’s freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment and then there’s Federally sanctioned hate speech based on the color of one’s skin. Your daughter chose the latter when she posted her racist hate-filled opinion piece in the Dickinsonian. Hiding behind a keyboard she marred the College’s reputation on a national level, caused great concern to students’ safety, and made learning in the classroom and the college experience incredibly challenging in an unprecedented level.
You comment about the physical location of Dickinson. Yet you knew the location of the College when your daughter had her first visiting day. She applied, accepted admission, and enrolled anyway. If you or she took issue with Carlisle and the surrounding area you should’ve chosen another school. Apparently, you both didn’t turn away the more than $10,0000/yr scholarship money she receives. I bet a good portion of that money came from white boy families. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!
You also complain about your daughter’s safety. Well now I worry about my son’s safety too. So, there’s a win for her. Every student was fine walking around campus until your daughter spewed her hatred. Now everyone has to look over their shoulder and can’t walk alone. Nice. Your daughter, singlehandedly, has made it unpleasant for herself, my son, and many other students on campus. I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like for a white boy to share a classroom with Leda for the rest of the year, knowing someone has such vile hatred for you.
Again, I get that you’re trying to protect her. I’d do the same if I were in your shoes. But she created this shitstorm (for lack of a better word), and now we all have to deal with it.
CH • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:30 am
Hey Leda,
I’ve never been ashamed to be a graduate of Dickinson, but if you are the product of what my college is now pushing out – I wish I never became a Red Devil.
For someone who “craves justice and strives for peace” (if you forgot, maybe look at your other opinion piece bashing Israel, but I won’t get into that) you really want to have an open dialogue with all to ensure peace……… yet here you are telling people to shut up? and telling people of a specific race to shut up? my my my, the irony of your twisted logic only perpetuates the very division you speak about. You, Leda Fisher, are the very reason for division in this country. You, Leda Fisher, only promote more racism. You, Leda Fisher, are the reason I will never donate or support Dickinson College ever again.
Will • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:05 am
I’m white and assigned gender male, and you probably don’t want my opinion but here it is:
It’s 2019 and we’re all equal. If we want racism to not exist in society (and as you said, it does!), we need to stop talking about race. Race is a social construct created by insecure white men to oppress others. Don’t play into their narrative by further dividing people along these lines.
Hate is baggage.
Emmaline Greensward • Feb 10, 2019 at 10:01 am
Dear Ms. Cynthia Kolbowski,
It’s grand to see you glorying in your daughter’s questionable behavior, but here’s a “heads up” –>
Normal white folks (or any folks) don’t read the horrific bilge on sites like 4Chan, but thanks for helping them spread their sewage to the rest of the world. I’m sure they’ll be grateful. Now, go peruse the equally horrific merde on pages like the New Black Panthers, or any of the millions of “angry black folks” across the nation, parroting the racist line from the “Professionally Aggrieved.” And, yes, black folks most certainly can be racists. All while pretending their own bitter, horrible prejudice is pristine, and above reproach.
Perhaps your daughter can get a job with Al, or Jesse, or any of the others making a living from promoting this kind of race-based resentment and anger. I’m sure Obama is still handing out gigs.
The rest of us will continue promoting the ideals of “Equal Rights, and 1st Amendment — for ALL.”
jim • Feb 10, 2019 at 9:40 am
To think my great great Uncles and Grand father fought and died on the Union side for you to express such hate. William Chambers 1864
Makes me sad. Sure we all have our opinions, but like my mother always said” if you don’t have anything constructive to say, don’t say it at all.”
Maybe a visit to a phycologist will help.
Jack Serpa • Feb 10, 2019 at 9:24 am
Hi Leda: You succeeded in raising awareness of the problem: that white boys believe they are entitled to talk over others as if they know better. I’m curious if your anger was genuine, or did you intentional layer in that vitriol to stir up this debate thus raising awareness higher. Or am I giving you too much credit?
I’m a white father of a recent white boy graduate.
Dana • Feb 10, 2019 at 2:54 am
As a college student, though not at Dickinson, this article is full of truth, and I commend the author for writing it. Here’s a hint: if you don’t perpetuate these behaviors, then the article doesn’t apply to you. But considering how offended all these people in the comment section are, maybe it hit just a little too close to home. I can’t tell you how many straight white dudes in my classes have “just played devil’s advocate” to add an unneeded, uneducated opinion to an otherwise thoughtful discussion about racial, gender, or sexual discrimination.
There are some articles on this site’s opinion section that are ACTUALLY based off racism — the kind that still hurts people of color in real, tangible ways other than getting offended by truth that someone dared to speak. Yet the only time fellow white people feel angry enough to comment is when someone points out the poor behavior of their friends or children. If you’re interested in learning more about how not liking what someone says on the internet isn’t the same as the institutional racism that people of color and especially Black people face on a daily basis: or if you prefer a more well-known source,
Instead of automatically shouting this article down because it has a title that’s designed to get people to read it, try examining your own behaviors critically . And if you still disagree with it after all that, remember — the “free speech” that you say is being erased when it comes to young bigoted white people also applies to young Black women, and saying this should be taken down while also claiming conservative people are “discriminated against” and having their rights taken away just proves that you don’t really care about free speech at all.
white boy • Feb 10, 2019 at 1:30 am
so it shows, all of the changes in the last 50 years where wrong. White males are indeed smarter and more dedicated to learning and thinking. It was wrong to allow woman to be there – and people of other races.
Now we have hatred on whites, females without children and whites marginalzed by all others hatred.
nice done folks… everything is gone now. no liberal arts anymore.
J. V • Feb 9, 2019 at 10:59 pm
A force to be reckoned with, I would definitely hire you!! Please do not listen to the voices trying to silence you. It’s a shame that people are so “hurt” by this. Clearly, they have never walked a mile in your shoes. Hopefully those people making negative comments never have to ask you for a job…
Thank you!!
Janet V • Feb 9, 2019 at 10:51 pm
I applaud you for this piece. You are entitled to your opinion and if there’s anyone who is uncomfortable with this post, then great! Because things need to be spoken about, this CANNOT nor is it RACIST, it just doesn’t work that way. Continue to voice your opinion! Great read. Thank you! I will be donating to Dickinson thanks to this piece!!
Jada Mills • Feb 9, 2019 at 10:43 pm
I am a black educated female in her mid 30’s, and I read this and think – my sisters, where have we gone wrong???? How did we let miss Leda walk down this path of hate and insecurity? Leda honey you’re going to Dickinson college, not Howard. If white men speaking made you feel so insecure why did you choose a school in the heart of mennonite country?? The issues you have with people which are different than you are personal, and will hold you back in life. Show kindness, strength, and let this undue hate go. You’re being weak and short sighted and its embarrassing to your strong black sisters. Go to church honey. Imma pray for you to get beyond this troubling time. God dont like ugly.
Miroslav • Feb 9, 2019 at 10:21 pm
First generation immigrant, “white” (I guess), Christian male here. Some of my relatives from older generations were killed in wars and turmoils of not-so-distant past, just for their ethnicity and love of freedom and independence. I feel that we are criticizing this writer’s opinion with too much respect, though harshly as it may be, because we value the freedom of speech. There is a very short distance from calling for a racial/gender-based full censorship of a group to calling for elimination of that group, through denying their basic human rights or worse. There’s also an even thinner line between strong convictions and acting upon them, especially if there is a permissive environment to do so. The writer of this article surely is not the only scary person in the world who is extremely hateful and resentful, but I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that a college paper is providing her with this rostrum in the name of diversity of opinions.
Joel • Feb 9, 2019 at 9:57 pm
Thank you, Leda Fisher. I was happy I read your article.
To the other white men criticizing this piece, I would encourage you to take a breath and ten minutes, and think about why you are reacting the way you are.
Acknowledging privilege and accepting when it’s time for you to shut up and listen is an important part of your growth in adult life. Please be willing to accept that there’s truth in areas you have absolutely no experience in or understanding of.
Timothy Murray • Feb 9, 2019 at 8:20 pm
Someday Leda Fisher will look for a job and this dreck will keep her from getting it. That’s what happens when you spew your irrationality all over the internet.
Jay Simpson • Feb 9, 2019 at 8:19 pm
I hope this was disclosed to the Federal Election Commission — it is impossible to see how drivel this inflammatory, unreflective, and cartoonish in lack of academic merit does not count as an in-kind donation to the Trump 2020 campaign.
xnavygunner • Feb 9, 2019 at 8:17 pm
I hope you have to ask a white male for a job and her reads this.
Stacey • Feb 9, 2019 at 6:15 pm
As a feminist and the mother of a Jewish, white boy I have gone to great lengths to educate my son on the concept of “privilege.” In addition, I know firsthand the pain of anti-semitism and misogyny so I can understand your rage and pain. What I can offer to you is some advice and it can simply stated. There is no healing without an effort on your part to intelligently and respectfully engage iin conversation and debate. There is no hope for understanding and empathy when people are shamed or intimidated into silence. Share your story and listen and give “white boys” a chance to know what it is like to walk in your shoes. Hate always begets hate.
Ken • Feb 9, 2019 at 6:02 pm
As a white boy all you did was make me madder than hell & I am going to speak up louder than ever so watch out! If you can’t handle it, tough! What are you going to do about it?
Emmaline Greensward • Feb 9, 2019 at 5:46 pm
Booker T. Washington said it best, way back in 1912. His statement is still just as valid today, if not more so.
“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well.”
~ Booker T. Washington
Anonymous • Feb 9, 2019 at 4:57 pm
DickinsonDad, you are right on target! This is not an argument about the content of the article by Leda, but by the fact that conservatives on campus are routinely condemned and discriminated against by students, professors and administration. There is only free speech on campus if the administration agrees with your views! Otherwise, you are shut down. There is blatant discrimination against conservatives and those who are not LGBTQIA. Truly disappointing! No wonder the college continues to drop in its rankings.
nam marine • Feb 9, 2019 at 4:37 pm
Come and stop me from talking……………………….BOY !
Jeremy X • Feb 9, 2019 at 4:15 pm
The 1st Amendment protects the right of people to speak, write and express themselves.
Sorry – but that’s how the system works.
Victor de Nile • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:56 pm
As a male person of pallor, I’m appalled at the racial insensitivity, and demand the school punish the writer.
00 grad • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:54 pm
Embarrassing article from an overrated college. Even the faculty knows it sucks. That’s why they encourage studying abroad so much.
Collegeiscancer • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:50 pm
This is why more and more people are getting sick of SJWs.
Jeshua Devanti • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:49 pm
As a man of color i stand with this posting. White males are now a minority in many universities across this stolen land. As ppl of color are rising and awakening, we no longer want or need to hear youre voices. Unless you listen first and stand with the rise of ppl of color, i dnt want youre white male opinions. This land we live on was stolen by white males who we all know murdered and raped and destroyed native ppls and renamed this land and made roads and bldngs with names honoring white male thieves and murderers. Then brought slave labor from Africa to build even more. Dont even tell me you had nothing to do with this, white male! You are going to college and creating careers making tins of mny on land youre forefathers stole. And dnt tell me youre forefathers had no part in slavery or murdering natives, or that your forefathers came after slavery, because they still built theyre wealth on land stolen from natives and built by slave labor. And you and every white male today who is making any kind of mny and weakth is making that mny on stolen land with opportunities given you by white males before you who stole the land and murdered and enslaved ppl of color. So with us rising in wealth, and going to college in record numbers and we now dominate music and popular culture and dominate sports, and just voted into offices in record numbers, and even movies are starting to demand us ppl of color, we are the new majority soon, and no, youre voices will not matter to me and most ppl of color. It is our time now, and if you dnt agree with me, again, youre voice means nothing to me. Id love to see the day when you are ran out of this land back to europe.
White Boy • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:24 pm
As a “white boy” myself, I disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death for your right to say it. I only ask that you do the same for me
Lather • Feb 9, 2019 at 3:13 pm
Whether sincere or just trolling for a reaction, congrats on shooting yourself in the foot. You can only fuel division with such an attitude! Furthermore, your need to capitalize “Black” is both sad and amusing. So much identity invested in skin…
GigaNite • Feb 9, 2019 at 2:52 pm
Hey Leda,
What makes you think that you are “Black?” I’m guessing you are an American, middle-class, native English speaker, whose core psyche would be readily measurable as “standard American” female, and that you and the “White Boys” have more in common psychologically, socially, emotionally, morally, and aesthetically (if not also phenotypically, physiologically, genetically and in terms of health) than you do with a person of purely African ancestry.
Certainly you may be a “person of color” and have phenotypic characteristics which lead you and others to identify you as “Black” or as “African American” but are you actually Black in the sense that you truly are distinctive from those guys you are accusing of being White Boys?
If you have never actually bothered to take the coursework which would help you to be informed sufficiently to think critically about these questions, or for that matter have always assumed you know everything about yourself you need to know simply because of your skin color, hair color, hair texture or some basic facial features, then I’ve got to tell you: you are being a racist in how you judge your own identity.
After eight years of “the first Black President” I would have hoped that our society would have moved far beyond these petty, ignorant, misguided, acrimonious, self-important wallowing and whining fits. But no, Mr. Obama squandered what was likely the most golden opportunity given to a person of color ever. Instead of actually diminishing racialism and the validity of the concept of race, he buttressed it and did seemingly everything in his power to re-establish racial divides and racial hostility and to portray the state of diversity and equality of opportunity in America as being about 30 or 40 years behind where it actually is.
I’m convinced that the state of racial harmony is at this stage in 2019 many years “behind” the state of advance it had achieved in the late 1990s. If you don’t have the empirical acumen to dispel such impressions then you are honestly not in any place to judge whether those White Boys you loathe are really any more privileged than you are.
Ryan Travis • Feb 9, 2019 at 2:44 pm
This poor woman deserves a refund for any educational expenditures she’s made. She was no doubt better educated her first day of class than she will be at graduation.
Nonsensical articles like this one, along with mind-numbingly ignorant and uninformed political excrement like we see on a daily basis from Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her preposterous regurgitation of the Communist Manifesto (Green New Deal), are the result of at least 25 years or more of a professoriate echo chamber based on cultural Marxism (it was called “conflict theory” in the ’90s). This fanciful ideology, born in a twirling merry-go-round of envy in the recesses of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, divides the world along every imaginable category, declaring some oppressors and others oppressed. This dichotomy is understood to fuel human history, and if one is fortunate enough in modern times to be labeled “oppressed” in this errant schema, one is immune from any of the rules that bind said oppressor. Can you claim victimization? Congratulations! You can discriminate and chastise people on the basis of race and gender all you want — it is *impossible* to be racist or sexist if you hurl racial slurs at a white male because racism is conveniently redefined in a way that has nothing to do with race. Poor unenlightened MLK, whose dream was (I speak as a cultural Marxist, not a sane human being) for people to be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin! He should have dreamed all along that his children would judge others on their skin color all day long, character be damned. Listen: If you believe that it is impossible for a member of a minority race to be racist, than a 3 year-old is literally smarter than you. Scripture rightly prophesied you: “Professing to be wise, they became fools.”
Thank God this poor writer and people like AOC are letting the broader population see this fool-hearty delusion now before it’s too late to mitigate its societally ruinous poison.
Andrew Cuddy • Feb 9, 2019 at 2:38 pm
Racism. Sexism. Abandon the 1st Amendment? What is going on at Dickinson?
Leda, you young people need to think about the consequences of your college actions. Just look at what is transpiring with the governor of VA. Evidence of his racism followed him into adulthood. You have memorialized your racism and sexism in the school paper.
As an employer I routinely look at a prospect’s online presence to see if it is campatible with my law practice. If I saw this kind of racism expressed in your online activity, I certainly would not be calling you for an interview.
You’re about to enter the job market, Leda. Time to grow up!
WALTER ADAMS • Feb 9, 2019 at 2:17 pm
My first act asKing would be to throw Barack Obama UNDER the jail.
Because he was elected to office in a nation where “White Boys” are still the biggest single voting block, and then, he took the progress of long, excruciatingly tedious decades of social and racial reconciliation between the Races and tossed it down the toilet as though it were worth nothing at all and set us back 60 years.
Rarely has such a priceless opportunity been so flippantly squandered.
The hope of all the white people who genuinely rejoiced that a Black Man had been elected to the highest possible office, the hope that finally we might be on the last lap of the endless marathon, thrown right into our faces and our faith greeted with rage and contempt.
Our good faith efforts spat upon.
Our attitude now when informed that Blacks suffer from injustice?
I used to, but not anymore.
Moshe Ben Avram • Feb 9, 2019 at 2:15 pm
As a Jewish White Boy who proudly served 17 years in the US Army, and intensely hates anyone telling me to shut the hell up, I read your rant with interest and I think I have the following solution for you should you decide to accept it. If you find that you really cannot stand the sound of “White Boys” talking, as a free United States citizen, you have the right and or the courage of your convictions, to leave the USA and go to the location of your choice where the preponderance of “White Boys” is low, and the preponderance of “Black Boys” is high. This would solve your problem of having to listen to us talk, and it would also solve the problem of us having to listen, or in this case read, about you bellyaching about it.
Domingo • Feb 9, 2019 at 2:07 pm
The thing that is really scary is that people like Ocasio Cortez and Kamala Harris are ideologically very similar to Fisher and Harris stands a good chance to become the next president of the United States.
Dixie Normous • Feb 9, 2019 at 1:56 pm
Here I thought that Dickinson College was an elite instution with high admission standards. After reading this article it’s clear they will let any person with an 80 IQ in. Sad that Dickinson wasted so many resources on Ms. Fisher.
James Byrnes • Feb 9, 2019 at 1:32 pm
What filth. Is this what Dickinson thinks is okay? She should be expelled.
Richard D McCreedy • Feb 9, 2019 at 1:27 pm
I’s a college student writing this. What else do you expect?
another white one • Feb 9, 2019 at 1:05 pm
I am grateful we live in an ever evolving society where the norms are increasingly more conscious and sensitive to injustices, where mocking, sexists, bigoted, racists and/or hateful actions are beginning to have real world consequences. It’s a bumpy road, but as we continue to progress (or regress in your case), leaders within our institutions are, and will ever be, increasingly held to account for their present and past actions as we collectively judge the character of those members wishing to lead our society. Social media and the internet, like it or not, will be our ledger.
That said I am so thankful for your honest and open opinion piece Leda, as I am confident, that in the ever-evolving future your personal opportunity to serve in a potential leadership role in our society will be nixed.
Some years from now, this opinion piece will resurface, our ever expanding societal expectations will hold you accountable for your past racists, sexist and hate filled words and ideas. How could someone with your hateful ideology represent an inclusive country, state or county, let alone a school board or aspire to principle of an elementary school? Won’t happen. I am confident in the evolution that disallows selective racism, sexism, and other hateful ideologies you so angrily adhere to and I ensure you Leda, your type will be cast out of leadership roles in a kinder, more inclusive society.
I won’t repeat the obvious equality remarks listed within the comment section here that I am sure you have read by now. What I will offer you is something more valuable, a way out. This may be, as a young person, a good time to seriously reflect on how you ended up down this road… as a racist bigot, a person of hate. I know there is some love in your heart, compassion as well. Serious and honest self examination may lead to some healing for you and perhaps this is a learning moment that can change and alter the thinking and feelings you are dealing with. Please search for the origin of your hate, you may think it is in the grander historical past, likely you’ve been taught such, but if you fail to recognize the misstep in justifying your own internal racism how can you hold any other racist accountable? Hate begets hate. You won’t find lasting answers and peace until you recognize it is an internal struggle. Others are externalizing your struggle to their political and ideological advantage -a technique used no different by other racist and hate-filled entities on the opposite spectrum. Jung will be of help to you. Please search.
Even the most hateful of racists can change Leda, my suggestion is in your self exploration spend some time listening to Daryl Davis. Please consider meeting him if you can. That is if you don’t mind listening to a black American male (I am not sure of his sexual proclivity if that matters to you…). People like Daryl are changing people like you, one person at a time. Maybe you will someday hand over to him your Dickinson cap and gown.
I sincerely wish you luck Leda in changing your heart and mind, and if there be none, I very much look forward to your influential demise.
Jacob Sofsky Dickinson alumnus • Feb 9, 2019 at 12:57 pm
I was amused that President Ensign wrote “Dickinson believes in free speech” as this is not the case. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the premier academic free speech advocate awarded their (anti-free) Speech Code of the Month award to Dickinson which can be seen here.
Some quotes:
Dickinson has a “Bias Education and Response Team” that investigates reportable behavior defined as ““discriminatory macro- and micro-aggressions that violate our community standards.”
“If it were not already clear that Dickinson is chilling free and open debate on campus by encouraging its students to report on one another for subjectively offensive speech, consider this: The college cautions that “[a]ny effort to dismiss the validity of the incident reports that the Team has responded to risks minimizing and invalidating the authentic experiences our students have reported.”
Add this to the report by DickinsonDad above and I am reminded of Mr. Orwell’s cautionary tale. To paraphrase, in Dickinson all have free speech, but some have more free speech than others.
President Ensign informs us that Ms. Fisher “does not speak for the college.” That may be true but given the deference afforded her opinions, Ms. Fisher is likely an accurate example of what a Dickinson liberal arts education is producing in the current era.
mark anella • Feb 9, 2019 at 12:36 pm
As a white man, I agree with Leda.
Billy Irving • Feb 9, 2019 at 11:59 am
Most of the people who are commenting obviously havent read the article and have just gotten upset about the headline. It sucks because they seem to need this article most of all. The article is not inflammatory in any way.
The rest aren’t even Dickinson students and are just brigading from Twitter. They aren’t commenting in good faith. The Dickinsonian has published mostly far-right oriented op-eds in the past few months, and it goes to show how reactionary our society is that one of the few further left articles instantly goes viral.
peter schweizer '68 • Feb 9, 2019 at 11:57 am
I am disgusted that my Dickinson, a place of higher learning and free ideas with merrit, would print this trash.
I am a white boy and was raised to be respectful of all races, however in the face of all the Black rage at white people i have become a bit more opinionated.
peter schweizer
Brave Captain of Industry • Feb 9, 2019 at 11:47 am
Either one of the great satires recently written , or a deeply pathological exegesis of a broken culture.
Or both.
alan a higgins • Feb 9, 2019 at 11:43 am
what I read in this piece, is she wrote this piece in the heat of the moment and venting, because she was trying to talk and the white guys where talking over her, when she was given her opinion. but i all so get the feeling of some racist but maybe that is your up bring, or to much media..if you would have more about this piece before you wrote it it would have had power behind it, and reword it some so it didn’t sound so racist because not all White Boys are the same…. so good luck with that